FIGURE 11.11 A: Dalton law (law of partial pressure): (PT = P1 + P2 + P3 …) The total pressure of a gas is the sum of its component gases The diagram illustrates that the percentages of air components (oxygen illustrated and represents 21% of air) at different altitudes does not change, although air is less dense at a higher altitude B: The effects of altitude and decreased barometric pressure on oxygen availability (From Woodward GA, Vernon DD Aviation physiology in pediatric transport In: Jaimovich DG, Vidyasagar D, eds Pediatric and Neonatal Transport Medicine Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus, Inc; 1995:41, with permission.) Other issues to be considered in air transport include vibration, turbulence, noise, humidity, temperature, air sickness, exhaust fumes, specific aircraft