Lymphadenopathy, 253 –254 , 314 , 421 , 847 , 1347 causes, 307 –313 , 310 t cervical, 307 –312 definition, 307 differential diagnosis, 307 evaluation and decision, 315 –316 generalized, 313 –314 of head and neck, 312 of iliac nodes, 313 life-threatening, 314 –315 mechanism of, 307 Lymphatic malformations (LMs), 347 , 1351 –1352 Lymph node abscess, 311 f Lymph nodes of body, 309 f of head and neck, 308 f Lymphocytic thyroiditis, 1348 Lymphocytosis, 309 Lymphogranuloma venereum, 312 Lymphoma, 317 Lymphonodular hyperplasia, 218 Lysergamides (LSD), 1072 –1073 M Mackler triad, 369 Macrophage activation syndrome (MAS), 997 , 1018 –1019 Magic mouthwash, 1316 Magnesium sulfate, 56 t Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), 293 Magnet ingestions, 210 Major burns clinical assessment, 1098 –1099 clinical recognition, 1098 evidences, 1098 management antibiotics, 1100 blisters, 1101 breathing, 1099 circulation, 1099 disposition, 1101 dressing, 1101 –1102 escharotomy, 1100 fluid resuscitation, 1099 –1100 pain, 1100 –1101 tetanus, 1100 wound care, 1100 treatment goals, 1098 triage considerations, 1096 t, 1098 Malabsorption, 89 Malgaigne fractures, 1196 Malignant hyperthermia, 120 Malignant intra-abdominal masses, 1308 –1309 Malignant tumors, 909 Mallory-Weiss tears, 728 Malrotation, 552 , 1301 f of bowel with volvulus, 1299 –1302 , 1300 f–1301 f evidences, 1300 initial assessment, 1300 –1301 management, 1301 –1302 treatment goals, 1299 –1300 Mammary duct ectasia, 112 Mammalian bites, 720 –722 clinical considerations, 720 clinical recognition, 720 –721 dog attack, 720 management, 721 treatment, goals of, 720 wounds, 720 Mandible fracture, 1123 –1124 , 1124 f anatomy of, 1124 f Mania, 96 –97 “DIG FAST” mnemonic for, 97 t Mania/bipolar disorder, 1439 emergency treatment, goals of, 1439 initial assessment, 1439 management, 1439 Mannitol, 657 , 1388 Maple syrup urine disease, 333 Marcus Gunn pupil, 187 , 190 Marfanoid body habitus, 522 Marfan syndrome, 325 , 330 , 362 , 369 Marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids, 337 ataxia from, 108 , 108 t Marijuana smoking, 1073 –1074 Marine invertebrates coelenterata phylum (cnidaria), 706 –707 anthozoa, 707 hydrozoa, 707 scyphozoa, 707 echinodermata phylum, 707 –708 Marine vertebrates, 708 –709 catfish, 709 scorpaenidae, 708 –709 sharks, 708 stingrays, 708 Masks, 49 –50 Masses in aerodigestive tract, 909 Mass lesions, 482 Mastalgia, 114 Mastitis, 110 , 111 t, 112 –113 Mastocytomas, 465 Mastocytosis, 445 –446 , 446 f Mastoiditis, 157 McCune–Albright syndrome, 466 MDMA (Ecstasy), 1074 –1075 Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), 419 , 423 , 423 t Measles, 643 , 847 Measles (rubeola), 313 Measles encephalitis, 891 Measles virus, 475 Meatal stenosis, 1335 Mechanical intestinal obstruction, 87 Mechanical obstruction, 87 Mechanical ventilation, 50 , 84 Meckel’s diverticulum, 213 , 218 –220 , 358 , 552 –553 , 1306 , 1306 f Medial clavicle fractures, 1284 Medial collateral ligament (MCL) injuries, 277 Medial epicondyle fractures, 1188 –1189 , 1189 f Mediastinal mass, 320 Medical illness, screening tests, 1429 t Medroxyprogesterone injections, 343 Megaloblastic anemia, 417 Meige disease (lymphedema praecox), 164 Melanocytic lesions, 466 Melanoma, 466 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor, 351 , 351 f Melena, 213 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN), 982 Ménière disease, 159 Meningitis, 202 , 1387 , 1387 t, 1389 Meningococcemia, 233 Meningoencephalitis, 891 Meninscus sign, 1413 Menometrorrhagia, 536 Menstrual cycle, normal, 535 –536 Mental impairment, 120 Mesenteric cysts, 1307 –1308 Mesenteric lymphadenitis (ML), 744 Metabolic acidosis, 121 , 482 , 570 , 970 , 972 –973 , 976 –978 , 977 t, 1035 , 1042 , 1044 –1048 , 1050 , 1052 , 1054 Metabolic alkalosis, 121 , 978 , 978 t Metabolic disorders, 333 –337 , 336 t, 1177 Metabolic emergencies aminoacidopathies, 874 carbohydrate disorders, 878 emergency therapy, goals of, 862 fatty acid oxidation defects, 877 –878 inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs), 862 –864 , 863 t–867 t ... 1124 f anatomy of, 1124 f Mania, 96 –97 “DIG FAST” mnemonic for, 97 t Mania/bipolar disorder, 1439 emergency treatment, goals of, 1439 initial assessment, 1439 management, 1439 Mannitol, 657 , 1388... 333 –337 , 336 t, 1177 Metabolic emergencies aminoacidopathies, 874 carbohydrate disorders, 878 emergency therapy, goals of, 862 fatty acid oxidation defects, 877 –878 inborn errors of metabolism