S Sacrococcygeal teratoma, 1307 Salicylates, 337 , 1050 –1052 Saline (Fleet or Pedia-Lax) enemas, 132 Salivary gland infections, 1349 , 1349 –1350 Salmon-colored erythema, 468 Salmonella infection, 218 , 338 , 504 Salmon patch, 1351 Salter–Harris fractures, 1146 , 1148 , 1195 type I, 301 Salter–Harris injuries, 1171 –1172 Sandifer syndrome, 330 Sarcoidosis, 312 , 959 –960 , 960 f SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation), , 14 Scabies, 445 , 446 f Scald burn, 625 Scalp, 268 –269 Scaly red patches and plaques, 461 –463 Scapular fracture, 1183 , 1183 f Scarlet fever, 644 –645 Schistosomiasis, 849 Schizophrenia, 1442 acute, in adolescence, 1441 t atypical antipsychotics, 1442 typical antipsychotics, 1442 Schwartz formula, for GFR, 979 t SCIWORA See Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) Scleritis, 170 , 173 –174 Scleroderma, 999 –1002 classification, 999 t en coup de sabre, 1000 linear, 1000 , 1000 f localized (LSc), 999 management of complications and emergencies, 1001 –1002 cardiac complications, 1001 GI complications, 1002