It may be difficult in a brief encounter with a stranger to project the kind of humanism we would like to project The emergency department setting and circumstances make this difficult Yet there are some practical methods that can assist the emergency physician (Table 5.2 ) in promoting humanism Cohen and Sherif have listed 12 tips on teaching humanism in medical education INTRODUCTION AND JOINING The first important step in expressing humanism comes in the introduction of the physician to the patient and family This is the first chance to let the patient know who you are, why you are here, and that your goal is to help them On an average encounter in the ED the family sees many ED personnel, you need to make your role clear to them Meet and shake hands with everyone in the room Do not assume who they might be Show your interest in everyone Sit down even though you may be in demand elsewhere Sitting down shows your interest and that you will give the time that is needed for their child’s wellbeing