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Turnover rate and promotion favoritism from sales manager at avery dennison RBIS vietnam

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Tiêu đề Turnover Rate And Promotion Favoritism From Sales Manager At Avery Dennison RBIS Vietnam
Tác giả Nguyen Thi Hong Huong
Người hướng dẫn Professor Nguyen Phong Nguyen
Trường học University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
Chuyên ngành Master of Business Administration
Thể loại Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2017
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 107
Dung lượng 4,48 MB

Cấu trúc

  • International School of Business








    • I. Company overview

    • I.2. Avery Dennison RBIS Vietnam structure:

    • II. Background of the symptom

    • III. Initial cause effect map

    • IV. Updated cause-effect map:

    • IV.1. Work-life imbalance:

    • IV.2. Unequal workload allocation

    • Define the central problem


    • I. Problem definition

      • II. Justify problem in term of existence

      • III. Justify problem in term of importance.

      • IV. The impact of sales force turnover on Avery Dennison RBIS Vietnam

      • IV.1. The impact of sales staff turnover on HR effectiveness

      • IV.2. The impact of sales staff turnover on employee performance

      • IV.3. The impact of sales staff turnover on the working attitude of remaining staff:


    • I. List of causes:

    • I.2. Personal favoritism from manager:

    • II. Solutions:

    • II.2. Make a communication a priority

    • II.3. Improve personal favoritism from sales manager:

    • III. Action plan

    • Table 21: Action Plan

    • IV. Success measurement after taking actions:

    • IV.1. Cost saving:

    • IV.2. Keep the customers’ faithfulness:

    • IV.3. Increase the sales avenues:











    • References

Nội dung

AveryDennisonRBISVietnamstructure……………………………… ……… ……….1I I Backgroundofthesymptom……….…………………………………… … … …….2I I I Initialcauseeffectmap

InAveryDennisonRBISVietnam,thereare3functions:Commercial,FinanceandPlant. InC o m m e r c i a l Functions,therearesomedepartmentslike:Business PartnersDepar tmentincludesHRa n d IT,SalesDepartmentsa n d CustomerS e r v i c e s Department.T h e F i n a n c e F u n c t i o n i n c l u d e s F i n a n c e a n d A c c o u n t i n g Department.T h e P l a n t F u n c t i o n h a s s o m e departmentss u c h a s : T h e p r o d u c t i o n d e p a r t m e n t , t h e l o g i s t i c s d e p a r t m e n t a n d p u r c h a s i n g department.

Intheopeningceremonythenewfacility,RishiPardal,vicepresident/ generalmanager,NorthA s i a , AveryDennisonRBISexpressed:

“Wewillcontinuet o investi n newinnovationsandtechnologiest o increaseo u r capabilitiesandhelpo u r customersele vatetheirproductsandbrands.Ouraimistodeliverbettervalueforourcustomersbyleveragingo u r rich80yearsofexpe rtise,inadditiontoourexpansive,globalnetwork.Together,wewillgrowandsupportVietnam’sambitiontobecomethewo rld’smanufacturinghub”.

Avery Denison is committed to implementing its business plan by investing in new innovations, technologies, and workforce development Talent development is a key pillar of success at Avery Denison, with employees undergoing leadership development and skill enhancement programs in Vietnam Although the company's turnover status has not been publicly disclosed due to security and confidentiality regulations, Mrs Nguyen Cuu Thanh Chau, General Director of Avery Denison RBIS Vietnam, highlighted these initiatives during the Annual Management Team Meeting in 2016.

“Thesalesemployees’turnoverratehadnegativeimpactedtothecompanybusinessplanandresults.Eventhesalesavenu eisgood,butthecompanyalwaystakecaresalesemployeesvery carefullytoavoidbadeffectsfromt h e salesemployees’turnover”

Employee turnover is a widely studied phenomenon, often recognized as a persistent challenge within organizations It refers to the rotation of workers in the labor market, characterized by the ratio of employees who leave an organization during a specific period compared to the average number of employees present Turnover encompasses any departure from the organization, reflecting the movement of individuals across membership boundaries within a social system Managers frequently associate turnover with the entire process of filling vacancies, where each departure, whether voluntary or involuntary, necessitates hiring and training a new employee, thus creating a continuous replacement cycle.

There are two types of turnover: voluntary and involuntary The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics defines voluntary turnover as terminations initiated by employees, while involuntary turnover refers to separations not initiated by the employee Companies must generate revenue to remain operational, as it is essential for achieving further goals, such as developing and innovating new products and services Understanding the dynamics of employee turnover is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance their revenue generation strategies.

T h e s a l e s d e p a r t m e n t i n t h e c o m p a n y i s p r i m a r i l y responsibleforgeneratingsa lesrevenue.Staffsingeneralandsalesstaffsinspecificarethemostvaluableassetincompan ies.Andrewetal 8 f o u n d that:“Thesalesjobisdeservingofspecialattentionforitsimportance,prevalence,an duniquecharacteristics”.

Employeesinsalesjobsworkunderahighpressure.Theyworkwiththebuyerstogetorders/ c o n t r a c t s tocompany.Iftheyquit,itwillaffectdirectlytotherevenueofthecompanies.The

Customers’d e m a n d s a r e i n c r e a s i n g ; intoday’se c o n o m y D i a n e e t al.10s t a t e d t h a t many companiest e n d t o u p g r a d e s a l e s f o r c e effectivenessw i t h c o n t i n u o u s l y r i s i n g p e r f o r m a n c e targets.A l a n eta l 11indicated thatinm a n y companies,“acceptable”performanceofs alespeopleisinadequateforachievingcompanies’successinthemarketplace.

Mrs.Dao,salesmanageroffactorysalesdivision,sharesthatthesalesdepartmentdividesintot w o di visionsincludingFactorySalesandRetailBrandingOrganization.Thesalesdepartmenth a s 24mem bers,inwhichfactorysalesaccountsfor16members.Mrs.Daoexpressedthatallo f thesalesemploy eeswhoquitAveryDennisonarebelongtofactorysalesemployees.

PlanningDept.PlacePO BuyingDept samples(new)

PrepressdepartmentAvery Dennisonbelievesthatemployees’opinionsareimportant,hence,bytheend0f2016,theyh ireTiroCompanytodothestaffsurveyforinternaluse.Thereare150businessesboth

(= Total leavers in sales dept./ Total sales employees)

Sales force voluntary turnover in Garment, Apparel & Textile Industry 22.19% 23.15% 26.67% 24.20% thesurvey.Thesurveyhelpsmanagementteamtodesigntheconcepttofittoemployees’HRD evel opmentneedsandfurtherthefulfillmentofcompany’sgoal.


Inthetable2,we cansee thatthe turnoverr ate ofsales forceatA ver y Dennisonis highin comparisonwiththeturnoverrateofthetotalcompany.Usually,theturnoverrateofworkersinGarmenttex tileishighincomparisonwiththeofficeworkers.Butinthiscasewecanseethatt h e turnoverrateofs alesforceishigherthantheworkersinthecompany.Andit’shigherthantheturnoverrateofsalesforcei nGarment,TextileandFootwearIndustry.

(Source:TalentnetandMercerTotalRemunerationSurvey(TRS)2016)Moreover,t hetenurewithAveryDennisoningeneralisfrom7yearsand4monthsto8yearsw h i l e thenumberofye arsstayingwithAveryDennisonofsalesstaffhasbeendecreasing.

(Source:HumanResourceDepartment) Whenl o o k i n g i n t o t h e d a t a o f l e a v e r s , t h e t e n u r e o f l e a v e r s w i t h A v e r y D e n n i s o n R B I S V i e t n a m wasmoreth an 5 years.Ho weve r, t e n u re o f leavings a le s s t a f f h a s de cr easi ng T h e m an a g e m e n t boardshouldhavethesolutionstoretaintheminthecomp anyaswellasrecruittherightpeople.

According to Price et al., the Causal Model of Turnover identifies several independent variables that influence job satisfaction and the intent to stay or leave an organization These variables include opportunity, promotional opportunities, distributive justice, pay, general training, routinization, integration, participation, instrumental communication, professionalism, and kinship responsibility The model illustrates that an increase in job satisfaction directly correlates with a higher intent to stay, while a negative intent to stay has a direct impact on turnover rates.

InthefieldofworldwideHRM,therearetwomajorreasonswhyturnoverisacentralissue.F i r s t , B a r r y13s t a t e d t h a t t u r n o v e r i s r e la t e d tol o w o r g a n iz a t i o n a l k n o w l e d ge , l o w e m p l o y e e morale,lowcu st ome r s a t i s f a c t i o n , h ig h s e l e c t i o n cos ts, an d h i g h t ra in in gc o sts A ri e eta l.14s h o w e d t h a t h i g h e m p l o y e e t u r n o v e r i s r e l a t e d t o l o w e r o r g a n i z a t i o n p e r f o r m a n c e S e c o n d , P e t e r etal.15indicated thatthedecisiontoturnoverisoftenthe finaloutcomeofanindividual’se x p e r i e n c e s inanorganization.

Turnover is influenced by the interplay of push and pull factors Push factors compel individuals to seek new job opportunities, while pull factors attract employees to different organizations A 2006 People in Aid study revealed that various interconnected push and pull factors affect an individual's decision to stay or leave an organization Research by William highlighted three primary causes of turnover, emphasizing the significance of work satisfaction-related factors.

Work-life Balance BetterCa reerOpportu nity Leadersh p ContinuingEducation Relocation JobDisat sfaction

Work-lifeBalance BetterCareerOpportunityL ea dBeerttsehirpCareerOpportu nityContiLeadnueingrshEipdu cationRelWocoratik- olnifeb a l a n ce JobCDonistiatniusfiacng tiEodnucationReloca tion



Work-life balance Continuing Education Relocation

Leadership i Work-life balance Continuing Education Reloc ion i at Job disatisfaction


Work-life balance Continuing Education Relocation

Better Career Opportunity Leadership Work-life balance Continuing Education Relocation Job disatisfaction

Reasonsforleaving Vietnam AveryDennisonViet nam Global


Very low Low Medium High Very high

Accordingt o t h e t a b l e s a n d f i g u r e s a b o v e , t h e r e a s o n r e l a t e d t o salary,c o m p e n s a t i o n a n d benefits,thecommonconcernofmanycompanies,isexcluded.Mrs.Daoexpressedthat:

“Thecompanyhastheawardpoliciesforsalesemployees.Ifthesalesemployeesreachandreachoverthetarget,t h e y wille arntheincentive.Forthesalesemployeeswhoreach100%ofthetargetforsalesvolume,theywille a r n 2monthsalaryb esides13monthsalary.Besidestheabovepolicy,AveryDennisonhasanotherpolicytoencouragethesalespeople.Ifthe salesstaffcanreachoverthetarget5%theywillhave10%of13monthsalary.F o r oversalestarget10%,theywillearn20


Despite Tiro Company's Management Board and HR Department implementing various solutions to address the high turnover rate of sales personnel, the issue persists, suggesting that the underlying problem may be more complex To uncover the root causes of this turnover, in-depth interviews were conducted with the HR manager, sales manager, and sales staff.

Mrs Anh highlighted several key reasons for the departure of experienced sales employees, based on feedback from surveys and interviews These reasons include low engagement levels, high workloads, work-life imbalance, the pursuit of better career development opportunities, and unequal distribution of workload among staff.

Mrs.Daostatedthatthereasonsforexperiencedsalespeopleleavingare:Work- lifeimbalance,b et t e r careerdevelopmentandunequalworkloadallocation.

Asp e r M r s Nhung’so p i n i o n ,t h e r e a s o n s f o r e x p e r i e n c e d s a l e s p e o p l e l e a v i n g a r e : Heavyworkload,bettercareerdevelopment,unequalworkloadallocationandpromotionfavoritism.

Throughtheinterview,Ms.Thanhstatedthatthereasonsforexperiencedsalespeopleleavingar e: Bettercareerdevelopment,work-lifeimbalanceandunequalworkloadallocation.

Fromherownview,Mrs.Huongstatedthatthereasonsforexperiencedsalespeopleleaving ar e: Work-lifeimbalance,bettercareerdevelopmentandunequalworkloadallocation.

AsperMrs.Vi’sinformation,thereasonsforexperiencedsalespeopleleavingare:Work- lifeimbalanceandleadershipstyle.

Afterthefirstin-depthinterviews,thesecondin- depthinterviewswereconducttofindthekeyr e a s o n s thatleadtothehighturnoverofstaff.

Fromprivatediscussions withsalesexperiencedsalesemployeesbe fo re theyquit,Mrs Anhstatedthekeyreasonforexperiencedsalespeopleleavingisunequalworkloadallocation.

AsperMrs.Nhung’sopinion,thekeyreasonforexperiencedsalespeopleleavingisunequal w o r k l o a d allocationandpromotionfavoritism.

Ms.ThanhstatedthatthekeyreasonforherleavingispromotionfavoritismT o Mrs.H uong,thekeyreasonmadeherleavingispromotionfavoritism.

Fromt h e c h a t w i t h s a l e s e m p l o y e e s w h o q u i t , M r s V i e x p r e s s e d t h a t thekeyr e a s o n f o r ex peri en ced salespeopleleavingare:Work-lifeimbalanceandpromotionfavoritism. Thede t a i l i n t e r v i e w s a n d r es u l t s a r e s h o w e d i n theQ u a l i t a t i v e R e s e a r c h I n - d e p t h i n t e r v i e w r e p o r t intable24page89.

Jeffreyetal.18s t a t e d thatwork- lifebalanceisanequaltime,satisfaction,andinvolvementine a c h o f t h e w o r k a n d f a m i l y s p h e r e s i r r e s p e c t i v e o f j o b d e m a n d s , f a m i l y d e m a n d s , f a m i l y structure,financ ialpressures,andsoon.Edy 19stated thatwork- lifebalanceistheacceptablelevelsofconflictbetweenworkandnon-workdemands.

“Heavyworkloadsc a n negativelyaffectthepsychologicalw e l l - beingo f employees,theirbloodpressurea n d hearthealth,thestabilityoftheirfamilyrelationships,andtheirsafetyinthe workplace.Allofthesenegativeeffectscanfluctuateonadailybasisbasedontheemployees'perceptionoftheamountofwor ktheyhavetodo.”T h e conceptofworkloadusedintheresearchisthesalestargetassignedtothesalesemplo yeesinayear.Thisresearchanalysestheworkloadassignedperyear,whichisthesalestargetandn umberofcustomersservedbyasinglesalesemployeeinoneyear.AccordingtoFriedhelm 21 t h e r e i s a r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e p e r f o r m a n c e a n d t h e w o r k l o a d o f t h e s a l e s employee;performancec a n b e a f f e c t e d byt h e w o r k l o a d b e i n g t o o h i g h o r t o o l o w S u s t a i n e d l o w w o r k l o a d wouldbeboredom,losssituationofawarenessandreduc edalertnessastheresult.

Accordingt o I r i s 22an i n c r e a s i n g o f w o r k l o a d w o u l d h a v e r e s u l t e d w o r k i n g l o n g h o u r s a n d expressingdissatisfactionfortheemployees.“Theworkloadwouldalsobeaffectedbythetypeofthej o b s , thecomplexityofthejobs,workinghours,andanyotherrelatedfactors.”

“NewresearchfromStanfordUniversityshowedthatproductivityperhourdeclinessharply whentheworkweekexceeds50hours,andproductivitydropsoffsomuchafter55hoursthatyoudon’tgetanythingoutofwo rkingmore.” 23

Becauseoflackofpeopleinsalesdepartment,theexistingsalesemployeeshavetoshoulde rt he workloadofleavingemployees.Theymustworkovernightorbringworkloadtoworkat homeorw or ka t weekend Th er ef or e, theydon’thave timefo r theirfamilies,theirperso nalh o b b i e s Aftersomeyearsworkingatthecompany,leavingthecompanyistheirchoices.

Untilnow,onlywhenasalespersonleavesthecompany,therecruitertriestogetcandidatesf o r Salesdepartmentbyinternalandexternalrecruitment.Althoughthesales departmentneedst h e newcomersassoonaspossiblebuttheHRdepartmentandheadhunterco mpaniescannotmeettheirrequirementbecausetherecruitmentprocesswilltakealongtimetoensureth atthey

Time to Fill = Total Number of Days Job Is Available and Unfilled

= Total Number of Days of Open Jobs Total Number of Jobs Open

= Total Candidates Per Opening Who Move Past the Phone Screen Stage Qualified Candidates cangetthequality andrightperson Itmeansthatinthistime,the existingemployees mu stshouldertheworkloadoftheleavingemployees.Itimpactstothecompanyefficiency.

Sales 42days 42.5days 44days 47days

(Source:HumanResourcesDepartment) Toexplainwhytherecruiterstakelongtimetorecruitanewsalesemployee,asurveymadebyTalentnetin associationwithMercerhasclarifiedasbelow:

Figure6:HotJobsin2015:DifficulttorecruitandretainSo ur ce:

Whenthemanagerswanttoincreasetheworkloadoftheirtalentedemployees,theyhadbetterincreas etheiremployees’positions.Thetalentedemployeeswilltakeonabiggerworkload,buttheywillq u i t i f t h e y c a n n o t s t a n d t h e i r j o b a n y more.T h e a c c e p t a b l e wayst o increaset h e wo r k lo ad tothe employeesarepromotionsandtitle-changes.Ifthemanagerincreasesw o r k l o a d toher/ hisemployeesbecausetheyaretalentedones,withoutchanginganything, her/h i s employeeswillseekanotherjobthatgivesthemwhattheywant.

Alan etal 24 stated that“thisperceptionofimbalancebetweenworkandpersonallifemayleadtofrustration andincreaseddesiret o reducetheperceivedcauseo f s u c h c o n f l i c t”.T h i s d e s i r e m a y o f t e n l e a d t o r e s i g n a t i o n s

Moreover,h e a v y workloadalsoleadstoreducedproductivity,burnout.Theemployeescaneasymake mistakes.

Aboutthew or kl oa d situation, Mrs Daosa id tha t: “Ours a l e s membersleavet h e officeverylateatni ghtorgotoofficeveryearlyinthemorning.Infrontoftheoffice,therearemanytaxiesafteroperationhours.T h e driverswai ttodrivesalespeopletotheirhousesbecauseallshuttlebusesworkaspershifts.Ofcourse,thecompanywillpayforthetaxif aresiftheyregisterworkingovertime.Thesecuritywillwriteoutthetaxiplatewhenthesalepersontakesataxitoherhouse.I nourdepartment,Mrs.OanhgotmarriedwithMr.Hung,ataxidriverofMaiLinhCompanybecausesheworksverylateandMr.Hungisthepersonwhousuallydriveshertoh e r house”.

AlmostsalespeoplewholeftorwhoareworkingatAveryDennisonexpressthattheyfeeltiredb e c a u s e o foverworking.Whenasalesstaffleaves,thegoodandexperiencedsalespersonwillb e handoverthec ustomersoftheleftstaffuntilthe newstaffcomes.However,toavoid thebigcompaniesl e a v e b e c a u s e o f i n e x p e r i e n c e n e w s a l e s s t a f f ; t h e managerw i l l a s s i g n t h e s a l e s p e o p l e w h o r e a c h e d o v e r t h e t a r g e t tot a k e t h e b i g c o m p a n i e s A l l s a l e s s t a f f s w h o w e r e interviewedrevealedthat,t h e y alwaysleavecompaniesl a t e an d w or k a t ho me to f i n i s h t h e w o r k l o a d toolate.Forthesinglesalespeople,they candoit.Forthemarriedsalesperson,thismakestheirhusbandortheirfamilyunhappy.Althoughthe yworktofinishtheirworkloadbuttheyfeeldissatisfiedandforlongtime,theywillleavecompany.

Moreover,overworkedemployeessoonerorlaterburnout.Theywillfeelthattheyarebeingp u n i s h e d fortheirgreatperformance.O v e r w o r k e d employeesarealsocounterproductive.

Besides,becauseofworkload,theydon’thavetimetojoininanyactivitiesofthecompany.The yadmittedthattheywouldliketousethefreetimefortheirfamiliesorsalesteammoret h a n j o i n i n t h e e v e n t s o f t h e company.I n t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s ’ l i s t s w h i c h t h e e v e n t o r g a n i z e r s suppliedtoAveryDennisonVietnam,95%membersofSalesDepartmentdidn’t joininan yengagementactivities.Therefore,theyfeelthattheydon’tengagewiththecompany.


MG(Ret.)Mikeetal 26stated that80%oftheworkisaccomplished by20%ofthepeople.Un fortunately,this i s prominenti n mostorganizations b e c a u s e theydono tu s e pr oces ses to leadtheirpersonnelappropriately.Unequalworkloaddistributioncancausedissention inther anks, jealousy,i n c r e a s e d p e r c e p t i o n s o f favoritism,w o r k e r f r u s t r a t i o n , t u r n o v e r a n d u n h a p p i n e s s

100%o f o v e r - a c h i e v e d s a l e s p e o p l e w h o a r e i n t e r v i e w e d r e v e a l t h a t theyf e e l d i s s a t i s f i e d b e c a u s e oftheunequalworkloadallocation.Ifsalespeoplereachoverthetarget,themanager wi l l setthenewtargetforthemwiththeachievedtargettimextargetpercentofnextyear.Withthes t a f f t h a t theyonlyr e a c h t h e t a r g e t , t h e n e w t a r g e t i s onlyx p e r c e n t T h e mores a l e s reve nuestheyget,thehighersalesquotatheyareassigned.Forsomeyears,thesalespeoplewill reducetheefforttogetoverthesalesquota.

Ms.T h a n h s t a t e d t h a t :“Mys a l e s targeta s s i g n e d i s alwaysh i g h e r t h a n mycolleaguesw h o w e r e recruitedinsameyearwithme3or4times.Evenmysalestargetishigherthanmycolleagues2timesw h o wo rklongerthanme2years.”

However,a f t e r c o n d u c t i n g someshorti n t e r v i e w s w i t h somem o r e s a l e s employeesa n d t h e s e c o n d i n - d e p t h i n t e r v i e w s , t h e r e a l r e a s o n f o r h i g h t u r n o v e r r a t e a t s a l e s d e p a r t m e n t i s promotionfavoritism.

Regardingtowork- lifeimbalance,itisnotakeyfactorleadingtohighturnoverrateinSalesDepartment.Intable20, AveryDennisonVietnamhasacompetitivesalaryandcompensationt o t h e i r s a l e s s t a f f

PERCENTAGE OF COMPANIES COMPLYING WITH THE OVERTIME REGULATIONS personallifeandthehighworkloadjob.Moreover,ingarment,textileandfootwearindustry, mostoftheofficeworkersaswellassalesemployeeshavetoworkovertime.

Mrs.Tamstatedthat:“Ihavesomefriendswhoareworkinginmanymultinationalcompanies.Theyareu s u a l l y w o r k i n g o v e r t i m e Becauseo f highworkload,theyworku n t i l 8 t o 9pmandworko n Saturday ofworkathome onSunday.Theirsalariesareevenlower than me.Besides,theyfaceth e competitionbetw eenteam.Therefore,Ireferstayingherethanmovingtoothercompanyforthesamep o s i t i o n ”

Mrs.Q u y e n s t a t e d t h a t“ Iusedt o workfors o m e foreignc o m p a n i e s b e f o r e Iw o r k here T h e workloadswereheavy,theycouldbelessorthesamebutIworkunderhighpressurebecauseImustf i n d newcustomersandtheheavyworkload.However,thesalarieswere lowerthanthiscompany.Iamsatisfiedwiththesalaryandworkingenvironmenthere.Inthiscompany,Idon’tn eedtofindcustomers;Ionlyfinish allmyworkloadassigned”

Sa le sE m p lo ye es


Figure7:AveryDennisonworkforceage( S o u re : Sa lesDepartment.)

Figure8:Whatwork- lifebalancemeanstoMillennial( So urce: HBR.ORG)

Deloitte) Wecanseethatthe majorityof theworkforceinsalesdepartmentisMillennial.Henrik 27stated thatMillennialsdriveforwork- lifebalance.Myersetal.28s t a t e d thatMillennialconfirmsthatw o r k - l i f e balanceisahighpriorityforthem.DeHauwetal.29s t a t e d that,althoughtheyvaluew o r k - l i f e balance,theywouldputextratimeandefforttoworkwhen neededinordertoensure thecompanysucceeds.Ms.T hanhstatedthat:

“Weallrealizedthatourcustomers’productionlinecaninterruptifwecannotsupplylabelstothemont i m e I no r d e r t o havelabels,w e m u s t completeo u r workloadt h e n o t h e r departmentscanc o m p l e t e t h e i r st eps.Hence,we canworkovertimeto completeourworkload”

Moreover,afterreceivingtheopinionsofsalesstaff,beginning2017,thecompanyisgoingtoa p p l y theworkinghoursandworkplaceflexibleathomeforofficeworkers.Thesalesemployeesa r e i n s t a l l e d t h e s o f t w a r e i n l a p t o p s o t h a t theyc a n worka t h o m e T h e ITdepartmenthassomemethodsto ensure thatthe confidentialinformationcannot berevealed inc a s e thelaptopsare stolen Ho weve r, the firstsix monthsof 2 0 1 7, t he turnoverrate doesn’t d e c r e a s e T h e r e f o r e , thehighworkloadisn’ta centralproblemthatleadstoemployees’ leavingintention.

Forunequalworkloadallocation,afterreceivingcomplaintsfromsalesemployees,thehumanr e s o u r c e s andmanagementteamhadsomemeetingtofindsolutionsforthisissue.Inwhich ,t h e managera n d v i c e managerw i l l r e v i e w t h e t o t a l w o r k l o a d f o r t h e w h o l e t e a m an d h avesomemeetings/discussionswiththem toreallocatetheworkloadtotheirsalesemployees.ThesolutionswillbeappliedfromApril,2017. However,Mrs.Anhstatedthat:“Beforethenewsalestargetofworkloadallocationisassignedtosales person,thereweremutualagreementbetweensalesmanagerandsalesemployees.Wedidhopet h a t salesd epartment’s turnoverrateisreduce.Butitdidn’thappenasour expectation.Theturnoverrateafterth atarestill thesameevenhigherthanthesameperiod.”

Sales targets assigned to employees depend on their individual capabilities Employees with skills like negotiation, forecasting, and analysis can often meet these targets more easily However, some trained employees may still struggle to reach their goals As Mrs T stated, when faced with a new sales volume target from management, she evaluates her ability to achieve it If she believes it’s unattainable, she presents data to her manager to support her case Fortunately, Mrs Dao, the manager, is receptive to feedback and listens to their concerns during daily operations.

Mrs.Hoaiaddedthat:“Ofcourse,wearesalespeople;wearenottoogentletoacceptanynewsalesv o l u m e targetfromo u r supervisoro r manager.W e haves o m e s k i l l s t h a t cannegotiatew i t h mymanager.W eallunderstandthatwhenweachievetheassignedtargetevenhigherweearnhighbonusfromthat”

Ms.Thanhstatedthat:“IknewthatifIshowedtherealreasonwhyIquitthecompanywepromotionfavoritis m,t h e H R d e p a r t m e n t couldh a v e s o m e s o l u t i o n s t o s o l v e t h e hight u r n o v e r r a t e s i t u a t i o n However,IworkinGarment,TextileandFootwearindustrysoIwillworkwithMrs.Daoandothersale speopleofAveryDennison.Hence,Iwanttokeepthisgoodrelationshipwiththem.Therefore,Ishowedther easonisunequalworkloadallocation.ThisreasonandactionapplynotonlymebutalsoM r s Huong andotherbestsalespeople.”

Itc a n b e s e e n t h a t p r o m o t i o n f a v o r i t i s m i s c o n s i d e r e d a s mainf a c t o r s t h a t e f f e c t t o s a l e s employees’turnoverrate.Becauseofthefollowingreasons:

Before a sales employee leaves the company, Human Resources conducts an official survey to understand their reasons for departure However, many employees do not disclose the true reasons behind their decision to leave During in-depth interviews, they reveal that favoritism from managers regarding promotions is a significant factor contributing to high turnover rates Employees often choose to withhold this information to maintain a good relationship with their supervisors while still employed Even when transitioning to other companies in the garment, textile, and footwear industries, they wish to preserve their connections with former supervisors, especially since Avery Dennison is a leading label company globally Other contributing factors to their departure are often not mentioned.

Secondly,j o b p r o m o t i o n c o m e s w i t h e x t r a incomeo f a n e m p l o y e e A s a l e s e m p l o y e e i s promotedtohigherposition,her/hissalarywillincreasefrom15%to25%ofher/ hissalary.Moreover,he/ shewillhavesomebenefitssuchas:insurancefortheirfamilymembers,highertelephonelumpsum,atten dingtrainingonmanagement,andsoon.

Thirdly,promotionfavoritismimpactstothejobsatisfactionofemployees.Thebestandover- a c h i e v e d salesemployeesfeelhurtanddissatisfiedwhentheyworkunderthesupervi sionofsupervisorwhoseperformanceislowerthanthatofthem.

Lastly,gettingpromotioninjobisthemostimportantofeveryover- achievedemployee.Jobpromotions h o w s t h e achievemento f s u c c e s s i n c a r e e r l i f e o f employee.W h e n a n over-a c h i e v e d salesemployeeispromoted,he/ shefeelsproudofherself/himselfandfeelsthatthecomp an yacknowledgeandthankyouforher/ hiscontribution/performance.

Them o n e y r e w a r d s y s t e m i s b a s e d one m p l o y e e s ’ p e r f o r m a n c e r e s u l t b u t j o b p r o m o t i o n i s basedontheevaluationofsalesmanager.Thesalesmanagerwillhaveastaffassessment talkw i t h salesemployeesbutthecriteriaarenotclearandweight.Thesalesmanagercanevaluate ba s e onherfeelings

Becauset h e s a l e s e m p l o y e e s d i d n ’ t e x p r e s s d i r e c t l y theirmainr e a s o n f o r l e a v i n g s o AveryD e n n i s o n d i d n ’ t r e c o g n i z e t h e m a i n r e a s o n A n d a s a b o v e a n a l y s i s a n d c o m b i n e d w i t h M s T h an h andMrs Huongfrom thesecondin- depth interview indicatedthat th e maincause ofh i g h turnoverrateatSalesDepartmentatA veryD e n n i s o n RBISisfavoritismfromthemanageronpromotion.Therefore,thecompanysho uldfocusmoreonhowtoimprovef a v o r i t i s m frommanagerfirsttoenhancetheeffectivenessofperfo rmanceevaluationsprocess. interviewswithSalesemployees

Thefollowing causeand effect treewith themain content and reasonshas createdbycombining the literatureandin-depth

-Promotionfavoritism impactsto lifestyle(family,hobbies, health) attitude of existing employees

C o s t i n g o n c o m p a n y time, m o n e y Salesemployees’turnover - Negativeimpact to Avery

DennisonReputationC o m p e t i t o r s & companies besidesdailywork -Negativeimpact to Avery

Thefollowing causeand effect treewith themain content and reasonshas createdbycombining the literatureandin-depth

-Promotionfavoritism impactstolifestyle(family,hobbies, health) attitudeofexistingemployees

-Costingon companytime, moneySalesemployees’turnover -Negativeimpact to Avery Receivehigherofferfrom -Notengagementwithotherdepts.

DennisonReputationC o m p e t i t o r s & companies besidesdailywork -Negativeimpact to Avery

Melchoretal.30d e f i n e d t h a t promotionfavoritismwithin intheorganization istheprocessthatp r o v i d e s anunfairadvantagetoapersonirrespectiveof skills orperformanceresults.

Caniceeta l 31s t at e d t h a t promotionf a v o r i t i s m i s t h a t e v a l u a t o r s u s e t h e i r p o w e r t o r e w a r d p r e f e r r e d subordinatesbeyondtheirperformancer esu lt s Illoong32s t a t e d thatfavoritis mmeanstotreato n e person orgroupbetterthan toothers anddemonstratethe personalpreferences ofdecision- makers.


“AsurveyconductedbyGeorgetownUniversity'sMcDonoughSchoolofBusinessindicatedthat92%ofseniorbusinesse xecutiveshaveseenfavoritisminemployeepromotions,includingattheirowncompanies(84%)” 33 T h e r e f o r e , favoritismisabsolutelyseeninmostcompanies,bigorsmall.Nezireetal 34 stated thatfavoritismis anaturalphenomenonwhichexistsineverycompany.

Accordingt o M rs Da o, t h e f a c t o r y salesd i v i s i o n h a s o n e m a n a g e r an dt w o v i c e m a n a g e r s T h e s e positionsarefixed.Salespeoplecouldbepromotedtosupervisorsbutthesepositionsareal s o l i m i t e d A l l o v e r - a c h i e v e d s a l e s p e o p l e w h o q u i t t e d a n d a l l o v e r - a c h i e v e d s a l e s p e o p l e w h o areworkingatAveryDennisonadmittedthattheyliketobepromot edtohigherposition.Everyonelikeskudos.Somestaffswhoarealwaysintop5ofbestsellersforman yyearshaveb e e n notpromotedtohigherposition,superior,althoughtheirlengthofservic eandthegoodperformance.Whilesomeofsalesstaffswhowerepromotedtosupervisorpositio31 nshavethe performanceresultlowerthanthem.Withthegoodperformanceandthelengthofserviceatthet o p c o m p a n y l i k e A v e r y D e n n i s o n , t h e s a l e s employeest e n d tolookingf o r a j o b a t o t h e r comp anieswithhigherposition.

I have a close working and personal relationship with Mrs Tam and Mrs Dao In my management role, I acknowledged that colleagues like Ms Thanh and Mrs Huong are more deserving of higher positions than Mrs Tam, as they possess essential skills such as presentation, forecasting, and negotiation abilities that Mrs Tam lacks They consistently meet customer service expectations and collaborate effectively with team members, demonstrating leadership when assigned to lead teams Additionally, they quickly learn and apply knowledge from training courses provided by the company While I recognize that Mrs Tam was recently promoted, I believe she does not excel in these skills or performance compared to Ms Thanh and Mrs Huong I suggested to Mrs Dao that she consider promoting Thanh or Huong, but Mrs Dao stated her intention to invest time in further training Mrs Tam.

In my company, I have developed a close friendship with Mrs Tam, who joined us from her previous job where she worked alongside Mrs Dao I was genuinely happy when she was promoted; however, I believe that Mrs Thanh or Mrs Huong would have been more suitable for the position Mrs Thao, who was also considered for promotion, expressed that she never expected to advance, feeling that her colleagues possess skills and performance results that surpass hers She now experiences high pressure in her role, as she lacks essential skills such as leadership and negotiation, which are crucial for higher positions and effective collaboration with team members and customers.


Promotion favoritism is a significant cause of workplace conflict and stress, leading to decreased employee motivation and productivity This practice can influence an employee's decision to leave the organization and generate negative feedback from colleagues, customers, and friends, ultimately harming the company's operations and image Promotion favoritism is often referred to as a "cancer" to employee morale within the organization When managers prioritize personal preferences over performance in promotion decisions, it can deter the company from attracting qualified talent for job openings.

Inthein- depth interviews,Ms Thanh andMrs Huongconfirmedthat promotion favoritismf r o m salesmanageristhereasonsfortheirleavingdecision.

Ift h e c o m p a n y hopest o h o l d o n t o moret o p - h a l f performers,managementb o a r d m u s t p a y attentiontopromotionopportunitiesfortheirhighperf ormers.




A well-designed promotion process is crucial for maintaining a high level of talent within an organization, as it directly influences employee motivation and satisfaction According to Jed45, effective promotion decisions can elevate talented individuals to positions where they can make the most significant impact Conversely, poor promotion choices may lead to talented employees resigning or losing motivation Norma46 emphasizes that a successful promotions system should align employees with the right roles, enhancing both individual and organizational performance However, the current staff assessment form used by NIC Group's HR department lacks clear instructions and measurable criteria, which can result in disagreements between managers and employees during evaluations.


Thecausesoffavoritism cancomefromsupervisors, managers, humanresources andm an agement board.Kraigeretat.47indicated thatsupervisorscangivehigherratingstotheirsubordinat es.Khan 48found thatemployees’satisfaction andcommitmentareaffectedbytheb i a s a n d f e e l i n g s o f somemanagers,t h i s c a n c a u s e s t o i n c r e a s e employeet u r n o v e r r a t e R i c h a r d e t a l 41s t a t e d t h a t i n d i v i d u a l j o b p e r f o r m a n c e w a s a n o f t e n o v e r l o o k e d f a c t o r i n influencingturnoverdecisions.Furthermore,Donald49f o u n d thatapositiverelationshipb e t w e e n performanceandturnoverandheindicatedthathighperformersaremorelikelytoquitb e c a u s e hi ghperformer’abundantemploymentopportunitiesluredthemawayfromthecompanywhenh eobservedinverseassociations.

Thewayamanagerorsupervisorfeelsabouteachmemberinthedepartmentworkingunderhi m/her-whetherhe/shelikesordislikesthem- asatremendouseffectontheratingoftheirp e r f o r m a n c e s Personalfavoritismcanresultfromvario ussourcessuchasinformationobtainedf r o m colleagues,considerationsoffaithandthinking,socialandfam ilybackgroundandsoon.

“Mymanagerisagoodperson.Shetakescareofsalesemployees.Sherememberallsalesmembers’birthday.W e alllike herbesideswork.Butinpromotionprocess,shegivesherpreferencestothesalesemployeeswhou s e d t o workwithhe rfrompreviouscompany.Twovicemanagersa n d threei n fivesupervisorsareh e r colleaguesfrompreviouscompanyal thoughthethreesupervisors’performancesarenotbetter thanus”.

“AlthoughweleftAveryDennisonbutwhenourbirthdayscome,weallgathertocelebrate.Welikeourformermanager.No w,Ithinkagainandrealizethatthepersonalfavoritismisnature.Myformermanageristhesame.W e onlyoffendwhenwe werenotpromotedalthoughourperformanceresultsarebetterthansomepeople”


Asmentioned,thep ro mo ti on is base d ont he evaluation o fm ana ge r ontheiremployees.

To a v o i d thepromotionfavoritism,thecompanyshouldbuildthebetterperformanceappraisalandpro motions y s t e m T h e performancea p p r a i s a l a n d promotions y s t e m mustb e c l e a r a n d u s e o b j e c t i v e criteriatomeasurepeople’performance.Thenewsystemmustcontainbothfeedbackt h e employees’manager,HRdepartmentandthemostimportanttheemployees’feedbacksont h e i r manager.Thisimprovementwillmakethepromotionprocessfairandhelpmanagerandemployee s moreresponsibleforwhattheyhavedone.Thisprocessshouldgivepromotionsandd e v e l o p m e n t op portunitiesbasedonanemployee’sstrengthsandperformanceresults.Charlese t al.50suggested thatth egoodsystemofappraisalsandusingappraisalstoimproveperformancecouldlowerlevelsofturnoverino rganizations.

Hockeyetal.51s t a t e d thatthebeststrategytoscopewiththehighturnoverrateistoincrease activeemployeeinvolvementbyinstilling“bottom-up”managementattitudes.


Asmentionedabove,salesemployeesfaceaheavyworkload.Therefore,theydon’thavemoret i m e t o c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h t h e w h o l e team.T h e p e r c e p t i o n o f f a v o r i t i s m c a n e x i s t amongemployeesevenifthemangerorsupervisorisbasingdecisionsonwork- relatedf a c t o r s Thisoccursmoreregularlyifthereisalackofcommunicationbetweenthe managerand t h e r e s t o f t h e t e a m a b o u t h o w a n d whyc e r t a i n d e c i s i o n s w e r e made.O f t e n t i m e s , favoritismoccurswhenamanagerandanemployeeoragrouphavedevelopedafriendship beyondtheworkplace.Perhapstheyworkedtogetherinpreviouscompanyandhaveashared history,ormaybetheyhavesimilarinterests,suchassportsormusicandso on.Itissuggestedt o d e v e l o p a n d c o m m u n i c a t e anapproachw h e r e e m p l o y e e s c a n r e p o r t f a v o r i t i s m o r unfairtreatmentsuchashotlinesorforumsforemployees,managersandmana gementboardtosharea n d listenmutualconcerns.

Improvepersonalfavoritismfromsalesmanager…………………………….…… …….46I I I Actionplan

Messieretal.52s t at e d thatthosewhoareexperienced,familiarandexpertisewithataskarelessb i as ed inde cisionmaking.InAveryD e n n i s o n , somemanagersreviewtheiremployees’performancedepe ndingontheirattitudes,theirfeelingsandtheirrelationshipwitheachemployee.Tosolvethisp r o b l e m , managershouldcommunicatewithallteammembers.Managershouldorganizemeetingswithal lindividualsintheteam

- Knowingwhate mp lo yees have to do, ho wi nd iv id ua ls andt eam performand ho wt osucceedintheirjob.

P r o v i d i n g informationthathelpsmanagersknowaboutwhattheiremployeeshavedone,w h a t isgoodandwhatisnot.Then,managercanhelpthemtoachievetheirobjectivesaswe ll.

1 Meetingsbetweendepartments,HumanResourceDepart menta n d N I C G r o u p tog e t i d e a s a n d c r e a t e assess mentc r i t e r i a f o r e a c h p o s i t i o n , keyperform anceq u e s t i o n , keyr esu lt a r e a , keyperformance,job promotionindicators

To combat favoritism in the workplace, it is essential to provide training for both managers and employees This training should focus on defining favoritism, discussing its dangers and harmful effects, and outlining the steps employees can take if they encounter it By clearly understanding what to look for, employees are more likely to report favoritism when they see it Research by Atiya et al highlights that while training can facilitate positive change, its impact can vary; effective training can lead to increased profits, promotions, and job opportunities, whereas poorly executed training may result in decreased employee credibility, lower performance, and heightened conflicts.

Replacing the sales manager and vice managers is a potential solution, but it requires careful consideration These leaders have established relationships with customers, and their departure could lead to significant customer loss for the company Additionally, any new manager and vice manager must thoroughly understand the organizational structure and customer base while also focusing on building and maintaining a strong, effective, and stable sales team.

TheabovesolutionscanhelpthecompanytoimprovetheturnoverrateinSalesDepartment.A f t e r meetingsamongmanagementboard,humanresourceDepartmentandmangersofSalesDe partment,thecompanytakessomeactions:

+HumanResource,NICGroup, Salesmanager and5salesemployeeshavethemeeting stod e s ig n thenewemployeeassessment Inwhicheachcriteriaisclear andweighted. Thenew assessmentc o n t a i n s t h e a c h i e v e m e n t s , t h e s k i l l s n e e d t o i m p r o v e a n d t h e d e s i r e d t r a i n i n g c o u r s e

+Requestingallmember ofSales Departmenttodonewemployee assessment This as sessmentcanhelpemployees understand theirstrengths,weaknesses,errorsintheevaluationp r o c e s s madebymanager.B a s e o n t h i s a s s e s s m e n t , t h e managerc a n e v a l u a t e e m p l o y e e s e x a c t l y andcanpromoterightperson. +Then, all salesemployeeswill have the bottom-upfeedbackwith theirmanager.Thebottom- u p feedbackcanhelpemployeesevaluatetheirmanageraswellasthemanagercanknowherstren gths,herweaknessinmanagement

Thebelowtableisanactionplanwhich take06monthsfromDecember2017 toJune2018andw il l bereviewedattheendofyear2018.

Designt h e n e w s t a f f a ssessmentf o r s a l e s emp loyeeswiththeo p i n i o n s ofsalesmanagerand5sales employees

HumanResource,salesma nager,5salesemployees andNICGr o u p

RequestallSalesemploye est o doi n i t i a l assessme nt

Toevaluatethesalesmanager NICGroup,salesmanage r,salesemployees Discuss with salesmanagerabouttheresult

Discusswiththesalesdepa rtmenta b o u t t h e i r con cernsandwhattheyshoul ddo

Toenhancequalityoftraining HumanResource,salesdepar tment b.Trainingonsoftskills

Organized the classesto Toequipskillsforsales NICGroup,sales trainthoseskillsforsales employees employees employees



“Twoyearsago,Mrs.Oanhinmydepartmentleftthecompany.Welosttwentypercentofourcustomerswhoms h e worke dwith.Thesecustomersareworkingwithnewcompanywheresheisworkingfor.Wearetryingtoconvincethemtoconti nueworkingwithusbutonlysomeofthemreturn.”

Inaverage,everysalesemployeewillresponsibleforworkingwith400customers.Forthenewemployees, thenumbersofcustomersthattheyworkwithcanbe100customers.Forthelong- service,highlycapableemployees,theycanworkwithabout1,000customers.

“Asp e r myownstatistics,everyover- achievedsalesemployeeleave,wewillloosefrom5t o 1 5 customers,evenmoreforsomecases.Ifwecanretainouremploye es,wecankeepthecustomers’faithfulness.”

“Isetthesalestargetforeachsalesemployeeaspertheircapacity.Fornewcomers,theymustgetfamiliarwitht h e newjoba ndnewcustomersso,thesalestargetforthemislowerthanthelongtenureemployees.Thesalestargetforthemisintheran gefrom500,000USDto700,000USD.Thetopover- achievedemployeescanreacht h e salesavenuethathigherthann e w comersmoret h a n tentimes.T h e y a r e assigne dtohandleourVIPcustomers”.

“Ourcompanyonlyreceivetheorderwiththesalesamountfrom100USD/ orderandthecustomerhavetobringt h e salesamountfrom2,400USD/year”

D e n n i s o n R B I S Vietnamsetthe customersintoVIPones iftheybringthe salesvolumesabove1,00 0,000U SD t o t h e company.T h e V I P customersc o u n t f o r t w e n t y p e r c e n t o f t h e t o t a l customers.F o r r e t a i n i n g t h e threeb e s t e m p l o y e e s , t h e c o m p a n y c a n k e e p a t l e a s t t h e s a l e s a v e n u e s of36,000USD.

Salesavenues 2,400USDx156,000USD#720,000,000VND 720,000,000VND

Thee c o n o m y ofV i e t n a m is d e v e l o p i n g morequickly.E v e r y yeara youngl a b o r f o r c e w i t h h i g h skillsandqualificationentertojobmarket.Thisleadstochangethetraditionalmindsetofcompani esa n d e m p l o y e e s i n l i f e - longl o y a l t y e m p l o y e e s T h e e m p l o y e e s d o n ’ t staym a n y yearswithacompanyifthey arenothappy.Theresearchhasbeeninvestigatedtheproblemint h e companyandfoundoutthemainre asonsleadingtoturnoverintentionofsalesemployeesispromotionfavoritismfrommanager.

Afterresearching,acombinationofactsisdesignedtosolvetheproblem withevaluationfromH R , salesdepartmentsandmanagementboardafterconsideringthebenefit sandcost.TheHRmanagerandsalesmanagerwillrecordtheresults.AveryDennisonRBISVietnam commitstoc a r e t h e i r a l l e m p l o y e e s b e c a u s e o f t h e i r g r o w t h s u s t a i n a b i l i t y an db u s i n e s s visiont o w a r d f u t u r e throughthisresearch.

Avery Dennison Retail Branding and Information Solutions (Avery Dennison RBIS) Vietnam Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corporation, a global leader in manufacturing and distributing pressure-sensitive adhesive materials, apparel branding labels and tags, RFID inlays, and specialty medical products Founded in 1935 by Mr and Mrs Ray Stanton Avery in Los Angeles as Kum Klee Products, the company underwent several name changes, becoming Avery Adhesives in 1937, Avery Adhesive Label Corp in 1946, and Avery Products Corporation in 1964 In 1976, it was renamed Avery International Corporation and later merged with Dennison Manufacturing Company in 1990, resulting in the current name, Avery Dennison.

In1844,AndrewDennisonandhissonAaronLufkinDennisonfoundedtheDennisonManu fa ct ur ing CompanyinBrunswick,specializedinmanufacturingjewelry-andwatch- box.I n 1949,Aaronhandedoverthecompanytohisyoungerbrother,EliphaletWhorfDen nison.H e tookoveranddevelopedthecompanyintoasignificant- sizeindustrialenterprise.In1898,thec o m p a n y movedt o F ra mi ng ha m, M a s s a c h u s e t t s

Th e c o m p a n y ’shea dq uar te r i s i n Glendale,California.The company’stotalsalesis$6.8 billion.Itrankednumber375onthe2 0 1 3 F o r t u n e 5 0 0 l i s t S a l e s f r o m c o n t i n u i n g o p e r a t i o n s w e r e $ 6 0 b i l l i o n I t s m a i n l i n e o f b usin ess iss e l f - a d h e s i v e materialsf o r l a b e l i n g a n d b r a n d i n g , w h i c h w a s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r 7 1 percentof2012salesfromcontinuingoperations.Thecompanyisoperatinginmorethan50 co un tri es and30,000employeesinovertheworld.

This thesis utilizes both secondary and primary data to explore sales employee turnover Secondary data sources include human resource data, literature, journals, previous research, and relevant websites, while primary data is gathered through qualitative research methods, specifically in-depth interviews A total of eight in-depth interviews were conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing sales employees' decisions to leave, which are categorized into four main groups.

 Thesecond groups includes those whoaresales employees who alreadyleft AveryDennisonRBISVietnam.

Thequestionnaires should beclear,easytounderstand,opened endquestions sothatre sp on dents canprovidetheopenedsharingtogetthevaluableinformation Foreachgro up,t h e questionnairesshouldbemodifiedandcustomizedalittlebitinordertogettheacc urateinsightsandmeaningfulresponsesfromtherespondents.

Tofindoutthekeyreasonsexperiencedandover- achieved Salesemployeesdecideto leaveandproposethesolutionstosolveitinordertoensurethe businesseffectiveness.

Overbackground Tounderstandthecurrentproblemofexperiencean dov er - ach i ev ed salesemployyesinAveryDennisonVietna m

Explorethe cause ofh i g h t u r n o v e r rateandthemainrea sons

Exploret h e caus eo f h i g h turno verrateandthem ainreasons

Thankyouinadvancefortakingyourtimetocompletethisin- depthinterviewtohelpusbetteru n d e r s t a n d s theremainedproblemsforsalesforceturnover.Y ourresponses,alongwiththosef r o m otherstaffswillhelpthemanagementboardtosolvethepr oblemsthatyoufaceondailyw o r k i n g Youarerandomlyselectedtocompletethissurvey. Thesurveyshouldtakea p p r o x i m a t e l y 30minutestocomplete,andyourparticipationisneces sarytothesuccessofthisr e s e a r c h

Yourr e s p o n s e s w i l l b e combinedw i t h t h e r e s p o n s e s o f o t h e r s t a f f s T h e identifyinginf or mat ion aboutyouwillnotbereleasedtoanyone.Werespectyourprivacy.Iwouldliketoen su r e y outhatyourresponsesareanonymousandconfidential.

 Workingstatus:WorkingforAveryDennisonRBISVietnam1 stintervie w:2 ndMar, 201702:00PM

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : F i r s t ,c a n yous a y s o m e t h i n g a b o u t yourselfa n d yourw o r k i n A v e r y DennisonRBISVietnam?

NguyenThiHongHuong:Oh,8yearsisreallyalongtime.Iwouldliketoknowthereasonst h a t keep youhavestayedinAveryDennisonforasuchlongtime.Whatdoyoulikeordislikea b o u t yourcurrentp osition?

LeThiHongAnh:Ah,everyjobhasitsowndifficulties.Tome,thehighturnoverrateistheb i g g e s t difficultyformeandmyteam.Inrecentyear,thehighturnoverrateatSalesdepartmenthasmadeu sworry.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : C o u l dyoup l e a s e s h a r e w i t h met h e r e a s o n s whym a n y s a l e s employeesleavethecompany?

LeThiHongAnh:Currently,asIcanobservethatwhenIjustjoinedinsomemonths,oure ngagementactivitiesarenotmuchwhichcomesupwithsomeissues.Forexample:Salesteama n d Custo merServicesDepartmentandPlanningDepartmentonlyhavesometeammeetings onhighseasontoavoidlateshipment.Forquarterlymeetings,theyalwaysgetoutandtheyfeelt h a t meetin gsorsomethinglikethatarenottheirresponsibilitiesandtheyfeelthatnoneedtocomeup.Butyo uknowthatinthecompany, departmentscannotworkalone,theyneedthesupportandengag ewithotherteams.That’swhyweprefertohaveengagementactivities,sothatwehavesomeissue sregardingtotheengagement

NguyenThiHongHuong:SothefirstthingthatyoumentionistheEngagement,whatisthesecondt hingthat youreallyfinddifficultwhenyouworkwithordealwithpeople?

LeT h i H o n g A n h : T h ee n g a g e m e n t s u p p o r t s verymuchf o r m a n y i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s l i k e : r e t e n t i o n , becausewealwaysfocusonhowtoretainpeople,howtoretainthepeopl e.Asyousee,A v e r y D e n n i s o n , w e h a v e a l o t e x p e r i e n c e d p e o p l e Theyc a n w o r k i n d e p e n d e n t l y o r corporatetogether.Whentheylovetoworkhere,wecankeepthem.It hinkthattheengagementwillsupportfortheRetentionaswell.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : W eh a v e t h e E n g a g e m e n t a n d t h e R e t e n t i o n A n d t h e n i f w e increasetheengagement,wecanincreaseourRetentionhereinAveryDennison.Itisag oodidea,isn’tit?

LeThiHongAnh:Yes,itisalsoapart,butnotthetotal.Thataresomepointsthatwecandor i g h t now.

Forotherpoints,firstofall,wehavesomeexitinterviewsandsurveyswithsomep e o p l e and thenwehavesomeanalysistoseehowaboutthetrend,andengagementispartofr e a s o n s , partofr etention,sothatweneedtofindoutmoredetailsforthis

NguyenThiHongHuong:OKsobesidesincreasingtheengagement,couldyousharewi thmeanys o l u t i o n s t h a t t h e c o m p a n y a l r e a d y p r o v i d e d t o k e e p t h e p e o p l e i n t h e company,e s p e c i a l l y intheSalesteam

Le Thi Hong Anh highlights the challenges of managing a high workload due to partnerships with numerous factory clients, particularly those processing for overseas customers This often necessitates night and early morning shifts to produce labels on tight deadlines Additionally, the company encourages employees to stretch their roles, enhancing their skill sets and fostering better relationships with other teams However, associates may perceive this differently, prompting a need to reassess their current workloads and aspirations By understanding their preferences for improvement, the company aims to support their development in a more personalized manner.

LeThiHongAnh:Currently,wehaveissuedthemonthlyinternalmagazine:“Cómộtđiề un h ư thế”.Thisisachangeforemployeestosharetheirfeelings,opinionortheycancomposepoe ms,s h o r t s t o r i e s , …

B e s i d e s , w e o r g a n i z e t h e A D g o t T a l e n t byt h e e n d o f t h e yearf o r employees.Atthisparty,departmentswillperformtheirtalence.Especially,weusually cooperatew i t h o t h e r companiest o o r g a n i z e c h a r i t y e v e n t s T h e s e e v e n t s w i l l e n g a g e e mployeestogether.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Thankyouverymuchforjoiningthein- depthinterviewwithmetoday.Maybeinthefuturewewillhavemanymanytalksrelatingthisto pictoseeifwecanhav e somesolutionstothecompany.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : G o o dmorningM r s A n h T h a n k youf o r j o i n i n g t h e s e c o n d - indepthinterviewwithmetoday.Lasttime,wediscussedabouttheturnoverrate,engagementa n d r e t e n t i o n I n yourp o i n t o f v i e w , c o u l d yous h a r e w i t h met h e mainr e a s o n s whymanye x p e r i e n c e d andover-achievedsalesemployeesleftthecompany?

LeThiHongAnh:Ok.Afteranalyzingtheexitsurveywiththem,Irealizedthatbesidestheenga gement,thesalesemployeesstillfeelthatthecompanydidn’ttakecareofthemenough.T h a t i s b e c a u s e theyw o r k f o r years,theya r e n o t p r o m o t e d a n d u n f a i r t r e a t m e n t fromt h e managerinworkloadallocation.

NguyenThiHongHuong: D oyouhave anytrainingprogrammefor managerssothat th e c o m p a n y cancoachthemanagerhowtotakecaretheemployees,howtoguidethem?

LeThiHongAnh:Yes,wedo.WetakecareofmanagerandtalentpeopleinTalentProgramme.T h e m a n a g e r s w e r e t r a i n e d h o w t o c o n d u c t a n d w i t h yourp e o p l e i n t h e t e a m , department a s w e l l a s a l l o c a t e w o r k l o a d t o t h e i r t e a m members.Managerc a n w o r k a n d u n d e r s t a n d theirassociatesmore.

LeThiHongAnh:Onebiggestreasoniswork- homebalance.Forthepeoplewhogotmarried,theyn e e d moret i m e f o r t h e i r familiesa n d t h e i r l i f e Wea r e r e q u e s t i n g t h e h e a d o f f i c e ’ s a p p r o v a l toinstallthesoftwaretoemploye es’laptopsothattheycanworkathome.Although,ouroperationhoursarefrom7:30to16:30,emplo yeescanstartworkinglaterandstaylonger.I f theyarebusywiththeirfamilyaffairs,theycanworkathom e.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Accordingtoourdiscussion,youmentionedabouthighworkload,c a r e e r developmentandunfairtreatmentfrommanager.Doyouthinkthereisanyreasonelse?

 Workingstatus:WorkingforAveryDennisonRBISVietnam1 s t int erview:3:00PM2 ndMar 2017

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : F i r s t ,c a n yous a y s o m e t h i n g a b o u t yourselfa n d yourw o r k i n A v e r y DennisonVietnam?

NguyenThiDao:Yes,IamNguyenThiDao.IhaveworkedforAveryDennisonVietnam9years.I amworkinginpositionofsalesmanageroffactorysalesdivision.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Wow,youworkforAveryDennisonforalongtime.Youmusth a v e anumberofcustomersandhaveacloserelationshipwiththem.

NguyenThiDao:Yes,wehavemanycustomers.Manyofthemhaveworkedwithusfromthetimewees tablishedourofficeinVietnam.Yearbyyear,wehavemoreandmorecustomers.

Aa n d in Vietnaminthegarmentandtextileindustry.Howcanyourdepartmentfindandsign thec o n t r a c t withthem?

B O s a l e s p e o p l e i n V i e t n a m w i l l c o n t a c t w i t h H u b s a n d g e t t h e c o n t a c t a n d t h e l i s t o f p r o c e s s i n g companies Th en theywillsup pl y factorysalespeo pl e w ithth e contractandl is t Factorysalepeoplewillcontactwithbuyeroffactories.

NguyenThiHongHuong:TheprocessseemssimplebutIthinkit’snotsimpleanymore.N g u y e n ThiD ao:Yes,ofcourse.Weknowthatourretailcompaniesalsosigncontractwithanotherl a b e l s c o m p a n i e s a n d theyw i l l g i v e t h e p r o c e s s i n g c o m p a n i e s t h e c o n t a c t ofourc o m p e t i t o r s I n c a s e , w e c a n n o t s e r v e t h e m w e l l , t h e p r o c e s s i n g companiesw i l l c h o o s e o u r competitors.Therefore,wemustkeepthegoodrelationshipwithbuyersoffactoryco mpaniesa n d servethemwell.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : Wow,i t meanst h a t yourc u s t o m e r s mustb e h a p p y w i t h yo urc o m p a n y andyourservicetothem.

NguyenThi Dao:Although wetrytoserveourcustomer,somecompanies leave our companya n d wereceivemoreandmorecomplaintemailsfromourcustomers.

NguyenThiDao:Ithinkthissituationhappenedbecauseourexperiencedsalespeopler esig ned our company.Thetruthisthatourdepartmentfaceswiththehighsalesstaffturnover.N g u y e n ThiHongHuon g:Inaverage,howmanysalespeopleleftyourcompanyeveryyear?

N g u y e n ThiDao:Everyyear,theturnoverrateisabout50%.Itmeansthat8salespeoplelefto urc ompanyannually.

NguyenThiDao:Thereare16peopleinmydivision.Wedivideinto2divisions:RBOsalesd i v i s i o n andfactorysalesdivision.

NguyenT h i D a o : T h e i rs a l a r i e s i n g e n e r a l a r e t h e s a m e T h e salaryf o r s a l e s e m p l o y e e s depend so n t h e i r e x p e r i e n c e , s k i l l s , t h e i r p e r f o r m a n c e a n d t h e i r n e g o t i a t i o n i n t h e i n t e r v i e w withHR.Accordingtotheinternalsurveymadebyheadhuntingcompany,ourcompanyisinthe topcompaniesthatpay employeewellabovemarketvalueincomparisonwithcompetitorsinthesameindustry.

NguyenThiHongHuong: Toemployees,theyusuallyexpectasalary increasebytheyear e n d Doyouthinkthesalaryincreasecanmeettheirexpectation?

NguyenT h i D a o : A h ,t h e p e r c e n t s a l a r y i n c r e a s e e v e r y yeard e p e n d s o n s a l e s e m p l o y e e s ’ performance.Wehavethepolicyfortheemployeeswhoreachthegoal.AndIthinkoursalaryp o l i c y isaneffectivetooltokeepkeypeopleandmotivatethem.

NguyenThiDao:Weprovidelunchforemployees,shuttlebusestotransportemployeesfromthebus stopandviceversa,laptop,telephonecard,etc.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : O h ,t h a t ’ s g o o d Witht h e g o o d w o r k i n g c o n d i t i o n s a s a b o v e , I b e l i e v e thatyoursalesstaffwillbehappytoworkwithAveryDennisonandtheretenti onofs a l e s p e o p l e i s h i g h B u t theystill k e e p l e a v i n g yourc o m p a n y Doyout h i n k t h e r e a r e a n y reasonsbehind?

NguyenT h i D a o : Well,Wea r e i n t h e t e a m a n d w o r k t o g e t h e r forsomeyearss o mystaff me mbersusedtotalkwithmeabouttheirconcerns.Somestaffwhogotmarriedsaidthattheirh u s b a n d andmotherin lawareusuallyunhappybecausetheycomehomelate.Theydon’thavet i m e f o r t h e i r c h i l d r e n a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s A c c o r d i n g tot h e s u r v e y madebyhe ad hu nte r, t h e mainreasonsare:firstl y,heavyworkloadthataffectstoemployee’swork-lifebalance.

Secondly,theys e e k toa n o p p o r t u n i t y t o g r o w t h a n d thel a s t , t h e y c o m p l a i n a b o u t u n e q u a l w o r k l o a d allocation.

NguyenThiDao:Well,becausewehavetoachievethetargetsetbythemanagementboard,so mesalesemployees canmanagement theirworkload wellandtheyhavesome specializ eds k i l l s i n p l a n n i n g a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n w i t h c l i e n t s T h e r e f o r e , w e w i l l p e r s u a d e themt og e t moretargetthanothersalesemployees.

NguyenThiHongHuong:So,insummary,wehave3reasonsleadingtotheissuethatpeopleleavet h e c ompany,i n c l u d i n g : h e a v y w o r k l o a d , c a r e e r d e v e l o p m e n t a n d u n e q u a l w o r k l o a d allocation.Whichreasonsdoyouthinkthatitisthemostimportantreason?

NguyenThiDao:Thesereasonsarekeyreasonsfrommyopinion.Moreover,Ithinkleadershipis oneoftheimportantfactors.Ourcompanyshouldhavetheemployeerecognitionpolicy.Wecanhaves piritualaward besides m o n e t a r y awardtoshowthatwe thankyouforemployees’contributi ontothecompany.

Sales employee turnover significantly impacts a company's revenue and profitability, as sales personnel are crucial for communicating with customers and securing contracts When a sales representative departs, the company risks losing customers who prefer to work with that individual Additionally, the process of hiring and training new staff incurs both time and financial costs High turnover also affects employee morale; remaining staff face increased workloads, leading to higher stress levels and decreased job satisfaction This can result in employees questioning their own job security and comparing their benefits and salaries to those offered by competitors.

Lastly,itleadstodeterioratetheservicequalitybecausetheoldsalesp e r s o n isanexpertinforecastt hequantity,timingthatth ei rcustomers need.Whenthenewstaffj o i n s t he company,theym ustg e t f a m i l i a r wi th c u s t o m e r s , g oo ds s o theymayforecastinexactly.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Iftheydon’tforecastexactly,yourcompanymaymisssomeordersf r o m your customers.Howcanyourcompanyavoidthissituation?

NguyenThiDao:Ah,ourdepartmenthasacloserelationshipwithcustomerservicesdepartm ent,p l a n n i n g departmenta n d p r o d u c t i o n d e p a r t m e n t Wec o n s i d e r w h i c h o r d e r s a r e e m e r g e n c y onesandgiveprioritytotheseorders.Wewillusematerialsfortheseordersfirst.Inthehigh season,wehavedailymeetingbetweenfourdepartmentstolistoutthepriorityorders.N g u y e n ThiHo ngHuong:That’sgreat.Itmeansyourdepartmentsnevermissanyorder?

NguyenThiDa o: Ye s,we do M ana gem en tBo ar d h a d somemeetingstod is c u ss aboutt h e problemsandsuggestedsomesolutions.Weareconsideringthemandwillmutuallyagreethelas tsolutionsbytheendofthisyear.Thesolutionswillbeappliednextyear.

NguyenThiDao:Wewillconductsometrainingsessionsformanagerandemployees,applyf l e x i b l e workinghoursandworkingplace,andreallocateworkloadtoemployees.

Nguyen ThiHongHuong:Yes, Ihopethesesolutions cansolvetheproblem.Thankyouverymuchforjoiningthein- depthinterviewwithmetoday.Maybeinthefuturewewillhavemanytalksrelatedthistopictoseeifwecan havesomesolutionstothedepartment.

 Status:CurrentlyworkingforAveryDennisonRBISVietnam1 stintervie w:2 ndMar 20174:00PM

NguyenThiHongHuong:Thankyoufortakingyourtimetojoinintheindepthinterviewwi th me.Pleasekindlyintroduceaboutyourself.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : A sI h a d t h e i n f o r m a t i o n fromH R D e p a r t m e n t a n d fromy ourmanager,manysalespeopleleftthecompany.Doyouknowthereasonwhytheyleft?

DangHongNhung:Somesalespeoplesharedthattheyworkunderhighpressurebecauseofh e a vy workload.Becauseofworkload,theydon’thavetimefortheirfamily,theirlife.Theymus tworkuntillateatnight andonweekend.Somesalespeople leftbecausetheyfoundanewjob with higher positionandsomesales peoplecomplaintthattheyfeelourmanagertreatthemu n f a i r becauseshesetthesalesrevenuestothemh igherthantheircolleagues.

NguyenThiHong Huong:Ye p,sales peopleare required toworkhard bythecompany ortheyfeelthattheyneedtowork?

DangHong Nhung:Weall feelthat weneedtoworkuntilwefinish it.Because we workwithmanyproductioncompanies,ifwedon’tfinishourworkload,ourcustomers’producti onlinesw i l l beinterrupted.Thisleadstoothersbadconsequences.

DangHongNhung:Oh,no.Becauseourdepartmenthasmanagerandtwovicemanagers,wecanbe promotedtosupervisorpositions.Butthesepositionsarelimitedsoothersalespeoplecould n’tbepromotedtohigherpositionsalthoughtheywerethebestsellersforyears.Ithinkyouachiev ehighpositionincareer,youwillbeproudofit.

DangHongNhung:The3rdr e a s o n istheleadership.Ithinkourmanagershouldconsiderthew o r k l o a d ofourteamandreallocateit.

DangH o n g N h u n g : Frankly,t h e keyr e a s o n t h a t I w a s r e v e a l e d bymyb e s t c o l l e a g u e i s promotionfavoritism.Shesharedwithmebeforesheleft.Shewasnothappybecauses heisalwaysthenumberoneinthetop5bestsellersinVietnamandsomeyearssheisinthetop3b e s t s e l l e r s in

Asiaregionevensomeyearsstandinginnumberone.Withherperformance,shes h o u l d b e p r o m o t e d tos u p e r v i s o r b u t t h a t p o s i t i o n b e l o n g s t o o t h e r s a l e s e m p l o y e e T h e supervisorusedtoworkwithourmanagerinpreviouscompany.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Oh,it’sbad.Doyouhaveanysuggestiontosolvethepromotionfavo ritism?

DangHongNhung:Ithinkthatunclearcriteriainevaluationformareoneofthereasonsthatl e ad t othisunfairtreatment.Isuggestthatthecompanyshouldmaketheassessmentcriteria formmoreclearly.Besi des, itisnecessary tose tahotlineor forumormailboxthatwe cane x p r e s s ouropinion.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Thankyouagainforyoursharingandyoursuggestions.2 nd intervi ew:5 th Mar

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : T h a n kyouf o r j o i n i n g t h e s e c o n d i n - d e p t h i n t e r v i e w w i t h metoday.Ourtopicisrelatingtotheexperiencedandover- achievedsalesemployees’turnoverinA v e r y DennisonVietnam.

NguyenThiHongHuong:InthepreviousinterviewlastThursday,youhavementionedabout3 keyreas ons:work- lifebalance,unequalworkloadallocationandpromotionfavoritism,whichi m p a c t onexperienceando ver- achievedemployeesturnover.Couldyoupleasesharewithmewh i ch factoryouthinkitimpactsmo stonthisproblem?

DangH o n g N h u n g : F r o mmyo p i n i o n , managern e e d s t o r e a l l o c a t e t h e w o r k l o a d t o t e a m membersi n o r d e r t o t h e f a i r n e s s M o r e o v e r , s h e s h o u l d s u g g e s t t h e r i g h t p e r s o n t o h i g h e r p o si t i o n T h e teamm e m b e r s feelt h a t t h e i r managerc a r e s a b o u t t h e m Theyw il l a p p r e c i a t e a b o u t thatandworkbetter.

NguyenThiHongHuong:GoodmorningMs.Thanh.Thanksforjoiningthein- depthinterviewwithmetoday.

NguyenThiDoanThanh:Yes,sure.MynameisNguyenThiDoanThanh,currentlyworkingas Salesm anagerinSales DepartmentatLSPack–KPackinaround1year.BeforejoiningLS

KPack,IworkedforAveryDennisonRBISVietnaminaround6yearsintheroleofS a l e s Ex ecutive

NguyenT hi Ho ng Hu on g: Wow.I t meanst h a t youw o r k e d fo rA ve ry Dennisonsin ce you g r a d u a t e d fromuniversity.SohowisyourjobatLSPack–KPackgoing?

NguyenThiDoanThanh:Yes,Itisrunningwell.E v e n t h a t thejobisquite challenging, butIc a n managewell.Iamhappywithmycurrentroleasasalesmanager.

Nguyen Thi Hong Huong:Wow,congratulations.Itsounds great The targetthatIwouldliket o inviteyoutojointhein- depthinterviewwithmetodayisthatIwouldliketoexploremoreabo ut thereasonswhyanexperien cedsalesemployeeleavesthecompany.

NguyenThiDoanThanh:Yes,Isee.Itshouldbethebigconcern formanycompaniesfor r e c en t years.

Nguyen Thi Doan Thanh worked at Avery Dennison for six years, consistently ranking among the top three best sellers in Vietnam and achieving the number one spot in the Asia region for two years Despite her strong performance, she remained a sales executive and was overlooked for promotion while a less qualified colleague advanced Feeling undervalued, she applied for the sales manager position at LS Pack-Kpack, where the sales department lacked leadership During a meeting, the director promised to promote the top seller to the sales manager role After a year of outstanding performance, Thanh was promoted to sales manager, embracing the challenges of her new position with confidence.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : D oyout h i n k t h a t t o p r o m o t e t o h i g h e r p o s i t i o n , b e s i d e s t h e performanceresult,themanagercanconsidersomecriteriasuchasleadershipcap ability,ando t h e r skills?

NguyenThi Hong Huong:Besides thatimportant reasonthatyoumentioned above,anyotherreasonsleadingtothedecision?

NguyenThiDoanThanh:Actually,thementionedreasonisthekeyreason.However,someo f th ereasonsthatIandpeopledecidedtoleaveAveryDennisonwere:Work-homeorwork- l i f e balanceandunequalworkloadallocation.

NguyenThiDoanThanh:Yes,tothesalespeoplewhogotmarried,theyspentmuchtimeonw o r k i n g Theyusuallyleavethecompanyafter8p.m.Sometimestheyleavethecompanyat1 0 p m e v e n more.Theirhusbandortheirparentsinlawaren’thappywhentheirwivesortheir daughtersinlaw comehometoolate.Theydecided toleavefor companieswhich werewillingt o paythemthesamewithlowerworkload.Andforthe sellerswhoareinthe5topbestsellers,theyareu s u a l l y assignedm o r e w o r k l o a d t h a n t h e i r c o l l e a g u e s b e c a u s e o f t h e s t r e t c h r a t i o s Withthesignificantperformanceandexperienc edskillsaswellasthetrainingandcoachingt h a t A v e r y Den ni so n g a v e t o s a l e s p e o p l e , o t h e r c o m p a n i e s w o u l d l i k e t o e m p l o y t he g o o d sellerstotheircompanies.


N g u y e n ThiDoanThanh:Ah,IthinktheyarethekeyreasonsbecauseI usuallychatwi tho t h e r salespeoplewhenwehavecoffeeoreating.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : T h a n kyoua g a i n T h e informationyous h a r e w i l l h e l p s o u r r e s e a r c h t o o much.B e c a u s e youh a d t h e e x p e r i e n c e b e f o r e , c o u l d yo up l e a s e s u g g e s t t h e solutionforthissituationsothatthecompanycanimprove?

NguyenT h i D o a n T h a n h : It h i n k t h e M a n a g e m e n t B o a r d s h o u l d c o n s i d e r t h e p r o m o t i o n policy.Forthesalespeoplewhoreachoverthetargetaswellasthebestsellers,the managementboard shouldusesomemethodssuchas: raisebandto them,makesomeactivitiestorecognizethembythankingyouthemontheinternalmagazine,company’ sFacebook,…

Fort h e workload,Ithinkthesalesmanagercanreconsidertheoverallworkloadfortheteam andr e a l l o c a t e theworkloadtoteammember.


NguyenThiHongHuong:Continuewiththepreviousinterview,youmentionedthatpro motionf a v o r i t i s m , w o r k - l i f e i m b a la n c ea n d u neq ua l w o r k l o a d a l l o c a t i o n a r e keyreasons l e a d tothehighturnov errateatSalesDepartment.Couldyoupleasesharewithmewhichistheb ig gest reasonleadtotheissuefro myourownopinion?

NguyenThiDoanThanh:Frommyownopinion,IleftAveryDennisonbecauseofpromotionf avoritism.Butforsomepeople,theyleavebecausetheheavyworkload.Theycouldn o t arrangetheirtimefo rworkingandtheirfamilyatthesametime.

Nguyen Thi Hong Huong emphasizes the need for solutions to address workplace issues, while Doan Thanh suggests implementing a bottom-up feedback system that allows employees to evaluate their manager and voice their opinions This approach would not only empower team members but also enable managers to better manage the team's workload Additionally, it is recommended that managers participate in training to enhance their skills in workload management and coaching for their team members.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Goodmorning,Mrs.Huong.Thankyouforjoiningthein- depthinterviewwithmetoday.Couldyoupleaseintroducebrieflyabout yourself?

HoangThiThanhHuong:Yes.MynameisHuong.IleftAveryDennisonRBISVietnam1yeara goafter5yearsworkingthere.NowIworkforSMLasasalesteamleader,thispositioncan beconsidere dassalesmanager.SMLisalsoalabelcompany.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Astheinterviewwithyoursalesmanager,Iknewthatyouarethep e r s o n whousuallyinthetop5bestsellerofthecompany.Besides,yourdepartmenthastoom a n y cus tomers.Itmeansthatyouandyourcolleagueswillworkunderhighworkload.Howc a n youand yourcolleaguesworkwell?

HoangThiThanhHuong:Imyselfandalmostmycolleaguesagreedthatwecannottreatallcusto mersfair.Wewillapplythe80/20principleintoourwork.Toreachourtarget,wemustg i v e m o r e timet o t a k e c a r e t h e b i g c u s t o m e r s W h e n w e g e t t h e f o r e c a s t volumefromo u r custom ers,w e w i l l i n s t r u c t t h e m t o c o n t a c t w i t h t h e c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e s d e p a r t m e n t t o p l a c e o r d e r s a n d i f t h e y h a v e a n y c o n c e r n a b o u t t h e i r o r d e r s , theyc a n c o n t a c t c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e s departmentfirstandiftheycannotsolve,wewillinvolve.

Nguyen ThiHongHuong:Doyouthinkthatthis choicemayimpactthecompanybusinessinlong- term?

HoangThiThanhHuong:Yessure,wecanimagethatourcustomerswillfeeloffendan dw i l l leaveourcompany.Butwemustchoosebetweensalestargetandallcustomers’s a t i s f a c t i o n

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : Y e s ,I g o t i t Whatl e d yout o d e c i d e t o l e a v e A v e r y Denniso nRBISVietnam?

Dennisonwasthepromotionfavoritismandwork- lifeimbalance.Iwouldliketofindaj o b whichmeetsmyexpectationaboutthework- lifebalanceandpromotionafterIworkedforA v e r y D e n n i s o n 5 years.I w o r k e d h a r d e v e n a t n i g h t o r w e e k e n d b u t I d i d n ’ t r e c e i v e anypromotiona l t h o u g h I w a s u s u a l l y ont h e t o p 3 b e s t s e l l e r s oft h e company.I f e l t t h a t o u r c o n t r i b u t i o n s arenotrecognized.

After5yearsworkingforAveryDennison, Idecided toleavet o applyforanotherjobthatIcanbalancebetweenworkandlifeaswellasforhigherposition.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : D i dyouh a v e t h e s t a f f t a l k w i t h yours u p e r v i s o r o r you rl i n e manageraboutyourproblem?

HoangThiThanhHuong:Ididn’texpressdirectlythereasonswhyIleftbecauseIwouldliketo keepthe relationshipwiththiscompanyandmymanager.AveryDennisonisthetoplabelc o m p a n y in

Huong:Yeah,Isee.Thankyouforyoursharing.Couldyoupleasesuggestthesolutionstohandlethepro blemthatyoufaced?

Hoang Thi Thanh Huong emphasizes the importance of a strategic talent program for the HR team, suggesting collaboration with universities to attract top students for internships By providing opportunities in the sales department, students can develop essential planning and communication skills, potentially leading to employment at Avery Dennison upon graduation This approach would ensure a pool of qualified staff to fill positions left by departing employees Additionally, she advocates for a clear promotion policy that recognizes and values employee contributions, enhancing motivation and retention within the company.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : T h a n kyouf o r j o i n i n g t h e s e c o n d i n - d e p t h i n t e r v i e w w i t h me.Continuewitht h e firstinterview.Youh a v e mentionedthatw o r k - l i f e b a l a n c e a n d u n f a i r promotionarethereasonsimpactonyourdecision.However,wh ichoneisthebiggestreasont h a t impactonyourdecision?

HoangT h i T h a n h H u o n g : A c t u a l l y ,p r o m o t i o n f a v o r i t i s m ist h e importantr e a s o n t h a t I d e c i d e d toleave.IbelievethatwithmyexperienceandmyachievementIcanfindabetter job.N g u y e n ThiHongHuong:Doyouhaveanysolutiontosolvethisproblem?

HoangThiThanhHuong:Yes,Iam.Ithinkthecompanyshouldhavethetrainingsessionso n favoritismandclearcriteriaforpromotion.

NguyenThiHongHuong: Yes,yourideacan beusedforsolvingtheproblem Thankyou verymuchforyoursolutionandyourtime.

 Status:SendtheresignationlettertoHRtoinformleaving,butthenstayandcontinuew or kingforAveryDennison.

NguyenThiThanhVi:Yes,ofcourse.IamThanhVi,currentlyworkingasaSalesE x e c u t i v e Iha vebeenworkingforAveryDennisonfor8years.

NguyenT h i H o n g H u o n g : It h i n k t h a t youw o r k e d f o r A v e r y D e n n i s o n r i g h t a f t e r youg r a d u a t e d fromuniversity,isthistrue?

NguyenT h i T h a n h V i : It h i n k A v e r y D e n n i s o n i s a g o o d p l a c e t o w o r k T h e w o r k i n g e n v i r o n m e n t isgood.Mycolleaguesarefriendlyandnice.IbelievethatIams uitableforthep o si t io n SalesExecutive.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Allbosseswillbehappytoheartheiremployeessaythat.But,Ih e a r d t h a t youu s e d tos e n d t h e r e s i g n a t i o n l e t t e r t o yourm a n a g e r 2 yearsa g o C o u l d yo up l e a s e tellmethereason?

Nguyen Thi Thanh Vi faced significant challenges in balancing her work and personal life due to high pressure and a demanding workload shortly after graduating and getting married The stress of her job hindered her plans for starting a family, leading her to feel trapped between her career and personal aspirations Additionally, she felt discontent when a colleague was promoted to a supervisory position over her, despite her expectation that top performers should be recognized When she submitted her resignation, her manager scheduled a meeting to discuss her reasons for leaving After revealing her concerns, her manager offered her two options: continue working with the promise of additional support from HR or leave the company without compensation after a year Ultimately, she chose to stay and is still employed there, navigating the challenges of her role.

NguyenThiThanhVi:Yes,ofcourse.NowIhaveababy.Icanbalancebetweenmyworklife andpersonallife.Istillkeepintouchwithformerbestsellerswhoquitted.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Oh,great.Iamhappytohearso.Fromyourperspective,whatareth efact orsthataffectthedecisiontoleaveorstayoftheemployee?

NguyenThiThanhVi:Frommycase,work- lifebalanceandthepromotionfavoritismfromsalesmanageraffectthedecisiontoleaveorsta yoftheemployee.Iwastakencareofbymymanagersomysupervisorhassomeimprovementin worksoIaccept tostayhere.Andmyperformanceisbetterthanbefore.

NguyenThiHongHuong:Wow,it’sinteresting.Thankyouverymuchforyourtime.Youri n f o r m a t i o n i s h e l p f u l f o r myr es e a r c h I h o p e yourc a s e i s a l e s s o n l e a r n t f o r m a n a g e m e n t b o a r d aswellasothercompanies.

Group1:Manager/SeniorExecutive/EmployeeswhoarecurrentlyworkingforAD(1A)– Mrs.LeThiHongAnh-HRManager

1 Ther e a s o n s whyexperie ncedsalespeople leaveA veryDennisonRBISVietn am

-Work- lifeimbala nce - Careerdevelo pment

-Work- lifeimbala nce - Careerdevelo pment

- Hotline,mailb ox or forumt o rep ortunfairpr omotion

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Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
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(35) ChrisY.Employee favoritismandnepotism-employeemoralecancer.The Rain MakerG r o u p[Internet]. 2008 September 6. Availablefrom:https://www.therainmakergroupinc.com/human-capital-strategy-blog/bid/91330/Employee-Favoritism-and-Nepotism-Employee-Morale-Cancer Link
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