Centers for Disease Control (CDC) tool, 1258 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 1432 Central anticholinergic syndrome, 1076 –1077 , 1077 t Central nervous system (CNS) disease, 459 Central nervous system (CNS) tumors, 907 –909 , 908 t clinical assessment, 908 clinical recognition, 907 –908 evidences, 907 management, 908 –909 Central venous access, 54 Central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2 ), monitoring of, 80 , 82 –83 Cephalosporins, 452 Cephalosporins, acute otitis media, 1321 Cerebral aneurysm, 1382 –1383 Cerebral contusion, 269 Cerebral edema, 121 , 270 , 657 –658 , 699 , 1254 , 1256 –1257 , 1387 Cerebral hematoma, 1254 Cerebral hemorrhage, 556 Cerebral infarctions, 120 , 556 Cerebral resuscitation, 68 –69 Cerebral sinovenous thrombosis, 120 Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, 191 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 399 , 888 , 892 abnormalities of, 125 diagnosis of meningitis, 495 infection, 125 otorrhea/rhinorrhea, 1115 , 1255 pleocytosis, 125 shunts, 120 xanthochromic, 125 Cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs), 556 Cervical adenitis, 1327 clinical recognition, 1327 diagnostic testing, 1327 –1328 discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1328 evidences, 1327 initial assessment, 1327