Annotated References Almond CS, Thiagarajan RR, Piercey GE, et al Waiting list mortality among children listed for heart transplantation in the United States Circulation 2009;119(5):717–727 A large analysis of the US Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) database for the period between 1999 and 2006 describing the wide variability in waitlist mortality in relation to specific recipient characteristics Dipchand AI, Kirk R, Mahle WT, et al Ten years of pediatric heart transplantation: a report from the pediatric heart transplant study Pediatr Transplant 2013;17(2):99–111 A detailed review of multiple analyses over a decade from the Pediatric Heart Transplant Study Mehra MR, Canter CE, Hannah MM, et al The 2016 international society for heart lung transplantation listing criteria for heart transplantation: a 10 year update J Heart Lung Transplant 2016;35(1):1–23 The most recent consensus literature on listing for heart transplantation Rossano JW, Dipchand AI, Edwards LB, et al The registry of the international society for heart and lung transplantation: nineteenth pediatric heart transplantation report – 2016; Focus them: primary diagnostic indications for transplant J Heart Lung Transpl 2016;35(10):1185–1195 An excellent resource for a summary of overall statistics on a large cohort of children undergoing transplantation, including survival, deaths, immunosuppression, and morbidities (with many useful PowerPoint slides) Zafar F, Castleberry C, Khan MS, et al Pediatric heart transplant waiting list mortality in the era of ventricular assist devices J Heart Lung Transplant 2015;34:82–88 Describes the impact of ventricular assist devices on waitlist outcomes in the current era References Barnard CN The operation A human cardiac transplant: an interim report of a successful operation performed at groote schuur hospital, Cape town S Afr Med J 1967;41(48):1271– 1274 Rossano JW, Dipchand AI, Edwards LB, et al The registry of the international society for heart and lung transplantation: nineteenth pediatric heart transplantation report – 2016; Focus theme: primary diagnostic indications for transplant J Heart Lung Transplant 2016;35(10):1185–1195 Canter CE, Kirklin JK Pediatric Heart Transplantation Elsevier: Philadelphia; 2007 ISHLT Monograph Series Vol Dipchand AI, Kirk R, Mahle WT, et al Ten years of pediatric heart transplantation: a report from the pediatric heart transplant study Pediatr Transplant 2013;17(2):99–111 McDiarmid SV, Cherikh WS, Sweet SC Preventable death: children on the transplant waiting list Am J Transplant 2008;8:2491– 2495 Almond CS, Thiagarajan RR, Piercey GE, et al ... and lung transplantation: nineteenth pediatric heart transplantation report – 2016; Focus theme: primary diagnostic indications for transplant J Heart Lung Transplant 2016;35(10):1185–1195 Canter CE, Kirklin JK Pediatric Heart... ISHLT Monograph Series Vol Dipchand AI, Kirk R, Mahle WT, et al Ten years of pediatric heart transplantation: a report from the pediatric heart transplant study Pediatr Transplant 2013;17(2):99–111...registry of the international society for heart and lung transplantation: nineteenth pediatric heart transplantation report – 2016; Focus them: primary diagnostic indications for transplant