children just prior to a superior cavopulmonary connection Margossian R, Zak V, Shillingford AJ, et al The effect of the superior cavopulmonary anastomosis on ventricular remodeling in infants with single ventricle J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2017;30(7):699–707 This is an elegant study showing the decreases in ventricular size that occur in patients with a single ventricle after a superior cavopulmonary connection The effect is greater in those with a predominant left ventricular morphology than in those with a predominant right ventricular morphology Peyvandi S, Kim H, Lau J, et al The association between cardiac physiology, acquired brain injury, and postnatal brain growth in critical congenital heart disease J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2018;155:291–300 This is a comprehensive and state-of-the-art report describing the effects on the brain of the inefficient multidistribution circulation occurring in hypoplastic left heart syndrome Brain growth is slowed, and white matter injury was more pronounced in the group with a functionally univentricular heart than in a group of neonates with a biventricular circulation undergoing an arterial switch operation Tweddell JS, Hoffman GM, Fedderly RT, et al Phenoxybenzamine improves systemic oxygen delivery after the Norwood procedure Ann Thorac Surg 1999;67:161–167 This is an important contribution from the group at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin The manuscript describes the benefits of invasive monitoring, particularly of the mixed venous oxygen saturation, in the multidistribution circulation of children with hypoplastic left heart following stage I Norwood palliation This paper and others helped to emphasize the importance of manipulating systemic vascular resistance to maximize oxygen delivery in these fragile newborns References Zuppa AF, Nicolson SC, Wernovsky G, et al The effects of cardiopulmonary bypass and modified ultrafiltration on the plasma pharmacokinetics of milrinone in neonates with hypoplastic left heart syndrome Anesth Analg 2006;102:1062–1069 Latus H, Gerstner B, Kerst G, et al Effect of inhaled nitric oxide on blood flow dynamics in patients after the Fontan procedure using cardiovascular magnetic resonance flow measurements Pediatr Cardiol 2016;37:504– 511 Hoskote AU, Tume LN, Trieschmann U, et al A cross-sectional survey of near-infrared spectroscopy unse in pediatric cardiac ICUs in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, and Germany Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2016:1736–1744 Yerebakan C, Murray J, Valeske K, et al Longterm results of biventricular repair after initial Giessen hybrid approach for hypoplastic left heart variants J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015;149:1112–1122 Ishii Y, Inamura N, Kayatani F, et al Evaluation ... cross-sectional survey of near-infrared spectroscopy unse in pediatric cardiac ICUs in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, and Germany Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2016:1736–1744 Yerebakan C, Murray J, Valeske K, et al