triage, 1116 oral cavity and pharynx trauma, 1117 –1118 caustic injuries, 1118 clinical recognition, 1117 evidences, 1117 initial assessment, 1117 lateral neck radiograph, 1118 f management, 1117 –1118 treatment goals, 1117 triage, 1117 pain analgesia, 1113 Environmental and exertional heat illness clinical recognition, 688 –689 electrolyte depletion, 688 heat-sensitive centers, 688 indications for admission and discharge, 691 management and diagnostic studies heat cramps, 689 heat exhaustion, 689 heat stroke, 688 , 690 , 690 t physiologic disturbances, 690 t treatment, goals of, 687 Eosinophilic esophagitis, 378 Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), 171 f–172 f, 173 Epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC), 1345 Epidermoid cysts, 347 Epidermolysis bullosa (EB), 446 –448 Epididymitis, 410 –411 , 411 f, 415 , 1338 Epidural abscess, 556 , 1322 , 1376 , 1388 Epidural hematomas (EDH), 269 –270 , 325 , 1257 f Epigastric hernias, 1310 Epigastric tenderness, 358 Epiglottitis, 379 , 478 –479 , 510 , 513 , 516 Epilepsia partialis continua, 885 Epilepsy, 520 Epinephrine, 55 t, 66 , 66 t, 80 t, 81 Epiploceles, 1310