A Pseudocyesis B Stress Early pregnancy can be challenging to recognize Symptoms of fatigue, nausea, vomiting (not necessarily in the morning), urinary frequency, and breast growth or tenderness are common but by no means universal or specific Some patients may report the result of a home pregnancy test However, because of variability in the test’s sensitivity for detecting urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), home pregnancy test kits taken in early gestation can give a false negative result False-positive results can also occur, though rarely Accordingly, the emergency physician should not rely solely on the reported result of a home pregnancy test to make or to exclude the diagnosis of pregnancy Qualitative urine and serum pregnancy tests performed in medical settings generally detect the β-subunit of hCG (β-hCG) The urine pregnancy test threshold is generally at β-hCG levels of ≥20 mIU per mL and will permit the detection of a normal pregnancy within about 10 days after conception and, in most by the time an expected menstrual period is missed Serum β-hCG can be detected at lower levels though laboratories are variable regarding the level of detection (