management, 754 –755 treatment, goals of, 754 Chagas disease, 846 Chalazions, 1401 –1402 chronic, 1402 f multiple, 1401 f Chance fractures, 1092 , 1211 f Chancroid, 312 Charcoal therapy, 293 Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, 305 CHARGE syndrome, 222 Chediak–Higashi syndrome, 465 Chelation therapy, 1064 t Chemical burns, 1102 –1103 Chemical cystitis, 529 Chemical exposure, 1102 , 1400 Chest compressions, 66 Chest pain arrhythmias and, 368 associated with mitral valve prolapse, 369 causes, 367 t esophageal, 374 life-threatening, 368 t cocaine exposure and, 367 –368 connective tissue disorders and, 369 differential diagnosis, 366 –370 drug exposure and, 369 in dyspneic/cyanotic patient, 366 evaluation and decision, 370 –374 child with no thoracic trauma, 372 –374 child with thoracic trauma, 370 –372 diagnostic approach, 370 f–371 f foreign bodies aspiration and, 369 GI diseases and, 369 inflammatory conditions and, 368 with palpitations, 374 pathophysiology, 366