Signs and Symptoms Abdominal Distention: Chapter 12 Pain: Abdomen: Chapter 53 Medical, Surgical, and Trauma Emergencies Genitourinary Trauma: Chapter 108 Musculoskeletal Trauma: Chapter 111 Thoracic Trauma: Chapter 115 Procedures and Appendices Ultrasound: Chapter 131 THE APPROACH TO THE PEDIATRIC PATIENT WITH ABDOMINAL TRAUMA CLINICAL PEARLS AND PITFALLS Priorities in evaluation and treatment of any child with trauma include recognition and relief of airway obstruction, appropriate protection of the cervical spine, and identification and management of lifethreatening injuries and shock Once resuscitation has been initiated, evaluation of the abdomen is included in both the primary and secondary surveys Occult abdominal trauma occurs in many settings, including children restrained only by a lap belt, bicycle handlebar related, and in child abuse Index of suspicion must be high in these cases Current Evidence Blunt injuries account for most of the morbidity and mortality of childhood trauma, although the frequency with which penetrating injuries occur is increasing Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of injury-related death in children; hemorrhage, often from an intra-abdominal source, is the leading cause of preventable death Goals of Treatment The primary objective of the trauma survey is the systematic identification of injuries The evaluation for intra-abdominal injuries in children starts with an understanding of the mechanism of trauma, elicited from witnesses, caregivers,