UMBC A N H O N O R S U N V E R S I T Y N M A R Y L A N D Office of the Vice President for institutional Advancement University of Maryland, Baltimore County Administration Building 0 Hilltop Circle Baltimore Maryland 2 PHONE: - 5 - 6 FAX: - 5 - July 27 2016 voiCE/m: - 5 - 3 Ms Dawn M Pearson 2016 Conference Chairperson Middle Atlantic States Correctional Association 1325 Bedford Avenue Unit 5843 Pikesville, M D 21282 Dear Ms Pearson: Thank you for the $1,000 contribution from Middle Atlantic States Correctional Association ( M A S C A ) to U M B C Your support o f the Shriver Center Choice Program is greatly appreciated You are giving youth living in Maryland's high-risk communities the resources they need to succeed With your support, these youth have the opportunity to work with U M B C students to engage in job training, receive support through advocacy programs, and participate in mentoring relationships Thank you for M A S C A ' s investment in U M B C and the broader community / Sincerel Greg Simmons '04 Vice President for Institutional Advancement Enclosure