enhancing excretion, 1039 gastric emptying, 1036 GI, 1035 –1039 naloxone therapy, 1037 –1039 renal replacement therapy, 1040 , 1040 t supportive care, 1040 using activated charcoal, 1036 , 1040 using cathartics, 1036 by whole bowel irrigation (WBI), 1036 –1037 Decorticate rigidity, 123 Deep cervical nodes, 307 Deep fungal infections, 444 Deep space neck infections, 323 Deep venous thrombosis, 164 Defecation, normal, 127 Defibrillation, 57 –58 Defibrillators, 51 Dehydration, 502 , 552 , 966 –969 altered mental status and, 153 differential diagnosis, 147 evaluation and decision, 147 –151 degree of, 153 , 155 f determining the severity of, 153 diagnostic approach, 149 history, 147 initial management, 149 laboratory tests, 149 physical examination, 147 –149 hypernatremic, 1036 hypertonic, 149 hypotonic, 149 indicators for, 149 isotonic, 149 moderate state, 149 oral rehydration therapy (ORT), 149 –150 , 150 f glucose-to-sodium ratio, 149 parenteral rehydration therapy, 150 –151 , 151 f pathophysiology, 146 –147 scales, 155 f severe, 149 signs of, 148 –149 suspected, 148 f Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, 339 Delayed cord clamping (DCC), 65 Delirium, 94 clinical disturbances of, 96 t medical conditions that lead to, 95 t Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 337 Dental–alveolar abscesses, 350 Dental emergencies, 1313 –1318 abscess, 1313 –1314 dentoalveolar infection, 1313 –1314 goals of therapy, 1313 –1314 odontalgia (toothaches), 1313 oral mucosal soft tissue pathology, 1316 –1318 aphthous stomatitis, 1317 eruption cysts, 1317 mucocele, 1317 neonatal cysts, 1318 pyogenic granuloma, 1317 –1318 Riga–Fede disease, 1318 treatment goals, 1316 periodontal soft tissue pathology, 1315 –1316 acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG), 1315 –1316 , 1315 f dental lamina cyst, 1318 f eruption cyst, 1317 f eruption hematoma, 1317 f eruption schedule, for teeth, 1315 t gingivostomatitis, crusted extraoral lesions, 1316 f herpes simplex virus type 1, 1316 mucocele, associated with minor salivary gland, 1318 f pericoronitis, 1315 primary herpetic gingivostomatitis, 1316 treatment goals, 1315 trench mouth, 1315 –1316 postextraction complications alveolar osteitis, 1314 –1315 hemorrhage, 1314 infection, 1314 treatment goals, 1314 pus perforates bone, 1313 Dental fractures See Dental emergencies Dental infection, 1313 –1314 Dental lamina cysts, 347 , 1318 Dental trauma, 1104 –1111 assessment of, 1104 –1105 clinical assessment extraoral examination, 1104 –1105 intraoral examination, 1105 radiographic examination, 1105 emergency care, goals of, 1104 evidences, 1104 jaw See Jaw fractures primary dentition lettering system, 1107 soft tissue See soft tissue injury tooth, anatomy of, 1107 f traumatic dental See Traumatic dental injuries treatment goals, 1104 types of, 1108 f vermilion border injuries, 1105 Dentoalveolar infection, 1313 –1314 Deoxygenated Hb, 141 Depersonalization, 1074 Depigmentation, 465 Depression, 95 –96 , 131 clinical considerations, 1438 management, 1438 –1439 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 1438 “SIGECAPS” mnemonic for, 96 t symptoms, 1438 treatment goals, 1438 Dermacentor andersoni, 559 Dermacentor variabilis, 559 Dermal melanocytosis, 466 Dermatitis allergic contact, 434 asteatotic eczema, 433 atopic, 431 autoeczematization, 435 chronic, 431 contact, 434 dyshidrotic eczema, 433 herpetiformis, 448 –449 irritant contact, 435 lichen simplex chronicus, 433 nummular eczema, 432 Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), 448 –449 Dermatologic urgencies and emergencies evaluation and decision, 641 –642 nodules, 640 –641 papules, 634 –639 papulosquamous eruptions, 649 –650 plaques, 639 –640 urticaria, 650 vascular lesions, 650 Dermatomyositis, 302 , 560 Dermatophytes, 443 , 461 Dermatophytid, 435 Dermoid cysts, 347 face and scalp lesions, 1345 , 1346 f midline neck lesions, 1347 –1348 Desmarres lid retractors, 1394 f, 1400 Desmarres retractor, 1394 Desmoglein (DGS1), 439 –440 Desmoglein (DSG3), 440 Desmoids, 350 Desmopressin (DDAVP), 430 Developmental disabilities, 97 –98 ... assessment extraoral examination, 1104 –1105 intraoral examination, 1105 radiographic examination, 1105 emergency care, goals of, 1104 evidences, 1104 jaw See Jaw fractures primary dentition lettering