O X F O R D p r a c t ic e te s ts - < >5 0m f o r t h e T O E IC ® t e s t sọ i^ I/'2 ỉ c > CD » < m ^ y > m c ễ with key i I ĩ j 7C Q n o s ZI 1 Ì I ^^ p z > ^ i I i OXPORD >K nh A xuAt b An t đ iể n b Achkhoa i 5 Ị OXFORD practice tests I for the TOEIC* test ịlỊ ĩ c? > ^^ CD m ^ ỉ ĩ í w ith key o ^ ^ ^ rvỊ J0 — n H X ỗ i ế o > 0m i 2> ầ i ^ i ắ > ẵo ?1 g Hi > s g ^ z ễ0 ỉ > r^ — -H o Ọ > •< ^ s Q sO -n m i i í ÌÌ pg I ^m i2Í ỉỳì ^ i "2 I I ik o ^ ^ § i■ li lÌ ^H -1? tri iậ o OXPORD r ^ hà x u ấ t b ả n t đ iể n b c h k h o a 7Q Oxíord Unỉversity Press Great Clarendon Street Oxtord 0X2 6DP Oxíord New York Auckiand Bangkok BuenosAires CapeTovvn Chennai Dar es Saỉaam Delhi Hong Kong Istánbui Karachi Kolkata Kuaỉa Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sáo Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto OXPORD and OXPORD ENGLÍSH are trade marks of Oxtord University Press ISBN 19 453526 Oxford University Press 2000 First published 2000 Síxth impression 2004 No unauthori2ed photocopying All rights reserved No parl of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted ĩn any form or by any means, without the prior permission ỉn writing of Oxíord University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organizalion Enquiries concerning reprcxluction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxtord University Press, at the address above You must not circulale this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites reíerred to in this pubtication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxtord University Press for iníormation only Oxíord University Press disclaims any responsibility tor the content Printed in China The aulhor and publisher vvould like to thank Corels for use of royalty-free images Contents Introduction page PracticeTest page PmcticeTest page 43 PracticeTcst page 79 PracticeTest page 115 Tapescripts Test T est2 Test Test page 151 p a g e l5 p a g e l5 page 163 page 168 A nsw erkey Tcst T esl2 Tcst T est4 page 173 page 175 page 187 page 199 page211 Aiiswer sheets Tcst TfSt Tfst T rst4 page 223 page 225 page 227 page 229 page231 Conversion table INTRODUCTION TheTest of English for International Com m unication (TOEIC) was originally dcsigned to test thc English prìciency levels o f pcoplc engaged in international business H ow ever,the TOEIC® test has proven to be such a reliablc measurc of a test-taker’s English language skiils that ii is now uscd for academic adiĩiissions, for placem ent purposes, and for measuring achievement Over 1,500,000 people take the TOEIC test each year TOEIC test format ThcTOEIC test is divided inio tw o sections Thcse are Listening Com prehensìon and Reading Each seclion contains 100 questions You will need approxim ately 2/^ hours to take the test Lỉstenìng C om prehension Part I Photographs Part II Question-rcsponsc Part III Short conversations Part rv Short lalks 45 m in utes 20 questions 30 questions 30 qucstions 20 qucsiions Readỉng 75 m ỉn utes Part V Incomplctc scntcnces 40 questions Part VI Error recognition 20 questions PanVII Rcading comprehcnsion 40questions Listening C om prehension Psurt I P h o to g r a p h s In this part,you will see a photograph and you wtU hear four sentences about it You m ust choose Ihe scnttncc that most cỉoscty matchcs what you scc You will hear thc sentences oncc You wiU identưy w hat you see in the photo This may inciude people,objects,actions and locations both general and sp€cific You will also make assumptions; you may not be able to deierm ine som ething is actually takỉng place, but from th e clues in the photo,you can assuine that it is Traps The three incorrect sentences will contain w ords that may make theiD appear correct A w ord may have a simỉỉar sound to som ething in th e p h o to (e.g., a sheep raứier than ửie ship pictured) The sentence may contain a w ord w hich has m ore Iníroduction than o n e m eaning (e.g., a hottle o f port ĩvỉne rather th an a sbip in port) T here may be a suitabie w ord included w hich is uscd inappropriately He is openỉng the window T hcre is a unndcnv in the p h o to , but nobody is opening it) Strategỉes Scan th e pictu re quickly and u y to identưy as m uch as you can Ask yourseư questions: Wlio (g en d cr,d escrip tio n ,o ccu p aù o n ) is in the photo? W hat is happening?W herc w as th e p h o to laken? AX^en listening, focus on th e w ords that are casier to hear, th e siressed w ords, as they carry thc overall meanừig P a r t 11 Q u e s tío n - re s p o n s e In this p art,y o u wiU hear a question and three possible responses You m ust choose the response that b est answ ers the question You wiU hear the question and each rcsponse oncc The question may ask about people.location.tiiĩie, an activity, an event, em otions, reasons, or opinions In sh o rt,th e question could be on almost any subject Traps As in Part I, w ords may sound similar or bc used out o f context Words from th e qucstion may be repeaied in the responsc,but bc used inaccurately In ad d itio n ,th ere is a potential trap w ith gramiTìar You wiU h ear dưíerent types o f questions: whquestions iwho, wbat, when, ivhere, tvhyy and h o w \y e s/n o questions and tag questions W hcn you h ear ^yes/n o o r a tag question.yoii may assume th at the response wiU bcgin w ith Yes or No In theTOEIC test.as in real ltfe,the responsc may answ er the question indirectly insteaci For example: Is there any cake left? (A) I ate the last piece (Ú) Yes, the laìze ỉs on the left (C) No, I left early (A) is th e co rrect option The respondcnt docsn t answ er w ith j« /n o as w ould be expectcd However, w e know the answ er is no, because the resp o n d en t ate the last piece Strategỉes You wiU have to exercise your short-ierm memcry You m ust rem em ber the question untU you havt picked th c appro p riate responsc you really d o n ’t know th e answcr, th en guess C hoose the rcsf>onsc that sounds m osi natural to y o u ,d o n ’t icavc any questions unansw ered an n o u n cem en ts, w eath er íorecasts, spccial bulietins, etc T he qucstions wiU ask you to d eterm in e xhc lo catio n ,th e speaker,the tim e,the e v c n t,o r a reason P a r t I I I S h o r t c o n v e r s a tỉo n s Traps T he traps that w ere sct for you in Parts I, II and III are set o n ce again In this p art,y o u will h ear a short dialog You will read a question and four answ er choices in your test booklet You m ust ch o o se th e o p tio n Ihat bcst answ ers the queslion You wiU oniy hear the dialog once The question wiU ask about th e general idea o f the conversation; usually it wiU n o t focus on specưìc deuils You wiU be asked to identưy an activity, an em otion, a relationship, o r th e location o f th e spcakers In som e instances you may have to SOIĨIC m inor caiculations based on m easurem enis in the đialog Traps As in Parts I and II, w ords may sound similar o r be used o u t o f context Words may be rep eated in the o p tio n s,b u t b c used inacciưately In addition, listen out for w ords th at can add to o r change meaning U sten careíưlly for w ords that indicate time until, tvhile, aýtenvards, etc.) and w ords th at ìndicate negation (e,g., noA hardly, selđom, by no means, etc.) The dialog may com pare tw o or m ore things so listen for w ords that sh o w degrces o f com parisons Modals (e.g.,can, couldy ought to, etc.) indicate possibility and advisability Listen careíuUy for modals to detcrm in e th e in tent o f th e spcakers Word ordcr is also a |X)tential trap A sen ten c e s u th as Never has the tveather been so unpredictabie m eans The ĩveather is usuaỉly predicUibỉe Strategies Try to rcad th e qucstion before you hear th e dialog you have tim e, read th e answ er choìces as weU Look at alỉ th e options, bcfore choosing your answer As you listen^imagine th e speakers and th e location P su rtlV S h o r t t a l k s In this part,you wiU h ear a sh o rt m onologue about w hich you wUl read tw o or th ree questions in your test booklet For each question, you m ust choose the co rrect answ er from four options You wiU only hear th e m onologue once The talks can b e in th e form o f recorded Strategies T his is a very diffícult section because you have to listen carefuIJy and rem em ber specLẾìc details It is im p o rtan t that you try to read th e questions before you h ear th e talk ĩf you have tữ n e,try to read the an sw er choices as well H owever,you should listen to ứie w hoIe talk before attem pting to an sw er any o f th e questions Timing is crucial in this part you can n o t read and answ er the q u estio n in th e second pause th en d o n ’t worry, b u t m ove on to th e next one D on’t get left behind on th e tape R eading P a r t v I n c o m p le te s e n te n c e s In ứiis part, you wiJl read a scntence w ith one w o rd o r p h rase lĩiissing and four possible choices to fìll th e blank You wiil choose the best w ord or phrase Both your know íedge of vocabulary and your know Iedge o f gram m ar are tested You will have to u n d erstan d th e m eaning o f the sentence to choose a vocabulary item You may have to apply your know ledge o f phrasal verbs and set expressions You wiU, in som e instances, have to understand the gram m atical íịinction o f th e blank to choose the c o rre c t gram m aiical form o f a word The gram m ar fornis tested m ost írequently are verb tense, pro n o u n s, prepositions, conịunctions and com parisons w ith adjectives and adverbs Traps In th e item s th at test grammar, many of the choices are attractive becau se th ey scem to com plete thc m caning o f th e scntence However, they may not b e gram m atically correct You have to pay closc atten tio n to th e w o rd endings and make sxưe you ch o o se th e co rrect grammatical form required Strategỉes You m ust develop a quick pace for th e Reading section You have 75 m ìnutes for 100 items There are 60 item s ữi PartsV and VI You shouỉd save m ost o f your tữ ne for th e readiiig passages in Part VII Try to answ er a question in 30 seconds the Introduction answ er is not apparent to you,quickỉy move on R eturn to the unansw ered questions after you reach the end o f Part VII Always go back aiid check your answ ers at th e end if th ere is time P a r t V I E r r o r r e c o g n ỉtío n In this part,you will read a sentence w ith four w ords or phrases underim cd You m ust choose the underlined w ord o r phrase w hich is incorrectly w ritten Only granunar is tested The focus is mainly on erro rs w ith subịecựverb agreem ent, pro n o u n agrcem ent, and w ord íamily distinctions Errors w ith prepositions are com m on and occasionally th ere wiU be mistakes w ith verb ten sc and verb form The w ords that are not underlined are always correct Traps A com m on trap is to insert a w ord th a t does not beiong This is usualiy a pro n o u n in th e subject position e g., The ivorkers tbey are on strike, o r a p ro n o u n w hich is incorrectly useđ e.g.,She is going to intervieiu MrRobinson itseự Strategỉes C hcck cach underlined scction for an error no erro r is apparent, take each option and see if that w ord o r phrase fits ứie sentence grammatically Do n o t take tim e to co rrcct an erro r (even in your head) P a r t v i l R e a d in g You wiU read a passage foUowed by - questions You wiU have to answ er th e questions based on ứ ie inform ation in th e passage Each question has four options You WỈU have lo ỉnterpret th e ỉníorm ation in advertisem ents, forms, reports, correspondence, tables, graphs, announcem ents, articles, and schedulcs Traps Many o f ứie answ er options repeat iníorm ation that is found in th e passage, b u t in a different context Make sure the option you choose directly answ ers the questỉon Strategỉes Read over ứie questions before you read the passage D on’t look at the answ cr options Read Introduction th e passage quickly to get a general idea Do»n’t w o rry ab o u t w ords you d o n ’t und erstan d Tliicn rcad it again m ore careM ly and try to íìnc th*e answ ers to the questions as you read Aftcr tíhat, ch o o sc from th e options The questions usually m atch th e o rd cr iníorm ation is p resen ted in the passage Be familiar w iưi thc type o f passages that 7/iỉìl be p rescn ted s tu d y in g for theTOEIC te s t As y ou tak e a p ractice test, pay atten tio n to tltie w ay you w ork th rough th e test K eep track o f your tim e N ote h o w long you sp en d on a p a rt esitimate h o w long you sp en d o n an item Ask your;elỉf how you can im prove your speed Try to develop your o w n test-taking rhythm Usc th e cassctte tapc to deveiop your meno»ry A íte ry o u take a test,g o back to th e Listenng sectio n an d play the tap e again Try to repeatĩ each sen ten c e you h ear in your head and hold ÌLi n your m em ory You can also try this in your ow r ianguage w h e n you listen to th e radio o r tclevision Try to rep eat exactly w h at the a n n o u n c e r says It is possible to iiĩiprove '^oiur ability to rem em ber For theTOEIC te st,a ịOiOd m cm o ry is a necessity Use th e explanatory answ ers in th e back cf tỉhis book se them to leam w hy you m ade ar e rro r and h o w xhc test tried to trap you T h ere vilii be a lot o f n ew w ords, phrases and ideas in thií book Taking th ese practiceTO EIC tests wiU notoniỉy h elp you beco m e com íortable w ith th e test, lt>ut wUl dìnitcly h elp you im prove y o u r Engishi Ansvver sheets and Conversion taible In th e exam you wilí have to p u t your ansveirs on an A nsw er sheet, and you can practise doiig Ithis by usừig th e A nsw er sh eets provided at thí bíack of th e book A score conversion table is included on thĩ imside back covcr This converts th e scores o f thí O’xford p ractice tests and does n o t co rrelate w ith h e actualTOEĨC tests T he tabie provides youw iỉth an ap p roxiniation o f your total actual score ftr t:he practice tests, and can be used to asscss y o p erío rm an ce as you w ork th rough them PractỉceTest One L IS T E N IN G C O M P R E H E N S IO N In thís section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part PARTI Direcỉions: For each question, you will see a pỉcture in your test book and you wilí hear four short statements.The statements will be spoken just one tim e.They wili not be printed in ỵourtest book, so you must listen careíully to understand what the speaker says When you hear the four statements, ỉook at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answér Look at the sample belovv Sample Answer Now iisten to the four statements statem ent (B), “TheyYe having a meeting,” best describes what you see in the picture Thereíore, you should choose answer (B) GO ON TOTHENEXTPAGE Practice Test One Practice Test One ... thank Corels for use of royalty-free images Contents Introduction page PracticeTest page PmcticeTest page 43 PracticeTcst page 79 PracticeTest page 115 Tapescripts Test T est2 Test Test page 151...Ị OXFORD practice tests I for the TOEIC* test ịlỊ ĩ c? > ^^ CD m ^ ỉ ĩ í w ith key o ^ ^ ^ rvỊ J0 — n H X ỗ i ế o > 0m... assume th at the response wiU bcgin w ith Yes or No In theTOEIC test. as in real ltfe ,the responsc may answ er the question indirectly insteaci For example: Is there any cake left? (A) I ate the last