SCROTUM Goal of Treatment The goals of the acute management of children with scrotal injuries are to determine the extent of injury, evaluating for testicular injury and, in consultation with urology, ensuring adequate workup to determine definitive care FIGURE 108.5 Posterior urethral disruption and pelvic fracture Computed tomography of pelvis shows extravasation of contrast material from posterior urethra into the surrounding tissues CLINICAL PEARLS AND PITFALLS Scrotal trauma may occur as a result of straddle injuries or bicycle accidents, during sporting events or less commonly, from animal bites or machine injuries The patient may present with scrotal tenderness, edema, and ecchymosis Potential injuries include skin or dartos ecchymosis and lacerations, intrascrotal hematomas, testicular hematomas, testicular dislocation, and testicular rupture In addition, a testicle may torse after trauma Clinical Considerations Clinical Recognition