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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1179

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Benign congenital hypotonia, 560 Benign hypermobility syndrome, 304 Benign intraductal papillomatosis, 112 Benign nocturnal limb pain of childhood, 305 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), 159 Benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy, 330 Benign paroxysmal vertigo, 896 –897 Benzodiazepines, 39 , 39 t, 496 , 885 , 1049 , 1076 , 1078 , 1444 ataxia from, 108 , 108 t for coma-producing toxic ingestions, 125 for vertigo, 161 Berlin edema, 190 Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (bHCG) levels, 1419 Bilateral isolated deficiency of adduction, 180 Bilateral ptosis, 895 Bilevel positive airway support (BPAP), 35 Biliary atresia (BA), 289 , 292 , 734 –736 Biliary tract disease, 734 –735 Bilirubin direct bilirubin reference intervals, 289 measurement, 296 end-tidal carbon monoxide concentration, 296 laboratory studies, 296 physiology, 289 , 294 transporter defects, 289 Bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND), 294 Biological and chemical terrorism, 1e –24e biologic agents, 1e –14e characteristics of, C132 e132.1t chemical agents, 10e –14e emergency care, goals of, 1e pediatric vulnerabilities to, C132 e132.2t Biot, 486 Bismuth, iodoform, paraffin paste (BIPP), 1315 Bismuth subsalicylate, 156 Bites, 624 –625 Black Box warning, 1438 Black dot poison ivy, 434 Bladder injuries, 1136 assessment/diagnostic testing, 1137 bladder neck injuries, 1137 clinical recognition, 1137 discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1137 evidences, 1137 management, 1137 treatment goal, 1136 –1137 Bladder thermometry, 194 Blastomycosis, 444 Blepharitis, 173 , 173 f Bloating, 87 Blood loss in GI bleeding, 213 in pallor, 421 Blount disease, 304 Blow-out fracture clinical recognition, 1268 evidences, 1267 management, 1268 treatment goals, 1267 triage considerations, 1268 Blunt abdominal trauma, 1089 –1091 abdominal wall contusions, 1089 hollow abdominal viscera injuries, 1091 intra-abdominal trauma, late presentations of, 1091 pancreatic injuries, 1090 –1091 solid organ injuries, 1089 treatment goals, 1089 Blunt cardiac injuries, 1279 –1280 algorithm for evaluation/diagnosis of, 1281 f clinical recognition, 1280 disposition, 1281 evidences, 1279 initial assessment, 1280 management, 1280 –1281 pericardial effusion, 1280 f pericardiocentesis, 1281 f triage, 1280 Blunt cardiac trauma, 616 Blunt head injury, 1254 –1258 clinical recognition, 1255 –1256 diagnostic imaging, 1256 epidural hematoma, 1257 f evidences, 1254 –1255 Glasgow Coma Scale vs pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale, 1255 t increased intracranial pressure (ICP), 1254 management, 1256 –1257 traumatic subdural hemorrhage, 1257 f treatment goal, 1254 Blunt neck trauma clinical assessment, 1229 clinical recognition, 1229 discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1229 evidences, 1226 –1229 management, 1229 mechanisms of, 1214 t subcutaneous emphysema, 1228 f treatment goals, 1226 triage considerations, 1229 Blunt penile trauma, 1140 Blunt trauma to eye, 188 Bochdalek hernia, 1421 f Body surface area (BSA), 1095 Bone injection gun (BIG), 53 Bone marrow hyperplasia, 419 Bone tumors, 302 Bordetella pertussis , 501 Borrelia burgdorferi , 1363 Borrelia vincentii , 1315 Botulism, 558 –559 Bowel distension, 87 , 91 f Bowing fractures, 1173 , 1173 f, 1192 –1193 Bradycardia, 58 , 66 , 271 , 341 , 505 Bradypnea, 485 , 505 Brain injury patterns, 1257 –1258 Brain tumors, 908 Branchial cleft anomalies, 320 , 1350 Branchial cleft sinuses, 320 Branchio-Oto-Renal (BOR) syndrome, 222 Breast abnormal nipple secretions, 112 –113 abscesses, 110 benign cysts and masses of, 111 –112 engorgement, 113 enlargement, 111 malignant masses of, 112 trauma to, 112 tumors, 112 Breast enlargement/masses, 111 t Breast infections, 110 –111 clinical presentation of neonatal, 110 incidence of, 110 organisms commonly implicated in, 110 in postpubertal females, 110 signs and symptoms of, 110 Breast lesions approach for prepubertal children, 115 , 115 f pubertal/postpubertal female, 115 –116 , 116 f pubertal/postpubertal male, 115 , 115 f approach to breast complaints, 115 –116 , 115 f–116 f associated with pregnancy and lactation, 113 common, 111 t congenital, 113 differential diagnosis, 110 –114 evaluation and decision, 114 –115 breast ultrasonography, 114 chest radiography, 114 diagnostic testing, 114 –115 ... diagnostic imaging, 1256 epidural hematoma, 1257 f evidences, 1254 –1255 Glasgow Coma Scale vs pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale, 1255 t increased intracranial pressure (ICP), 1254 management, 1256

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 12:39

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