treatment goals, 1119 triage, 1119 –1120 Laryngeal mask airways (LMAs), 41 , 66 Laryngeal tube, 41 Laryngomalacia, 1405 Laryngotracheitis (croup), 133 , 134 t, 136 Laryngotracheobronchitis, 479 Larynx, 1331 Larynx and trachea trauma bronchial foreign body, 1119 f clinical recognition, 1118 evidences, 1118 foreign bodies, 1118 initial assessment, 1119 management, 1119 triage, 1118 –1119 Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injuries, 277 Lateral condylar fracture, 1188 f Lateral neck lesions, 1349 –1351 See also Neck lesions, lateral Lateral pharyngeal abscesses, 509 Laxatives, 132 Lead lines, 1064 f Lead poisoning, 419 , 1062 –1064 , 1064 t Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, 187 Left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC), 613 Left ventricular outflow tract obstructive (LVOTO) lesions, 595 Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease (LCPD), 279 –280 , 302 , 304 , 405 clinical recognition, 1373 epiphysis, 1374 f evidences, 1373 hip, 1374 f initial assessment/H&P, 1374 management/diagnostic testing, 1374 Leishmaniasis, 849 –850 Lemierre syndrome, 322 , 512 Length of stay (LOS), in pediatric EDs, 24 Leptospirosis, 313 , 844