Torsed appendix testis, 1338 Torsion antenatal torsion testis (newborn), 414 appendage, 410 , 415 testicular, 408 –410 , 409 f–411 f, 415 Torticollis (wry neck), 166 , 328 –330 , 1246 –1249 , 1247 f rotary subluxation and, 1248 f–1249 f sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, 1246 Torus (buckle) fractures, 1172 , 1195 Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), 417 Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), 456 –457 Toxic ingestions, 108 , 108 t Toxicologic emergencies drugs of abuse, 1069 t–1071 t amphetamines, 1074 –1075 1,4-butanediol (1,4 BD), 1078 –1079 cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids, 1073 –1074 cathinones, 1079 –1080 central anticholinergics, 1076 –1077 cocaine, 1075 –1076 dextromethorphan, 1069 , 1072 hallucinogens, 1072 –1073 indolealkylamines, 1072 –1073 inhalants, 1079 ketamine, 1069 , 1072 lysergamides (LSD), 1072 –1073 opioids, 1078 phencyclidine (PCP), 1069 , 1072 phenethylamines, 1072 –1073 sedative-hypnotics, 1077 –1078 stimulants, 1074 –1079 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 1073 –1074 household cleaning products, 1058 , 1058 f caustics, 1058 –1061 hydrocarbons, 1061 –1062 , 1061 t lead, 1062 –1064 , 1064 t pesticides, 1065