TABLE 16.2 COMMON BREAST LESIONS Newborn Physiologic hypertrophy Mastitis (mastitis neonatorum) Prepubertal Child Premature thelarche (female) Pubertal/Postpubertal Male Pubertal gynecomastia Pubertal/Postpubertal Female Enlargement/galactorrhea secondary to pregnancy Mastitis and breast abscess Fibroadenoma Fibrocystic disease Benign, isolated cysts TABLE 16.3 LIFE-THREATENING BREAST LESIONS Newborn Mastitis (mastitis neonatorum) Prepubertal Child Breast enlargement with precocious puberty (secondary to hormonal secretion by a tumor) Postpubertal Male Breast enlargement with abnormal sexual development (secondary to hormonal secretion by a tumor) Postpubertal Female Neoplastic mass Galactorrhea secondary to prolactin-secreting tumor Benign Cysts and Masses