approach to diagnosis, 397 f associated with muscle contractions, 395 associated with vascular changes, 394 –395 bad, 394 benign, 394 brain tumor, 398 t–399 t dental abscess and, 396 differential diagnosis, 394 –396 evaluation and decision, 396 –400 history, 396 –398 laboratory and radiographic testing, 399 –400 physical examination, 398 –399 inflammatory conditions and, 395 –396 laboratory and radiographic testing, 399 –400 occipital, 396 pathophysiology, 394 of psychogenic origin, 396 signs and symptoms, 399 t from traction and compression, 396 treatment and disposition, 400 Head and neck tumors clinical assessment, 909 –910 clinical recognition, 909 evidences, 909 goals of treatment, 909 management, 910 Head injuries approach to diagnosing complications, 272 –274 , 273 f clinical assessment history, 270 –271 neurologic examination encompasses, 271 physical examination, 271 –272 radiographic investigation, 272 criteria for discharge with home observation, 274 t differential diagnosis, 268 evaluation and decision, 270 pathophysiology, 268