initial assessment, 1297 management, 1297 –1299 triage consideration, 1297 Inverse psoriasis, 468 , 470 f Ionizing radiation, 700 I-PASS (Illness severity, Patient summary, Action list, Situational awareness and contingency plan, Synthesis by receiver), , t, 14 Ipratropium, 185 Ipsilateral esotropia, 175 Ipsilateral hypertropia, 175 , 181 Ipsilateral limb ataxia, 107 Ipsilateral preauricular adenopathy, 312 Iridocyclitis, 1016 –1017 Iritis, 172 –173 , 184 , 188 Iron-deficiency anemia, 417 Iron poisoning, 1046 –1048 , 1047 f Irregular heart rate, 373 , 424 Irregular pupils, 186 Irritable bowel syndrome, distension in, 87 Irritant contact dermatitis, 435 Irritative pharyngitis, 508 Irritative vulvovaginitis, 530 Isoniazid, 558 , 1052 –1053 Isopropyl alcohol, 1054 –1055 Isotonic dehydration, 149 Isotonic fluid, 699 Isovaleric acidemia, 335 Isradipine, 246 IV access, 30 , 30 t IV levetiracetam (Keppra), 497 Ixodes scapularis , 1363 J Jacksonian spread, 491 Jaundice, 358 breast milk, 295 , 298 in cases of serious infection, 295 –296 cholestatic, 289 , 292 clinical examination of, 296 conjugated hyperbilirubinemia and, 289 –293 unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and, 294 –300 Jaw fractures avulses, 1110 evidences, 1109 Hanks balanced salt solution, 1109 , 1110 f mandibular fractures/dislocations clinical assessment, 1109 clinical recognition, 1109 management, 1109 –1110 maxillary fractures, 1110 reduction of dislocated mandible, 1111 f temporomandibular joint, dislocation of, 1111 f treatment goals, 1109 Jefferson fracture, 1239 –1241 anteroposterior (AP), 1240 f lateral cervical spine radiograph, 1241 f Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS), 222 Jimson weed, 185 Jogger’s nipple, 112 Joint line tenderness, 277 Joint pain common causes, 403 t diagnostic approach to, 404 f differential diagnosis, 402 , 403 t evaluation and decision, 402 –407 laboratory studies, 403 fever and, 406 t life-threatening causes, 403 t viral etiology, 1362 Jugular venous distension (JVD), 482 Jumper’s knee, 279 Juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 557 Juvenile breast hypertrophy, 113 Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM), 1000 , 1006 –1010 , 1007 t, 1008 f clinical assessment, 1006 –1008 clinical course of, 1006 clinical recognition, 1006 EULAR/ACR classification criteria, 1007 t evidences, 1006 general management, 1008 –1009 management of complications and emergencies, 1009 t calcinosis, 1010 cardiac complications, 1010 GI complications, 1010 respiratory complications, 1009 –1010 Juvenile fibroadenoma, 113 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), 184 , 188 , 203 , 302 , 306 , 406 , 1011 –1018 , 1012 f–1013 f, 1362 classification systems for, 1011 t clinical considerations, 1011 –1013 evidences, 1011 general management, 1013 –1014 laboratory and radiologic features, 1013 management of complications and emergencies cardiac complications, 1016 cervical spine involvement, 1017 cricoarytenoid arthritis, 1018 fever, 1016 flare of a single joint, 1017 iridocyclitis, 1016 –1017 pulmonary complications, 1016 ruptured popliteal cyst, 1017 medications for, 1014 –1015 , 1014 t drug toxicity and, 1015 neck stiffness and, 329 subgroups, 1012 t Juvenile myasthenia gravis, 559 Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas, 166 Juvenile osteochondritis dissecans (JOCD), 1369 Juvenile plantar dermatosis, 435 Juvenile polyps, 1305 –1306 , 1306 f Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), 406 Juvenile spring eruption, 436 Juvenile systemic sclerosis (JSSc), 1000 classification criteria for, 1000 t complications, 1001 t Juvenile Tillaux fracture, 259 , 261 f Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG), 1354 JXG See Juvenile xanthogranulomas (JXG) K Kaolin-pectin, 156 Kaposi varicelliform eruption (KVE), 474 –475 , 474 f, 474 t Karo corn syrup, 131 Kasabach–Merritt phenomenon, 464 Kasai hepatoportoenterostomy (HPE), 292 Katz extractor, 1113 Kawasaki disease (KD), 171 , 203 , 224 , 293 , 311 , 317 , 322 , 351 , 351 f, 352 , 366 –367 , 369 , 402 , 406 , 413 , 415 , 440 , 454 , 502 , 510 –511 , 522 , 528 , 544 , 615 , 1021 f, 1349 aspirin therapy, 1025 cardiac abnormalities in, 1025 –1026 clinical assessment, 1022 –1024 clinical assessment of incomplete, 1024 clinical findings, 1024 t coronary aneurysms in, 1026 corticosteroids for, 1025 diagnostic criteria, 1020 t differential diagnosis, 1022 t echocardiographic criteria, 1024 t evaluation of suspected, 1023 f evidences, 1019 –1020 goals of treatment, 1020 IVIG therapy, 1025 management of complications and emergencies, 1025 –1027 myocardial infarction in, 1026 pathology of, 1020 t refractory, 1026 –1027