borders frequently are “satellite” papules and pustules At times, the infant has concomitant oral thrush Infantile Acropustulosis Infantile acropustulosis is a recurrent, self-limited, vesiculopustular disorder affecting young children ( Fig 69.6 ) It presents with itchy, deep-seated pustules or vesicles on the palms and soles Most cases occur after scabies infestation and this condition can wax and wane for years Scraping for scabies mites should be performed and treatment initiated for scabies if mites are found Therapy is midpotency topical steroids FIGURE 69.1 Neonatal acne red pustules and papules are most prominent over the cheeks and nose of some normal newborns (Reprinted with permission from Goodheart H A Photoguide of Common Skin Disorders Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1999.) VESICULAR ERUPTIONS Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infections Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection causes significant morbidity and mortality if not recognized and treated promptly (see Chapter 73 SepticAppearing Infant ) Neonatal HSV is most commonly acquired in the peripartum period (85%) but can also be acquired in the postnatal period (10%) or in utero (5%) For peripartum or postnatally acquired infections, the extent of disease can