PRIMARY AND SECONDARY INFORMATION ON THE SUBURBANIZATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD LIST OF MATERIALS IN MONTGMOMERY COUNTY ARCHIVE RELATED TO SUBURBANIZATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD (Please reference Shelf List F-18) MONOGRAPHS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS, PAPERS The History of Land Subdivision Development in Montgomery County, Maryland, Adjacent to the National Capital (Tau Beta Pi Thesis) John B Armentrout January 1936 The Case for Better Living in Montgomery County, Carl M Freeman Associates, December 1959 History of the Silver Spring, Maryland, Public Library from 1931 to 1951 Didrikke Moen Rice [1961] Montgomery County Planning: A Study in Politics (History 275 Paper) Charles W Puffenbarger January 1963 A History of Land Planning Politics in Montgomery County, Maryland (Master's Thesis - George Washington University) Charles William Puffenbarger June 1964 The Politics of Planning in Montgomery County, Maryland (Master's Thesis - George Washington University) Madeline Baker September 30 1966 Judicial Reform: The Maryland Constitutional Convention (GVPT 215, State and Local Government, Paper) Lynn Hellebust January 21 1967 Fair Housing Legislation in Montgomery County, Maryland: John Locke's Theory in Conflict with Human Rights (Master's Thesis - Georgetown University) Bernard B Johnson, A.B February 1969 The Politics of Suburbia: A Case Study of Montgomery County, Maryland Richard P Schifter January 10 1972 Land Treatment of Wastewater in Montgomery County, Maryland Concern for Aerosols in the Decision Making Process (Master's Thesis - Hood College) Charles Stephen Poteat, May 1982 The Evolution of the Central Business District, Rockville MD - 1938 - 1988 Patricia Chickering, April 1988 MONOGRAPHS (Loose) E Brooke Lee vs Charter: The Fight to Modernize Montgomery County Government, 1938-1950 (Master's Thesis George Washington University) Marie Macaulay Garber June 1964 The Myth of Nonpartisanship in School Board Electoral Politics: A Case Study of Montgomery County, Maryland (A.B Thesis - Princeton University) David A Naimon, 1983 Public Health Nursing During the Great Depression: The Maryland Experience (Doctoral Dissertation - George Mason University) Marlene Hockenberry Cianci, September 23, 1977 "Montgomery County Courthouses”, Mary Gordon Malloy and Martha Sprigg Poole, The Montgomery County Story, Montgomery County Historical Society, May 1970 Maryland History: a selective bibliography by Elizabeth Lawton and Raymond S Sweeney (Rockville, MD, MCHS), 1975 COUNTY Government The Government of Montgomery County Maryland, A Survey Made at the Request of the Board of County Commissioners Studies in Administration No 41 by the Institute for Government Research of the Brookings Institution Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1941 Montgomery County Maryland, A Survey of Recommendations in Survey Made at Request of the Board of County Commissioners Pamphlet No 27 Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1941 The Government of Montgomery County Maryland, 1962 Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1962 Montgomery County, Its History and Government, Office of Information, February 1966.[2 copies] Montgomery County, Its History and Government, Office of Information, rev November 1966 COUNTY History Portrait in Time, A Photographic Profile of Montgomery County, Maryland, Austin H Kiplinger, ed., Montgomery County Bicentennial Commission, September 1976 (hardcover, noted that donated by Doug Duncan) Portrait in Time, A Photographic Profile of Montgomery County, Maryland Austin H Kiplinger, ed Rockville, MD: Montgomery County Government, 1976 (soft cover) A Grateful Remembrance, The Story of Montgomery County, Maryland Richard K MacMaster and Ray Eldon Hiebert Rockville, MD: Montgomery County Government and the Montgomery County Historical Society, 1976 Soil Survey - Montgomery County, Maryland, USDA - Soil Conservation Service, Oct 1961 COUNTY History/Communities Bannockburn, The Story of a Cooperative Community The Bannockburn Community Club, Inc., 1978 Improving Government in Silver Spring Joseph M Ray University of Maryland, 1949 Western Gateway to the National Capital (Rockville, Maryland) Noma Thompson Washington, DC: Noma Thompson, 1949 Garrett Park, A History of the Town from its Beginnings to 1970, Town of Garrett Park, 1974 F Scott Fitzgerald's Rockville, A Guide to Rockville, Maryland, in the 1920's Eileen S McGuckian and Lisa A Greenhouse, Peerless Rockville, 1996 A History of Ken Gar [by Munro Meyersburg, 1974] Living in Montgomery Village Today, Tenth Anniversary, 1977 Lincoln Park Partners Project, vol I, [2000-2001] COUNTY History/Organizations, Businesses, etc Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Montgomery County Maryland, The Eightieth Anniversary, 1848-1928 Looking Back 75 Years, The Wednesday Club of Sandy Spring, 1904-1979 The Red Brick Courthouse, A Centennial History of Montgomery County, Maryland's Third Courthouse [Rockville] Perry G Fisher and Eileen S McGuckian, 1991 The First Fifty Years, Christ Congregational Church [Silver Spring] 1944-1994 William E Carnahan.1994 [2 copies] The MET, A History of the Metropolitan Branch of the B & O Railroad, Its Stations and Towns, Susan Cooke Soderberg, Germantown Historical Society, May 1998 COUNTY History/Genealogy Sources, Family histories Newspapers of Maryland, A Guide to the Microfilm Collection of Newspapers at the Maryland State Archives 1989 He Never Left Home Emanations from 110 South Washington Street [Rockville] William A Linthicum 1977 Black Historical Resources in Upper Western Montgomery County, Maryland, George W McDaniel, Sugarloaf Regional Trails, July 1979 Genealogical Abstracts, Montgomery County Sentinel, 1855-1899 Mary Gordon Malloy and Marian W Jacobs, compilers Rockville, MD: The Montgomery County Historical Society, 1986 A Selective Guide to the Historic Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, Mary Gordon Malloy and Jane Sween, Montgomery County Department of Public Libraries, 1974 Guide to the Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, Genealogical and Historical, Rev 1997 Eleanor M.V Cook Westminster, MD: Family Line Publications, 1989, 1997 Abstracts of Wills, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1776-1825 Mary Gordon Malloy, Jane C Sween, Janet D Manuel, compilers Washington, DC: Mary Gordon Malloy, Jane C Sween, Janet D Manuel, 1977 Abstracts of Land Records, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1777-1781 Mary Gordon Malloy, compiler Washington, DC: Mary Gordon Malloy, 1978 Inventory of the County and Town Archives of Maryland, no 15: Montgomery county (Rockville), prepared by the Historical Records Survey: Baltimore, MD, 1939 A Guide to Maryland State Archives Holdings of Montgomery County, Records on Microfilm, (MSA, 1989) COUNTY GOV'T GUIDES, HANDBOOKS, PAPERS Montgomery County, Maryland, Home Community of the Nation's Capital, [c.1932] Montgomery County, Maryland, [Survey of the economic, social and financial conditions of Montgomery County and of the bi-county agencies], 1949 Organization of the Government of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1950 [2 copies] Montgomery County Maryland, 1956 Montgomery County Maryland, Pictorial and General Information, 1958 This is Montgomery County, Maryland, League of Women Voters, 1960 COUNTY GOV'T GUIDES, HANDBOOKS, PAPERS (cont.) 1960-61 Montgomery County Handbook, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, 1960 1963-64 Montgomery County Handbook, Montgomery County Handbook, Inc., 1963 Montgomery County, Its History and Government, Office of Information, February 1966 Montgomery County, Its History and Government, Office of Information, rev November 1966 Your Kind of Place Montgomery County, Maryland, Department of Economic Development, [c.1967] Montgomery County Handbook 1967 Montgomery County Handbook 1968 Citizen's Guide to Public Services, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1969 A Guide to Better Living1973-74, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, 1973 A Guide to Better Living in Montgomery County, Bicentennial 76, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce and the Montgomery County Bicentennial Commission, [Sep 1973] Available Information Materials on Solid Waste Management, Total listing, 1966 to 1978, U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 1979 DIRECTORIES Community Guide1980 Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, 1985-1986 Montgomery United Way Rainbow Directory of Agencies and Organizations in Montgomery County, Maryland Montgomery County United Way, August 1985 Greater Olney Directory, Longwood Commemorative Edition Greater Olney Civic Association, 1978 Silver Spring Handbook, 1970-71 Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce, 1970 Heritage 2001 and 2004: a directory of organizations and museums that celebrate the heritage of Montgomery County prepared by Montgomery Preservation, Inc NEWSLETTERS Montgomery County Maryland Newsletter February 22 1964 - December 31 1966 Montgomery County Maryland Newsletter January 1967 - January 1968 Rockville Reports: 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003-2006 (various issues) ARCHITECTURE Potomac Valley Architect, 1961 - 1971 ANNUAL REPORTS AND CHARTERS A Report of a Year of Accomplishment of the Honorable Board of Commissioners for Montgomery County, [Dec 1946 - Dec 1947] Your County Government, Annual Report of the County Manager, 1949, Montgomery County Maryland A Look at Your County Government, 1950, Annual Report of the County Manager, Montgomery County Maryland ANNUAL REPORTS AND CHARTERS (cont.) A Family Sees Its County Government at Work, County Manager’s Annual Report, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1951 Your County Services, County Manager’s Annual Report, 1952 County Manager’s Annual Report, 1955, Montgomery County Maryland Montgomery County, Maryland, County Manager’s Annual Report for 1956 Montgomery County, Maryland, County Manager’s Annual Report for 1957 Montgomery County, Maryland, 1958 County Manager’s Annual Report County Manager’s 1959 Annual Report, Montgomery County, Maryland Montgomery County Maryland, 1960 County Manager’s Annual Report County Manager’s 1962 Report Covering County Activities During 1961, Montgomery County, Maryland Montgomery County, Maryland, County Manager’s 1963 Report Covering County Activities During 1962 Montgomery County Md Annual Report 1964 Annual Report Montgomery County Maryland, 1965 Faces of Government, Annual Report 1965, Montgomery County, Maryland Montgomery County Annual Reports [Bound volume containing reports from the following years: 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1965 [covering 1964], 1965, 1966, 1967, FY1969] BOX Montgomery County Annual Report, 1966 Progress and Promise, Montgomery County 1967 Annual Report Montgomery County Today, 20th Year of Home Rule Government, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1969 In Transition, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1970 Annual Report Public Service in Montgomery County, 1971 Annual Report Challenge and Response, Montgomery County, Maryland, Annual Report 1972 Montgomery's Many Faces, 1973 Report to the People, Montgomery County, Md Backing Up Montgomery County: Your County Government in 1974 The 1975 Annual Report on Activities of the Government of Montgomery County, Including a Comprehensive Guide to the Various Services Offered by that Government A Community in Action, The 1976 Annual Report of Montgomery County Government Citizen's Guide to Services and 1977 Annual Report, Montgomery County Government Montgomery County Government 1982 Annual Report, Citizen's Guide to Services and County Map Initiatives, Montgomery County Government 1983 Annual Report Transportation: Today and Tomorrow, Montgomery County Government 1985 Annual Report and Road Map Citizen's Guide to Services and County Map, Montgomery County Government 1986 Annual Report [2 copies] Building for Tomorrow, 1986 Annual Report Guide to the County Government and 1987 Annual Report 1988 Annual Report, Montgomery County Government Montgomery County Government, 1990 Annual Report Montgomery County Government, 1991 Annual Report Montgomery Close Up, Montgomery County Government 1992 Annual Report Montgomery County Government, Annual Report, 1993 Report to the People, Montgomery County Government, FY 94 ANNUAL REPORTS AND CHARTERS (cont.) Your Tax Dollars at Work, 1995 Montgomery County Annual Report Montgomery County Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1996 Montgomery County, Maryland Fiscal Year 1997 Annual Report Investing in the Future, FY98 Annual Report, Montgomery County, Maryland Montgomery County, Maryland, FY99 Annual Report [2 copies] Breaking Barriers, Building Futures, 2000 Annual Report TRANSPORTATION-MASS TRANSIT Some Small Independents, Copy of Chapter Five from some book Topic is small independent railway lines that served the outlying areas of Washington D.C “Train stations and suburban development along the old Baltimore and Ohio railroad”, Jo Beck, The Montgomery County Story, Montgomery County Historical Society, February, 1994 Analysis of Commuter Service on Railroads and Inter-City Busses Serving the Washington National Capitol Region, Burton H Sexton, for National Capital Planning Commission, National Capital Regional Planning Council, July 1956 General Development Plan and National Capital Region, Mass Transportation Survey, National Capital Planning Commission and National Capital Regional Planning Council, February 1959 Statement of Walter W Patchell before the Joint Committee on Washington Metropolitan Problems, Hearings on the Washington Mass Transportation Survey Plan, November 11 1959 DC Transit System, Inc., Monorail Presentation Charts, November 1959 Transit Regulation for the Metropolitan Area of Washington D.C., Jerome M Alper, for National Capital Planning Commission and National Capital Regional Planning Council, December 1955 Intergovernmental Responsibilities for Mass Transportation Facilities and Services in Metropolitan Areas, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, April 1961 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact, Public Law 86-794, 86th Congress, H H Res 402, September 15 1960 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact, Amendments to Compact between Maryland and Virginia (Public Law 87-767, 76 Stat 764), March 29 1963 Rapid Transit Maps: 4, (copies), Washington Metropolitan Area, 1963-4 · Immer, [1963] The Automobile's Role in Revitalizing Our Cities, Lynn A Townsend, Reprinted by the American Automobile Association, May 1963 Transit - Highway's Best Friend, Transcript of talk by John C Kohl, Assistant Transportation Administrator, Housing and Home Financing Agency, December 10 1964 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Metro Memo, Issue No 41, September 1972 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Metro Memo, Issue No 40, August 1972 Alternative Rail Lines for Regional System Being Tested for Cost, Patronage, Feasibility, During Summer 1967 TRANSPORTATION-MASS TRANSIT (cont.) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Alternative Systems Traffic Analysis, Alan M Voorhees & Associates, Inc., Working Paper, July 1967 Action Program Phase II Regional Systems Study, Part I, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, National Capital Transportation Agency, Working Paper, July 1967 Metropolitan Development in Relation to Urban Transportation, Remarks by Victor Fischer, Assistant Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency, April 20 1965 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, Order No 485, Applications of D.C Transit System, Inc for Ninety Day Temporary Authority to Establish Routes A-7, B-7, C-7 and D-7, May 27 1965 New Directions for Metro, Lessons from the BART Experience, The Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, December 1976 Summary Report on the Transit Development Program, National Capital Transportation Agency, May 1963 Metro Adopted Regional Rapid Rail Transit Plan and Program, March 1968 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority: Airlie II system: Analysis of alternate systems, Working paper, Coverdale & Colpitts, Sep 1967 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority: Airlie II-A map, Sep 1967 Map: WMA Transit Co., Rush hour and non-rush hour, [Bus Routes, Western Half of Washington D.C and Prince George's County, ca 1963] Map Case 3-2-27 Georgetown Branch: Master Plan Amendment, Final draft, M-NCPPC, Aug-Sep 1989 TRANSPORTATION-HIGHWAYS (Inter-County Connector / Maryland Dept of Transportation) Intercounty Connector/I-270 to Shady Grove Metro Station Access Road Project Status report, 15 May 1980 Intercounty Connector/Rockville Facility Project Planning Study, August 1980 Project Status Report, Intercounty Connector/Rockville Planning Facility, Project Planning Study, March 1981 Intercounty Connector/Rockville Facility Study, October 17, 1980 Interim Alternates Location Report, Volume I: Description of Alternates and Technical Analysis, Intercounty Connector/Rockville Facility Project Planning Study, Maryland State Highway Administration, December 1980 Interim Alternates Location Report, Volume II: Technical Appendices, Intercounty Connector/Rockville Facility Project Planning Study, Maryland State Highway Administration, December 1980 Letter to County Council Concerning Acquisition of Intercounty Connector Rights-of-Way, 1980-1981 Location Public Hearing [Announcement], Intercounty Connector / Rockville Facility From west of I-270 to the Baltimore/Washington Parkway in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, Maryland, and Combined Location/Design Public Hearing Connection of Maryland Routes 28 and 198 Between Maryland Route 650 (New Hampshire Avenue) and Maryland Route 182, September 1983 TRANSPORTATION-HIGHWAYS (Outer circumferential freeway, 1969) Map: Proposed Interstate Highway System, Washington Metropolitan Area (2 c,), July 1963 Map: A Preliminary Study of the Potomac River Crossing for the outer Circumferential Freeway, May 1966 [Obverse is an Aerial Photograph of the Area, Scale 1"=3000'].Map Case 2-3-11 Corridor Feasibility Study for the Outer Circumferential Freeway in Montgomery County, Maryland, Maryland State Roads Commission and M-NCPPC, November 1969 TRANSPORTATION-HIGHWAYS (Highway study and public hearing notices, 1961-1980) Freeways Move More People Better, Pertinent Facts about Washington's Transportation Crisis, District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Highway Users Conference, [1961] Map: 1979-1998 Twenty year Highway Needs Study, Secondary, Montgomery County Maryland, Maryland State Highway Administration, September 19 1977 Highway Needs Study (1979 to 1998), [List of Projects with Description of Apparent Need and Cost], [1977] Interim Alternates Public Meeting [Announcement], Maryland Rte 115 [from] Montgomery Village Avenue to Maryland Route 28, Maryland State Highway Administration, [February 1977] Alternates Public Meeting [Announcement], Maryland Rte 115 [from] Montgomery Village Ave to Norbeck, Maryland State Highway Administration, [October 1978] Alternates Public Meeting [Announcement], Interstate Route 370 from I-270 to the Shady Grove metro Station Access Road, Maryland State Highway Administration, [February 1980] Alternates Public Meeting [Announcement], Maryland Route 97 [from] Maryland Rte 28 to Maryland Rte 108, Maryland State Highway Administration, [August 1980] Combined Location/Design Public Hearing [Announcement], Maryland 182 (Layhill Road) [from] Md Rte 97 (Georgia Ave.) to Argyle Club Road), Maryland State Highway Administration, [September 1980] MASTER PLANS - F2b Monitoring Report and Information Appendixes for the Bethesda CBD, September 1985 Capitol View and Vicinity, Approved and Adopted Sector Plan, July 1982 Clarksburg and Hyattstown Special Study Area, Approved and Adopted Master Plan, June 1994 Corridor City Master Plan, Gaithersburg, MD, January 1975 Germantown, 1989 Germantown Master Plan, Interim Reference Edition, October 1989 Germantown, Minor Amendments to the 1989 Germantown Master Plan, Final Draft, June 1990 Hyattstown: See Clarksburg Kensington, Approved and Adopted Sector Plan for the Town of Kensington and Vicinity, May 1978 Kensington-Wheaton, Approved and Adopted Master Plan, May 1989 Olney, Approved and Adopted Master Plan, June 1980 MASTER PLANS - F2b (cont’d.) Rockville, Approved and Adopted Master Plan, City of Rockville, October1993 Shady Grove Study Area, Approved and Adopted Master Plan, July 1990 Silver Spring Central Business District, Final Draft Sector Plan, July 1992 Silver Spring Central Business District, Final Draft Sector Plan, Appendix, July 1992 Wheaton: See Kensington Wheaton: Approved and Adopted Sector Plan for Central Business District and Vicinity, July 1978 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Proposed development corridors (hand drawn maps showing water and sewage treatment for year 2000, [1962] A Comprehensive Plan for the Development of the Glenmont Center, O'Neill Associates, Inc., for R Robert Linowes, [1963] Amendment to the Annual Growth Policy, Proposed Amendment to the Sector Plan for the Silver Spring CBD and Vicinity, Final Draft, Revised by the Montgomery County Executive, July 1987 Information Available from Research and Information Systems Division, Montgomery County Planning Department, June 1992 Montgomery Co 1983 Labor Benchmarks and Barometers, Employment Security Administration, MD Dept of Human Resources, June 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT River Bend, Its Potential Economic Significance for Maryland Maryland Department of Economic Development, November 13, 1961 Information Bulletin: Potomac River Basin Study, A Summary to Help the Public Understand the Water Needs of the Potomac River Basin and How They May Be Met U.S Army Engineer District, Baltimore, November 1961 Potomac River Basin - 1961 [Paper synopsizing contents of 1961 study and arguing against construction of the River Bend Dam], n.d [1962?] Summary: Potomac River Basin Report U.S Army Engineer District, Baltimore, February 1963 Biological Survey of Rock Creek, From Rockville, Maryland to the Potomac River, CB-SRBP Working Document No LaBuy, FWPCA, Middle Atlantic Region, October 1966 · The Potomac: a summary of basin facts and brief review of proposals of recent years, Aug 1969 Air Pollution in the National Capital Area, Div of Air Pollution, Public Health Service, U.S Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare, July 1962 PUBLIC HEALTH Atlas of Cancer Mortality for U.S Counties: 1950-1969, Thomas J Mason et al., Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Institute, U.S Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare, DHEW Publication (NIH) 75-780, [1974] Community mental health: principles and practice, Loren R Mosher and Lorenzo Burti, New York: W W Norton & Co., 1989 (Inscribed 9-28-93 to Gail Ewing and Montgomery County Council) MONTGOMERY COUNTY CODE (volumes) Montgomery County Code, 1950 Washington DC: Press of Byron S Adams, 1950 Montgomery County Code, 1955, Volume 1: Charter, Chapters 1-74 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1955 Montgomery County Code, 1955, Volume 2: Chapters 75-82 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1955 Montgomery County Code, 1960, Volume 1: Charter, Chapters 1-77 Tallahassee, FL: Municipal Code Corporation, 1961) Montgomery County Code, 1960, Volume 2: Chapters 78-110, Index Tallahassee, FL: Municipal Code Corporation, 1961 Montgomery County Code, 1965, Volume 1: Charter, Chapters to 69 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1966 Montgomery County Code, 1965, Volume 2: Chapters 70 to 97 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1966 Montgomery County Code, 1965, Volume 3: Chapters 98 to 117, Appendices, Index Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1966 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Replacement Volume, Volume 1: Charter, Chapters to 32 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1978 Montgomery County Code, 1972, Volume 2: Chapters 33 to 59 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1978 Montgomery County Code, 1972, Volume 3: Chapters 60 to 87, Appendices A-F Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1973 Montgomery County Code, 1972, Volume 4: Index Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1973 MONTGOMERY COUNTY CODE (BOX) Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1975 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 4: Index Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1976 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1976 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 1: Charter, Chapters to 32 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1977 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1976 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 2: Chapters 33 to 59 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1977 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1976 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 3: Chapters 60 to 87, Appendices A-K Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1977 MONTGOMERY COUNTY CODE (BOX) (cont.) Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1976 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 4: Index Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1977 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 4: Index Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1978 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Replacement Volume, 1979 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 1: Chapters to 32 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1980 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Replacement Volume, 1979 Supplement, Volume 2: Chapters 33 to 59, Appendices A-M Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1980 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Replacement Volume, 1979 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 3: Chapters 60 to 87, Appendices A-M Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1980 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1979 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 4: Index Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1980 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Replacement Volume, 1980 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 1: Chapters to 32 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1981 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Replacement Volume, 1980 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 2: Chapters 33 to 59 Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1981 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Replacement Volume, 1980 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 3: Chapters 60 to 87, Appendices A-M Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1981 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1980 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 4: Index Charlottesville, VA: Michie City Publications Co., 1981 Montgomery County Code, 1972, 1977 Replacement Volume, 1980 Cumulative Supplement, Volume 1: Chapters to 32 Tallahassee, FL: Municipal Code Corp., 1983 1984 Montgomery County Code, Volume 1, with Loose-leaf Supplements 1-11 (August 1991) applied Tallahassee, FL: Municipal Code Corp., 1984 10