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Java™ Foundations pot

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Cấu trúc

  • Cover

  • Title Page

  • Copyright

  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Chapter 1 Introduction

    • 1.1 The Java Programming Language

      • A Java Program

      • Comments

      • Identifiers and Reserved Words

      • White Space

    • 1.2 Program Development

      • Programming Language Levels

      • Editors, Compilers, and Interpreters

      • Development Environments

      • Syntax and Semantics

      • Errors

    • 1.3 Problem Solving

    • 1.4 Software Development Activities

    • 1.5 Object-Oriented Programming

      • Object-Oriented Software Principles

  • Chapter 2 Data and Expressions

    • 2.1 Character Strings

      • The print and println Methods

      • String Concatenation

      • Escape Sequences

    • 2.2 Variables and Assignment

      • Variables

      • The Assignment Statement

      • Constants

    • 2.3 Primitive Data Types

      • Integers and Floating Points

      • Characters

      • Booleans

    • 2.4 Expressions

      • Arithmetic Operators

      • Operator Precedence

      • Increment and Decrement Operators

      • Assignment Operators

    • 2.5 Data Conversion

      • Conversion Techniques

    • 2.6 Reading Input Data

      • The Scanner Class

  • Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects

    • 3.1 Creating Objects

      • Aliases

    • 3.2 The String Class

    • 3.3 Packages

      • The import Declaration

    • 3.4 The Random Class

    • 3.5 The Math Class

    • 3.6 Formatting Output

      • The NumberFormat Class

      • The DecimalFormat Class

      • The printf Method

    • 3.7 Enumerated Types

    • 3.8 Wrapper Classes

      • Autoboxing

  • Chapter 4 Conditionals and Loops

    • 4.1 Boolean Expressions

      • Equality and Relational Operators

      • Logical Operators

    • 4.2 The if Statement

      • The if-else Statement

      • Using Block Statements

      • The Conditional Operator

      • Nested if Statements

    • 4.3 Comparing Data

      • Comparing Floats

      • Comparing Characters

      • Comparing Objects

    • 4.4 The switch Statement

    • 4.5 The while Statement

      • Infinite Loops

      • Nested Loops

      • Other Loop Controls

    • 4.6 Iterators

      • Reading Text Files

    • 4.7 The do Statement

    • 4.8 The for Statement

      • Iterators and for Loops

      • Comparing Loops

  • Chapter 5 Writing Classes

    • 5.1 Classes and Objects Revisited

      • Identifying Classes and Objects

      • Assigning Responsibilities

    • 5.2 Anatomy of a Class

      • Instance Data

      • UML Class Diagrams

    • 5.3 Encapsulation

      • Visibility Modifiers

      • Accessors and Mutators

    • 5.4 Anatomy of a Method

      • The return Statement

      • Parameters

      • Local Data

      • Constructors Revisited

    • 5.5 Static Class Members

      • Static Variables

      • Static Methods

    • 5.6 Class Relationships

      • Dependency

      • Dependencies Among Objects of the Same Class

      • Aggregation

      • The this Reference

    • 5.7 Method Design

      • Method Decomposition

      • Method Parameters Revisited

    • 5.8 Method Overloading

    • 5.9 Testing

      • Reviews

      • Defect Testing

      • Unit Testing

      • Integration Testing

      • System Testing

      • Test-Driven Development

    • 5.10 Debugging

      • Simple Debugging with print Statements

      • Debugging Concepts

  • Chapter 6 Graphical User Interfaces

    • 6.1 GUI Elements

      • Frames and Panels

      • Buttons and Action Events

      • Determining Event Sources

    • 6.2 More Components

      • Text Fields

      • Check Boxes

      • Radio Buttons

      • Sliders

      • Combo Boxes

      • Timers

    • 6.3 Layout Managers

      • Flow Layout

      • Border Layout

      • Grid Layout

      • Box Layout

      • Containment Hierarchies

    • 6.4 Mouse and Key Events

      • Mouse Events

      • Key Events

      • Extending Adapter Classes

    • 6.5 Dialog Boxes

      • File Choosers

      • Color Choosers

    • 6.6 Some Important Details

      • Borders

      • Tool Tips and Mnemonics

    • 6.7 GUI Design

  • Chapter 7 Arrays

    • 7.1 Array Elements

    • 7.2 Declaring and Using Arrays

      • Bounds Checking

      • Alternate Array Syntax

      • Initializer Lists

      • Arrays as Parameters

    • 7.3 Arrays of Objects

    • 7.4 Command-Line Arguments

    • 7.5 Variable-Length Parameter Lists

    • 7.6 Two-Dimensional Arrays

      • Multidimensional Arrays

  • Chapter 8 Inheritance

    • 8.1 Creating Subclasses

      • The protected Modifier

      • The super Reference

      • Multiple Inheritance

    • 8.2 Overriding Methods

      • Shadowing Variables

    • 8.3 Class Hierarchies

      • The Object Class

      • Abstract Classes

    • 8.4 Visibility

    • 8.5 Designing for Inheritance

      • Restricting Inheritance

  • Chapter 9 Polymorphism

    • 9.1 Late Binding

    • 9.2 Polymorphism via Inheritance

    • 9.3 Interfaces

      • Interface Hierarchies

      • The Comparable Interface

      • The Iterator Interface

    • 9.4 Polymorphism via Interfaces

      • Event Processing

  • Chapter 10 Exceptions

    • 10.1 Exception Handling

    • 10.2 Uncaught Exceptions

    • 10.3 The try-catch Statement

      • The finally Clause

    • 10.4 Exception Propagation

    • 10.5 The Exception Class Hierarchy

      • Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

    • 10.6 I/O Exceptions

  • Chapter 11 Recursion

    • 11.1 Recursive Thinking

      • Infinite Recursion

      • Recursion in Math

    • 11.2 Recursive Programming

      • Recursion vs. Iteration

      • Direct vs. Indirect Recursion

    • 11.3 Using Recursion

      • Traversing a Maze

      • The Towers of Hanoi

  • Chapter 12 Analysis of Algorithms

    • 12.1 Algorithm Efficiency

    • 12.2 Growth Functions and Big-Oh Notation

    • 12.3 Comparing Growth Functions

      • Method Calls

      • Analyzing Recursive Algorithms

  • Chapter 13 Searching and Sorting

    • 13.1 Searching

      • Linear Search

      • Binary Search

    • 13.2 Sorting

      • Selection Sort

      • Insertion Sort

      • Bubble Sort

      • Quick Sort

      • Merge Sort

    • 13.3 Analyzing Searching and Sorting Algorithms

      • Comparing Search Algorithms

      • Comparing Sort Algorithms

  • Chapter 14 Stacks

    • 14.1 Introduction to Collections

      • Abstract Data Types

      • The Java Collections API

    • 14.2 A Stack Collection

    • 14.3 Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Generics

      • Generics

    • 14.4 A Stack ADT

    • 14.5 Using Stacks: Evaluating Postfix Expressions

    • 14.6 Exceptions

    • 14.7 Implementing a Stack: with Arrays

      • Managing Capacity

    • 14.8 The ArrayStack Class

      • The push Operation

      • The pop Operation

      • The peek Operation

      • Other Operations

    • 14.9 References as Links

    • 14.10 Managing Linked Lists

      • Accessing Elements

      • Inserting Nodes

      • Deleting Nodes

      • Sentinel Nodes

    • 14.11 Elements Without Links

      • Doubly Linked Lists

    • 14.12 Implementing a Stack: With Links

      • The LinkedStack Class

      • The push Operation

      • The pop Operation

      • Other Operations

    • 14.13 Implementing Stacks: The Java.Util.Stack Class

      • Unique Operations

      • Inheritance and Implementation

    • 14.14 Packages

      • Organizing Packages

      • Using CLASSPATH

  • Chapter 15 Queues

    • 15.1 A Queue ADT

    • 15.2 Using Queues: Code Keys

    • 15.3 Using Queues: Ticket Counter Simulation

    • 15.4 Implementing Queues: With Links

      • The enqueue Operation

      • The dequeue Operation

      • Other Operations

    • 15.5 Implementing Queues: With Arrays

      • The enqueue Operation

      • The dequeue Operation

      • Other Operations

  • Chapter 16 Trees

    • 16.1 Tree Terminology

      • Tree Classifications

    • 16.2 Tree Traversals

      • Preorder Traversal

      • Inorder Traversal

      • Postorder Traversal

      • Level-Order Traversal

    • 16.3 Strategies for Implementing Trees

      • Computed Links in an Array

      • Stored Links in an Array

      • Linked Nodes

    • 16.4 A Binary Tree Implementation

    • 16.5 Decision Trees

  • Chapter 17 Binary Search Trees

    • 17.1 Binary Search Trees

      • Adding an Element to a Binary Search Tree

      • Removing an Element from a Binary Search Tree

    • 17.2 Binary Search Tree Implementation

    • 17.3 Balanced Binary Search Trees

      • Right Rotation

      • Left Rotation

      • Right-Left Rotation

      • Left-Right Rotation

  • Chapter 18 Heaps and Priority Queues

    • 18.1 Heaps

      • Adding an Element to a Heap

      • Removing the Largest Element from a Heap

    • 18.2 Heap Implementation

    • 18.3 Heap Sort

    • 18.4 Priority Queues

  • Chapter 19 Graphs

    • 19.1 Undirected Graphs

    • 19.2 Directed Graphs

    • 19.3 Weighted Graphs

    • 19.4 Common Graph Algorithms

      • Traversals

      • Testing for Connectivity

      • Minimum Spanning Trees

      • Determining the Shortest Path

    • 19.5 Strategies for Implementing Graphs

      • Adjacency Lists

      • Adjacency Matrices

  • Chapter 20 Hashing

    • 20.1 Hashing

    • 20.2 Hashing Functions

      • The Division Method

      • The Folding Method

      • The Mid-square Method

      • The Radix Transformation Method

      • The Digit Analysis Method

      • The Length-Dependent Method

      • Hashing Functions in the Java Language

    • 20.3 Resolving Collisions

      • Chaining

      • Open Addressing

    • 20.4 Deleting Elements from A Hash Table

      • Deleting from a Chained Implementation

      • Deleting from an Open Addressing Implementation

    • 20.5 Hash Tables in the Java Collections API

      • The Hashtable Class

      • The HashSet Class

      • The HashMap Class

      • The IdentityHashMap Class

      • The WeakHashMap Class

      • LinkedHashSet and LinkedHashMap

  • Chapter 21 Databases

    • 21.1 Introduction to Databases

    • 21.2 Establishing a Connection to a Database

      • Obtaining A Database Driver

    • 21.3 Creating and Altering Database Tables

      • Create Table

      • Alter Table

      • Drop Column

    • 21.4 Querying The Database

      • Show Columns

    • 21.5 Inserting, Viewing, and Updating (Modifying) Data

      • Insert

      • Select . . . from

      • Update

    • 21.6 Deleting Data and Database Tables

      • Deleting Data

      • Deleting Database Tables

  • Appendix A: Glossary

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • Z

  • Appendix B: Number Systems

    • Place Value

    • Bases Higher Than 10

    • Conversions

    • Shortcut Conversions

  • Appendix C: The Unicode Character Set

  • Appendix D: Java Bitwise Operators

  • Appendix E: Java Modifiers

    • Java Visibility Modifiers

    • A Visibility Example

    • Other Java Modifiers

  • Appendix F: Java Graphics

    • Coordinate Systems

    • Representing Color

    • Drawing Shapes

    • Polygons and Polylines

    • The Polygon Class

  • Appendix G: Java Applets

    • Embedding Applets in HTML

    • More Applet Methods

    • GUIs in Applets

  • Appendix H: Regular Expressions

  • Appendix I: Javadoc Documentation Generator

    • Doc Comments

    • Tags

    • Files Generated

  • Appendix J: Java Syntax

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

Nội dung

[...]... the material upon which this xi xii PR EFA C E book is based There are too many of you to individually name, but your influence on Java Software Solutions and Java Software Structures is evident in Java Foundations Special thanks go to Ruth Dannenfelser, Cory Samaha, and Zach Zappala at the College of New Jersey for their help with solutions to the database projects And our continued thanks go to Jason... Expressions 837 Appendix I Javadoc Documentation Generator 839 Doc Comments 840 Tags 841 Files Generated 841 Appendix J Java Syntax 845 Index 859 xxv This page intentionally left blank Second Edition Java Foundations ™ Introduction to Program Design & Data Structures This page intentionally left blank Introduction 1 CHAPTER OBJECTIVES ■ Introduce the Java programming language ■ Describe the steps involved... software We begin by examining a very basic Java program and using it to explore some initial programming concepts We then lay the groundwork for software development on a larger scale, exploring the foundations of problem solving, the activities involved in software development, and the principles of object-oriented programming 1 2 C HA PT ER 1 Introduction 1.1 The Java Programming Language A computer... Like a class definition, a method is also delimited by braces 3 4 C HA PT ER 1 L I S T I N G Introduction 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Lincoln.java Java Foundations // // Demonstrates the basic structure of a Java application //******************************************************************** public class Lincoln { // .

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2014, 02:20