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1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Dr Samuel Thier, President of Brandeis University and former Professor and Chairman of Penn’s Medical School Dr Stanley Cohen, Kwoh-Ting Li Professor of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine Dr David Kessler, Director, U.S Food and Drug Administration Dr Michael Brown, Nobel Laureate; Paul J Thomas Professor of Medicine and Genetics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dr Louis Sokoloff, Chief, Laboratory of Cerebral Metabolism, National Institutes of Mental Health Dr Philip R Lee, former Assistant Secretary for Health, DHHS Dr Francis S Collins, Director, National Human Genome Research Institute of the NIH Dr Stanley B Prusiner, Professor of Neurology at UCSF and winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize for Medicine Dr Kenneth I Shine, President, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences Dr Jordan J Cohen, President, Association of American Medical Colleges Dr Michael S Brown, C'62, M'66, Nobel Laureate; Paul J Thomas Professor of Molecular Genetics; Director, Jonsson Center for Molecular Genetics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dr Anthony S Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH Dr Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, President and CEO, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Dr Henry W Foster, Jr., Professor Emeritus and former Dean, School of Medicine, Meharry Medical College and Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vanderbilt University Dr Helene D Gayle, Director of the HIV, TB, and Reproductive Health Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Dr Jeffrey M Leiden, Former President and Chief Operating Officer, Pharmaceutical Products Group, Abbott Laboratories 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Dr Atul Gawande, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School Dr Jordan J Cohen, President Emeritus, Association of American Medical Colleges, Professor of Medicine and Public Health, George Washington University Dr Christine K Cassel, President and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine and ABIM Foundation Dr Arthur L Caplan, PhD, The Emmanual and Robert Hart Director of the Center for Bioethics and the Sydney D Caplan Professor of Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania Dr Arthur H Rubenstein, Executive Vice President and Dean Dr Peter C Agre, University Professor and Director, Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, Bloomberg school of Public Health Dr Nicole Lurie, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response RADM, U.S Public Health Service, U.S Department of Health and Human Services Dr Elizabeth G Nabel, MD, President, Brigham and Women’s Healthcare, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Dr Gaetano Thiene, Professor of Pathology, University of Padua Medical School Dr Michael S Brown, Regental Professor, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dr Robert M Wachter, Distinguished Professor, Chair of the Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco Dr Gail Morrison, William Maul Measey President’s Distinguished Professor in Medical Education, Special Advisor to the EVP/Dean, Executive Director Innovation Center for Online Medical Education Dr Reed V Tuckson, Managing Director of Tuckson Health Connections, LLC Dr Katrina A Armstrong, Jackson Professor of Clinical Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Chair of the Department of Medicine and Physician-in-Chief of Massachusetts General Hospital

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2022, 05:54