Schools Schools Arts & Culture Healthcare Higher Education Leisure Mixed Use Residential Workplace We have worked for around 40 different school clients and won 16 RIBA awards in the sector Schools reflect our social, environmental and architectural values, as well as the economic and education policies that shape them Whether new-build or refurbishment, in the state or independent sector, in the UK or overseas, we design our schools as civic buildings to enrich the lives of those who learn and teach in them and the communities they serve AWARDS 2017 Civic Trust Regional Award, Bedales School of Art & Design 2017 Civic Trust Regional Award, Bedales School of Art & Design 2017 RIBA National Award, Bedales School Art and Design Building 2017 RIBA Regional Sustainability Award, Bedales School Art and Design Building 2017 RIBA Regional Project Architect of the year Award, Bedales School Art and Design Building 2017 RIBA Regional Client of the year Award, Bedales School Art and Design Building 2016 RIBA Regional project Architect of the Year Award, Plymouth School of Creative Arts 2016 RIBA Regional Award, Plymouth School of Creative Arts 2015 NLA Award, Education – Built, William Perkin Church of England High School 2015 RIBA Regional Award, William Perkin Church of England High School 2014 RIBA Award, The Lee Building 2014 RIBA Regional Award, Tudor Grange 2014 RIBA Award, Drapers’ Academy 2013 RIBA Award, St Peter’s Catholic Primary 2013 RIBA Award Sustainability, St Peter’s Catholic Primary 2013 RIBA Regional Award, Aston University Engineering Academy 2012 RIBA Regional Award, Brighton Aldridge Community Academy 2011 RIBA Award, Chelsea Academy 2011 Building Award, Public Building of the Year, Chelsea Academy 2009 Architect of the Year Award, Schools Architect of the Year 2009 Civic Trust Award, Samworth Academy, Leicester 2009 RIBA Award, St Mary Magdalene Academy, London 2008 RIBA Award, Science Technology Centre, OundleSchool 2007 Civic Trust Awards, Special Award for Education, Northampton Academy Bedales School Art and Design Building Bedales School Art and Design Building Client: Bedales School Location: Petersfield Completion: Autumn 2016 Bedales School is set in an area of outstanding natural beauty on the edge of the South Downs National Park in the village of Steep near Petersfield Constructed around a substantial and beautiful oak tree within a new court and central lawn the new Art and Design building has a strong sense of place The design of the building draws references from traditional agricultural buildings with clipped gables and simple standing-seam metal roofs, defining a series of connected barn forms Materials were used in their natural state throughout: a lattice timber screen shelters the entrance canopy and external walkway creating a welcoming gesture on approach to the building The layout on the upper floor is a series of carefully scaled open and interconnected north-lit art studios that enable teaching and independent study for a wide range of group sizes and activities On the ground floor heavier duty craftbased design subjects are taught alongside jewellery and fashion design Through passive building principles, the new Art and Design building retains the school’s long and close connection to the countryside The form and east-west orientation of the five pitched roofs of the new Art and Design building define a series of carefully scaled, north-lit studio spaces Natural light is maximised and the need for artificial lighting reduced In what is otherwise a lightweight building, the thermal mass of exposed concrete surfaces contributes to a stable internal temperature Timber-slatted screens and the retained large oak tree both provide solar shading in the summer months Renewable natural materials, including sustainably sourced timber for cladding and wood fibre acoustic panels, reduce the embodied carbon in the construction Plymouth School of Creative Arts Plymouth School of Creative Arts Client: Kier Construction Location: Plymouth Completion: March 2015 Plymouth School of Creative Arts, affectionately known as The Red House, is a place to develop the richness and individuality of human creativity This all-through school, located on an inner city brownfield site and sponsored by Plymouth College of Art, allows 4-16 year olds to connect with a local artistic tradition going back to 1845 Through making, performing and discovering, the school pursues its core intention of ‘Creating Individuals and Making Futures’ This ambition for a creative educational habitat requires a departure from conventional teaching methods and spaces; it requires an entirely new ecology Industrial in character and varying in height, plan, light and scale, the school’s design stimulates and charges the teaching environment It is a place for making things - making ideas, making technology and making art The school’s values guided the design of this building and we reciprocated by putting those values on show with three interlocking spaces to create clarity, legibility and a unique teaching atmosphere This school is a new prototype for creative learning It’s a building of the arts, a gateway to Plymouth, and a new heart for the local community The building uses robust, long life materials and harnesses renewable energy Onsite renewable technologies include a 250sqm PV array system installed on the roof, resulting in a 17% reduction against predicted carbon emissions of the building Its U-Values were increased to better its passive performance beyond building regulations There is excellent quality of natural light, while all light fittings are low energy with daylight controls and absence detection Ventilation is tailored to the variable site conditions and administered by an intelligent BMS Combinations of mechanical, natural and locally operable systems moderate the environment St Mary’s RC Primary School, Wandsworth, London St Mary’s RC Primary School, Wandsworth, London Client: Taylor Wimpey Central London with Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark / Network Rail Location: Wandsworth, London Completion: September 2016 The new building for an existing school, previously on the site, provides an inspiring teaching environment at the heart of FCBStudios’ mixed-use ‘Battersea Exchange’ development and has its front door onto a new public square The school is arranged around a central courtyard and a series of terraced play spaces including a spectacular roof-top multi-use games area, all of which offer a fantastic foundation for learning The street opposite the playground acts as a spill out space from the playground with soft landscaping and informal play integrated into the street design The traffic on this street is controlled with access for deliveries and emergency vehicles only The central portion of the school is set back from the street edge creating a series of courtyard gardens that soften this edge of the building and give the playgrounds some privacy The Roman Catholic Diocese invested in enhanced space standards beyond then-EFA guidance Many of the features incorporated are those that we know contribute to lifting the character and quality of school environments, such as exposed thermal mass, natural ventilation, high levels of daylight, bright and generous circulation spaces and a variety of outdoor landscapes Early Years and Key Stage classrooms all have access to external space and a big slide provides joyful access to the central courtyard St Mary Magdalene Academy, Islington, London Aga Khan Academy, Dhaka Aga Khan Academy, Dhaka Client: The Aga Khan Academies Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh Completion due: 2020 This 1200-student residential school is located on a 20-acre site near the centre of Dhaka, Bangladesh The school is part of a network of state of the art K12 schools, being established by His Highness the Aga Khan The Academy is arranged around a central ‘Maidan’ community gathering space and sports field, linked by a continuous colonnade, and interspersed by landscape courtyards of varying character The classical Masterplan layout is derived from our studies of the original Buddhist universities of the region The result is an architectural language which showcases intricate brickwork techniques set against ‘jali’ screen detailing as a contemporary interpretation of an important local tradition This project is a collaboration between FCBStudios and Rafiq Azam of Shatotto in Dhaka The Aga Khan Academies aim to support long-term national and regional development by providing an international standard of education and strong leadership experience to talented students The students are selected based on merit, regardless of socioeconomic background, and will become future home-grown leaders The Academies also strengthen national education systems by providing professional development and modelling best practices as centres of excellence Through the Aga Khan Academies there are 18 planned locations across Africa, the Middle East, Central and South Asia and Europe Charter School East Dulwich, London Charter School East Dulwich, London Client: Kier London and London Borough of Southwark for The Charter Schools Education Trust Location: East Dulwich, Southwark, London Completion: January 2019 The Charter School East Dulwich is a new 8FE secondary school, funded by the Free Schools programme and the London Borough of Southwark It will ultimately provide education for 1680 local students from 11-18 years, making it FCBStudios’ largest school to date Conceived as a campus of individual buildings, each with a distinct function and united by landscape, the two buildings in the completed first phase of this major regeneration project opened in early 2019 A third new building, remaining landscaping and refurbishment of the ‘chateau’ - the retained chapel of former 19th century St Saviour’s Union infirmary, will form phase Sitting parallel to a railway line along the site’s northern boundary, the main building forms a back-drop to the site from the south It provides specialist facilities for the study of science, design technology and art and design, together with all the general teaching spaces Following the line of an existing terrace, its position allows a long view through the site from East Dulwich Grove Designed for ease of operation and maintenance, the environmental design optimises solar orientation to maximise daylight and minimise overheating Oversize windows provide generous views out and make the most of the site’s established trees and views across London to lift the spirits of staff and students Working within the acoustic constraints imposed by the neighbouring railway, Natural Ventilation Heat Recovery units have been neatly coordinated with windows and M&E services to deliver fresh air throughout the teaching spaces and provide simple individual control of the classroom environment PVs are installed on both buildings’ roofs and the exposed concrete structure provides thermal mass throughout Hastings Academy, East Sussex Hastings Academy, East Sussex Client: Kier Longley Location: East Sussex Completion: March 2013 Hastings Academy was designed to replace a failing school and to help regenerate the beautiful but under-resourced Ore Valley The new two storey secondary school is set in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, on a steeply sloping site with excellent views out to the sea and across open countryside The design team has taken every opportunity to convert these unusual site conditions into positive aspects for pupils and teachers The honeycomb form of the building – eight learning blocks around a central presentation space - has been arranged to ensure as many teaching spaces as possible have views across the landscape The central space has a fully glazed wall looking over the Ore Valley and, by exploiting the natural slope of the site, every floor of the building has direct access to outdoor spaces The Academy, with its exceptional leadership team, has already transformed the lives of many of its students and has increased its Ofsted rating to ‘Good’ Lake Bunyonyi Community School, Uganda Lake Bunyonyi Community School, Uganda It is anticipated Client: The Lake Bunyonyi Development Company Location: Lake Bunyonyi, Uganda Completion: 2014 eventually be able to The Lake Bunyonyi Christian Community Vocational and Secondary School (LBCCVSS), was set up in 2006 due to high demand for education and vocational skills in the local area The school is located on the shores of Lake Bunyonyi in the far south-west corner of Uganda, close to Rwanda In this rural community the majority of pupils live too far from the school to travel in every day, so most board and many are orphans The school charges very low fees with around 40% of pupils who are unable to pay admitted for free It is funded by its sister charity the Lake Bunyonyi Development Company, which runs a tourist camp on Bushara Island Both organisations were set up and are run entirely by Ugandans from the local area, with no state funding Together the Richard Feilden Foundation and the Happold Trust donated £25,000 for the first phase, which included engineering works (to secure the school grounds due to the very steep nature of the site and heavy rainfall in the wet season), an open dining hall structure, classrooms, new kitchen and latrines A similar amount has been contributed for the second phase which includes a 2-storey dormitory with classrooms and workspaces that the school will self-fund future plans for the site envisaged in the long-term masterplan Alongside the built infrastructure, we have helped support income-generating activities for the school to be financially self-sustainable These include a beekeeping project to sell honey in local markets, rabbit and goat farming, and a government subsidised tea plantation on the school grounds It is anticipated that the school will eventually be able to self-fund future plans for the site envisaged in the long-term masterplan, including a staff accommodation block, new classroom block and a ‘Welcome’ Building.’ Onwards and Upwards School, Kampala, Uganda Onwards and Upwards School, Kampala, Uganda Client: PEAS (Promoting Equality in African Schools) Location: Buloba, Uganda Completion: February 2008 This new secondary school complex on the outskirts of Kampala was completed by the Feilden Foundation (FF) in 2008 The FF collaborated with PEAS, a charity which provides low cost secondary school education PEAS focus on providing very high level of education in their schools through supportive teacher training and strong governance of the school which involves the local community at a low-cost price for local families The school also provides boarding facilities for children who have no local family home to return to The work and learning though building the Onwards and Upwards school initiated the Foundation’s project to create an illustrated Ugandan School Design Guide to provide basic school design principles and parameters for local people Forest High School, Kikandwa, Uganda Forest High School, Kikandwa, Uganda Client: PEAS (Promoting Equality in African Schools) and The New Forests Company Location: Kikandwa, Uganda Completion: 2008 Forest High School opened in 2008, serving the local rural community of Kikandwa, in Mubende District, Western Uganda This was the Feilden Foundation’s second collaborative project with PEAS* (Promoting Equality in African Schools) The New Forests Company approached PEAS to create a partnership when they developed a plantation near Kikandwe Each party provided half the initial capital costs for the project The FF became involved in the project after it had started on site PEAS prepared a masterplan with other local architects and intended to use the building typologies developed by FF This process allowed us to learn from the construction process in Buloba with the Onwards & Upwards School and improve on some of the designs for the building types The school has many of their own income-generating initiatives in place such as fish-farming and tomato growing to remain financially sustainable One of the major contributions the Feilden Foundation made to Forest High School was the design of the Tracy Emin Library Tracy Emin donated the money to construct this library which was to be a landmark building The library is sited around a tree to which creates a cool, shaded courtyard The time frame was approximately six weeks from initiating the design to completion Kingswood School Masterplan, Bath Kingswood School Masterplan, Bath Client: Kingswood School Location: Bath Completion: December 2013 FCBS were commissioned in April 2013 to undertake a Strategic Estates Strategy Plan for Kingswood School The masterplan looks to establish a long-term framework for development and includes residential for both staff and students, sports complex, school hall, new teaching facilities including a Prep School The study, due to be completed later this year will support a number of future planning applications © 2021 Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios LLP Bath Brewery, Toll Bridge Road, Bath BA1 7DE +44 (0)1225 852545 Carver’s Warehouse, 77 Dale Street, Manchester M1 2HG +44 (0)161 883 2544 Twenty, Tottenham Street, London W1T 4RG +44 (0)20 7323 5737 Commercial Court, Belfast BT1 2NB +44 (0)28 9099 2760 Studio 2, 5a Calton Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8DL +44 131 285 7370 .. .Schools Arts & Culture Healthcare Higher Education Leisure Mixed Use Residential Workplace We have worked for around 40 different school clients and won 16 RIBA awards in the sector Schools. .. School, The London Borough of Ealing and The London Diocesan Board for Schools, for whom we have designed two other secondary schools (St Mary Magdalene Academy and Chelsea Academy) The school’s... secondary pupils The three schools have been constructed around the existing secondary school in a phased approach, forming a large courtyard connecting the different schools with shared space