nutrition and, 1502 in short-term mechanical circulatory support, 1206 Extracorporeal support extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, nutrition and, 1502 postoperative, in cardiopulmonary bypass, 233–234, 234f Extrahepatic portosystemic shunt, 471, 472f Extrastimulus testing, ablation and, 359 Extremely low birth weight, definition of, 190b Extremely premature neonate, initial resuscitation of, 190–191 placental transfusion in, 190–191 resuscitation gas in, 191 temperature in, 190 ventilation in, 191 F Fabry disease, cardiac involvement in, 1094 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, cardiac involvement in, 1104 Failure to grow, mechanisms of growth factor hormone as, 1496 hypermetabolism as, 1495–1496 inadequate caloric intake as, 1495 malabsorption as, 1496 Failure to progress, management of, in Fontan pathway, 1295, 1295b Failure to thrive, atrioventricular septal defects and, 535 Familial screening (general), 1542–1543 for aortopathies, 1543 for cardiomyopathy, 1543 Family of children with cardiac disease, 1459–1463, 1460f communication with, 1463 meeting needs of, 1462–1463 parenting and, 1460–1461 psychological responses of, 1461–1462 siblings and, 1462 when child is dying, 1463 communication to, 1492, 1493f cost of congenital heart disease in, 187–188, 188b optimizing prenatal support of, 163–170 practical considerations for, 167–168 initial counseling session in, 167–168 prior to the fetal echo, 167 recommended counseling style as, 167 Family history, cardiovascular risk factors and, 423 Family needs, understanding, for interstage management, 1309, 1310f Family support, management of, in Fontan pathway, 1295–1296 Fast-track congenital heart surgery, 1484 Fatty acid metabolism disorders, cardiac involvement in, 1098 Feeding for hemodynamically significant arterial duct, 198 management of, in Fontan pathway, 1278, 1291–1292 Femoral arteries, in diagnostic catheterization, 251 Femoral vein, in diagnostic catheterization, 243–244 Fenestration closure, in Fontan circulation, 1340–1342, 1341f Fetal aortic valvuloplasty, patient selection for, 150, 151f Fetal cardiac magnetic resonance, 329–330, 329f Fetal cardiac sparing, 95 Fetal centers, ethical issues and, 1468 Fetal cerebrovascular physiology, in complex congenital cardiac disease, 1394– 1396 Fetal circulation, 85–87 adaptation of, to hypoxia, 117–118, 119f aortic isthmus in, 87, 87f arterial duct in, 87 in congenital heart disease assessment of, 111–123 patterns in, 118–120, 119t, 120f in health and disease, 90–96, 90f cardiac function changes, 95–96 coronary arterial flow, 95, 95f diastolic maturation, 96 flow across aortic isthmus, 93–94, 93f–94f flow in venous duct, 92, 92f flow of blood to lungs, 94–95, 94f flow to brain, 92–93 systolic maturation, 96 umbilical cord flows, 90–91, 91f hemodynamic assessment in, 114–116 of normal late-gestation, by magnetic resonance imaging, 116–117, 117t, 118f oval foramen in, 87 physiology of magnetic resonance imaging techniques for assessing, 112 normal, 111–112 placenta in, 85–86, 86f venous duct in, 86–87, 86f Fetal development, cardiac, 87–90 Fetal echocardiography indications for, 125, 126b, 1535, 1536t modalities for, 126–131 color Doppler, 126–127 pulse-wave Doppler as, 127–131 three-dimensional, 126 two-dimensional, 126, 127f–128f in pulmonary stenosis, 785–786, 785f screening with, 125, 126t, 1535, 1536t timing of, 125–126 Fetal growth restriction, oxygen saturation in, 118 Fetal heart, 83–107 abnormalities in pathologic pregnancies and, 98–100 autonomic control of, 83–84 biophysical properties of, 84–85 circulation and, 85–87