Product/drug Indication(s) Dose Pearls Packed red blood Anemia cells (pRBCs) Volume of packed • Desired Hb level RBCs = ([desired dictated by hemoglobin − clinical situation current hemoglobin] • 10 mL/kg of × patient’s blood pRBCs should volume)/hemoglobin raise the Hb of packed RBCs about g/dL Estimated blood (often used volume (mL) = empirically in weight (kg) × 70 acute blood loss) mL/kg • Rate of transfusion Estimated hemoglobin is dictated by of unit of packed clinical RBCs = 19–25 g/dL presentation and differs for acute versus chronic etiologies of anemia Platelets One unit per 5–10 kg (∼50–60 mL/unit), ≥5.5 × 1010 platelets/unit OR One apheresis unit (∼200 mL), ≥3 × 1011 platelets/unit Thrombocytopenia with bleeding Platelet function defects • Use with caution/clear clinical need for patients with ITP, DIC, TTP, HIT • Random donor units are a pooled donor source An apheresis unit is from a single donor • One unit of random donor platelets should increase count by 5,000–10,000/μL in average adult • One apheresis unit should increase count by 30,000–