ED Clinical Pathway for the Evaluation/Treatment of the Child With a Suspected Deep Neck Space Infection URL: https://www.chop.edu/clinical-pathway/neck-infection-clinicalpathway Authors: R Abaya, MD; M Joffe, MD; L Vella, MD; M Dunn, MD; S MacFarland, MD; M Rizzi, MD; K Shekdar, MD; R Bellah, MD; J Lavelle, MD Posted: February 2017, reviewed October 2019 FIGURE 74.1 Incidence by age of infectious mononucleosis in three large studies Epiglottitis The incidence of epiglottitis, a well-appreciated cause of life-threatening upper airway infection, has declined significantly since the introduction of vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b This disease manifests with a toxic