evaluation and decision, 515 –517 febrile child with, 513 , 516 functional, 515 pathophysiology, 513 psychogenic, 515 Strimmer dermatitis, 436 Stroke, 120 Structural heart disease, 519 –520 Sturge–Weber syndrome, 1351 Subarachnoid hemorrhages, 270 , 325 , 1258 , 1382 Subconjunctival hemorrhage, 174 , 174 f Subcutaneous fat necrosis, 463 Subdermal hormonal implant, 766 Subdural and epidural hematomas, 119 Subdural empyema, 1389 –1390 Subdural hematoma (SDH), 270 Subdural hemorrhage, 1257 Subgaleal hematomas, 269 Subluxation, defined, 1107 Submental lymphadenitis (lymphadenopathy), 1347 Submersion injury, 680 Subungual foreign body, 1344 Subungual hematomas, 1145 , 1344 Succinylcholine, 39 , 39 t Sudden cardiac death (SCD), 609 –610 , 611 f Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 102 –103 , 522 Sudden sniffing death, 1079 Suicide attempts, 1434 –1437 adolescent, 1434 t–1437 t childhood, 1435 t–1437 t clinical recognition, 1435 –1437 emergency evaluation, goals of, 1434 –1435 prevention, 1437 t Sulfasalazine, 1015 Sulfonamides, 452 Sumatriptan succinate (Imitrex), 887 Superficial burns, 1096 , 1097 f