FIGURE 132.6 The pediatric emergency care provider is garbed in appropriate level C personal protective equipment OSHA provides a list of suggested PPE for healthcare workers to use in the warm zone Most authorities believe that adequate protection for ED staff is afforded by Level C PPE, which consists of a nonencapsulated chemically resistant body suit, gloves, and boots, with a full-face air-purifying mask containing a cartridge with both an organic-vapor filter for chemical gases and vapors and a HEPA filter to trap aerosols of biologic and chemical agents ( Fig 132.6 ) Such PPE is much less cumbersome to work in than level A or B outfits (which use self-contained breathing apparatus) and is much less expensive Finally, current guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and from The Joint Commission stress that a plan for disposal of contaminated waste needs to be put into place by hospitals as part of their preparation for an event CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT Specific Agents Nerve Agents CLINICAL PEARLS AND PITFALLS