Osteogenesis imperfecta, cardiac involvement in, 1080, 1098–1099 Ostium primum defect, 503–505, 505f Outflow tracts development of, in early myocardial development, 61 ventricular aneurysms of the sinuses of Valsalva, 959–960, 960f clinical manifestations of, 960 investigations of, 960–961, 961f management of, 961–962 anomalous aortic origin of pulmonary artery, 952–956, 955f clinical features of, 956 management of, 956 aortopulmonary windows, 949–951, 950f–951f clinical features of, 951–952 investigations of, 952, 953f management of, 952–956, 954f aortoventricular tunnels, 956–958, 957f–958f clinical features of, 958 investigations of, 958–959, 959f management of, 959 intrapericardial outflow tracts, anatomy of, 945, 946f malformations of, 945–962 normal development of, 946–951, 947f–949f triple outlets from cardiac base, 962, 962f Outlet component of left ventricle, 24–25, 24f, 28 of right ventricle, 23 Outlet segment, embryology of, 42–45, 42f–45f Outlet septum, 22f, 23, 28 Outpatient telecardiology, 1555–1556 Oval foramen, fetal circulation and, 87 Oval fossa anatomy of, 19–20, 20f–21f defects of, 505, 505f–506f Oversensing, by pacemakers, 369–370 Oximeters, for exercise testing, 390 Oximetry, magnetic resonance, 112–114, 114f–117f Oxygen capacity, in diagnostic catheterization, 241 for pulmonary hypertension, 1389 for pulmonary hypertension, in prematurity, 205–206 Oxygen consumption in diagnostic catheterization, 241–242 evaluation of, exercise testing for, 392 work rate and, 380, 381f Oxygen content, in diagnostic catheterization, 242 Oxygen delivery, in complex congenital cardiac disease, 1394–1396 Oxygen pulse, exercise and, 384 Oxygenators, in cardiopulmonary bypass, 226 P P values clinical relevance versus statistical significance and, 413 limitations of, 412–413 type I and II error and power and, 413 Pacemaker syndrome, 373 Pacemakers, 364–366 dual-chamber, 366 follow-up with, 368–374, 369f magnetic resonance imaging and, 373 pacemaker dependence and, 370 programmable features of, 370, 371f routine, 373 timing cycles of, 369–370, 369f troubleshooting of, 370–371, 372f upper rate behavior and, 370, 371f implantation of in congenital heart disease, 372 considerations, 371–372 dual- versus single-chamber devices, 373 epicardial versus endocardial, 372 infection and, 372–373 pacemaker syndrome and, 373 restrictions for patients with, 374 with unipolar versus bipolar leads, 372 Pacing, 335–378 antibradycardia, 365 for bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome, 365 burst, 359 cardiac electrical devices, history of, 364–365 in Fontan circulation, 1325, 1325f–1326f for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 366 implantation of, guidelines for, 365 incremental, ablation and, 359 leadless, 373 for long QT syndrome, 366 for syncope and breath-holding spells, 366 Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network, 1511t–1514t Pain management in Fontan pathway, 1291, 1292t for prematurity, 212–213 in rheumatic fever, 1011 Paired t-test, 414 Palliation neonatal, in Fontan pathway, 1304–1305 stage II progression through, 1314–1315 timing of, 1314–1315, 1315f Palliative care, 1466t language of, 1465–1466, 1466t spectrum of, 1473f team, 1466t transplant and role of, 1477 Palliative surgery, 1466t