Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), 152 –153 , 164 , 218 , 233 , 235 , 237 , 420 , 731 –732 , 981 –982 Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), 906 , 1018 –1019 , 1019 t Hemophilia, 352 , 795 –797 clinical indications for discharge/admission, 797 clinical recognition, 795 –797 hemostasis, X-linked disorders, 795 management/diagnostic testing compartment syndrome, 797 emergent/major surgery, 797 hematuria, 797 iliopsoas/thigh hemorrhage, 797 patients with inhibitors, management, 795 –796 throat/neck swelling, 797 treatment, goals of, 795 triage, 795 Hemoptysis, 134 , 947 –948 Hemorrhage, 119 –120 , 1257 f, 1314 Hemorrhagic diathesis, 168 Hemorrhagic shock, 39 history and physical examination findings, 76 management source control, 81 mortality following, 84 POCUS findings, 76 Hemorrhoids, 1356 Hemothorax, 1275 –1278 , 1277 f bedside ultrasound, 1277 chest radiograph, 1277 chest tube, 1277 –1278 clinical assessment, 1276 clinical recognition, 1276 disposition, 1278 evidences, 1275 –1276 needle decompression, 1277 open, 1277 tension pneumothorax, 1276 –1277 , 1276 f