peripheral vascular complications, 1002 pulmonary complications, 1001 –1002 renal complications, 1002 Scombroid poisoning, 1057 Scrotal anatomy and development, 408 , 408 f Scrotal laceration, 412 Scrotal pain causes, 408 t antenatal torsion testis (newborn), 414 appendage torsion, 410 , 415 common, 415 t epididymitis, 410 –411 , 415 hematoceles, 411 –412 , 415 Henoch–Schönlein purpura, 412 , 415 hernia, 413 , 415 hydrocele, 412 –413 , 413 f, 415 idiopathic scrotal edema, 413 incarcerated inguinal hernias, 412 Kawasaki disease, 413 , 415 orchitis, 411 of painless scrotal swelling, 412 –414 referred pain, 412 rupture of testis, 412 f scrotal edema and erythema, 411 spermatocele, 413 , 415 testicular torsion, 408 –410 , 409 f–411 f testis tumor, 413 –414 trauma, 411 –412 varicocele, 413 , 415 evaluation and decision, 414 –416 , 414 f history, 415 imaging modalities, 415 –416 initial approach, 414 –415 physical examination, 415 pathophysiology, 408 Scrotal trauma clinical recognition, 1140