goals of treatment, 966 weight-based daily maintenance fluid, 967 t nephrotic syndrome, 985 –987 potassium homeostasis, disorders of goals of treatment, 971 hyperkalemia, 972 –974 , 973 t hypokalemia, 971 –972 , 971 t sodium homeostasis, disorders of goals of treatment, 969 hypernatremia, 970 –971 , 970 t hyponatremia, 969 –970 , 969 t Renal colic/nephrolithiasis, 1340 clinical recognition, 1340 management, 1340 treatment goals, 1340 triage considerations, 1340 Renal dysfunction, definition, 77 t Renal fracture, 1135 f Renal injuries See also Kidney, genitourinary trauma blunt trauma, 1132 cardinal marker, 1133 classification of, 1134 f penetrating, 1135 –1136 Renal replacement therapy, 1040 , 1040 t Renal scarring, 202 Rendu–Osler–Weber syndrome, 218 Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone (RAA), 74 Reperfusion injury, 74 Repetitive microtraumas, 362 Respiration, primary goals of, 478 Respiratory depression, 1078 Respiratory distress, 73 , 505 , 574 , 1422 , 1423 f cardiovascular involvement in, 482 causes, 480 t CNS disturbances and, 481 endocrine disturbances and, 482 evaluation and decision, 482 –490