Annotated References Acuna Mora M, Sparud-Lundin C, Bratt EL, et al Person-centred transition programme to empower adolescents with congenital heart disease in the transition to adulthood: a study protocol for a hybrid randomised controlled trial (STEPSTONES project) BMJ Open 2017;7(4):e014593 A protocol paper of an ongoing study to investigate the effectiveness of a transition program in Sweden Boisen KA, Hertz PG, Blix C, et al Is HEADS in our heads? Health risk behavior is not routinely discussed with young people with chronic conditions Int J Adolesc Med Health 2016;28(4):429–435 This paper explains how the HEADS method can be used to systematically screen psychosocial aspects in adolescents Baumgartner H, Bonhoeffer P, De Groot NM, et al ESC guidelines for the management of grown-up congenital heart disease (new version 2010) Eur Heart J 2010;31(23):2915–2957 The most recent European task-force document on the management of grown-up patients with congenitally malformed hearts Baumgartner H, Budts W, Chessa M, et al Recommendations for organization of care for adults with congenital heart disease and for training in the subspecialty of “grown-up congenital heart disease” in Europe: a position paper of the working group on grown-up congenital heart disease of the European Society of Cardiology Eur Heart J 2014;35(11):686– 690 The most recent European task-force document on the recommendations on delivery of service for grown-up patients with congenitally malformed hearts Goossens E, Fieuws S, Van Deyk K, et al Effectiveness of structured education on knowledge and health behaviors in patients with congenital heart disease J Pediatr 2015;166(6):1370–1376 [e1] This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of patient education on the level of knowledge of adolescents with congenitally malformed hearts Goossens E, Bovijn L, Gewillig M, et al Predictors of care gaps in adolescents with complex chronic condition transitioning to adulthood Pediatrics 2016;137(4):e20152413 In this systematic review, predictors of care gaps in young persons with chronic conditions, including congenital cardiac disease, are identified Kelly D Theory to reality: the role of the transition nurse coordinator Br J Nurs 2014;23(16):888 [890, 892–894] A paper that describes the critical role of a transition coordinator Knauth A, Verstappen A, Reiss J, et al Transition and transfer from pediatric to adult care of the young adult with complex congenital heart disease Cardiol Clin 2006;24(4):619–629 This paper describes the curriculum involved in a successful program for transition developed at a North American institution Mackie AS, Islam S, Magill-Evans J, et al Healthcare transition for youth with heart disease: a clinical trial Heart 2014;100(14):1113–1118 This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of patient education on the level of knowledge and transition readiness of adolescents with congenitally malformed hearts Mackie AS, Rempel GR, Kovacs AH, et al A cluster randomized trial of a transition intervention for adolescents with congenital heart disease: rationale and design of the ... congenital heart disease” in Europe: a position paper of the working group on grown-up congenital heart disease of the European Society of Cardiology Eur Heart J 2014;35(11):686– 690 The most recent European task-force document on the recommendations on delivery of service for... Predictors of care gaps in adolescents with complex chronic condition transitioning to adulthood Pediatrics 2016;137(4):e20152413 In this systematic review, predictors of care gaps in young persons with chronic conditions,... A paper that describes the critical role of a transition coordinator Knauth A, Verstappen A, Reiss J, et al Transition and transfer from pediatric to adult care of the young adult with complex congenital heart disease Cardiol Clin 2006;24(4):619–629