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Oxford english for electrical and mechanical engineering

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Oxford English for Eleetrical and Mechanical Engineeri ng Eric H Glendinning Norman Glendinning, C Eng, MIMechE Oxford University Press _-_ ,-/ j ofu Ihivtnity Press etat Clztndm S'eeeL fford OX2 6DP Ofrrd NewYork Alhos AucHand Bangkok Bogota Bombay Baenm Aires Calcutta Cape Town Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madras Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi Paris Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto and associated comPanies in Berlin Ibadan OxJord and OxJord English are trade marks of Oxford University Press University Press 1995 First published 1995 Third impression 1996 Fourth impression 1997 No unauthorized photocoPYing All rights reserved No part ol this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any lorm or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Oxford University Press This book is sold subiect to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold' hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser The publisher and authors of OxlordEnglish for hmputing, Oxlonl EnglishJor Electronics' andOxford I;wixn[ri nictacal ind Mechanical Engineering would tite to tnanf tUe teachers and students ofthe following institutions for their advice and assistance in the preparation of these books: ItalS Istituti Tecnici Inalustrialii Aldini-Valedani, Bologna Avagado, Turin Belluzi, Bologpa Benedetto Ca$elli' kescia Conti,Milan de Preto, Schio Euganeo, Este Fermi, Rome Fermi, Naples Fermi Vicenza Ferrari, Turin Gastaldi, Genoa Giordani, NaPIes Giorgi, Milan Giorgi, Rome Hensemberger, Monza Leonardo da Vinci, Florence Marconi, Verona Miano, San Giorgio, NaPles Paeocapa, Bergamo Panetti, Bad Pasolini, Milan Peano, Turin San FeliPo Neri, Rome Zuccante, Mestre Istituti Professionali: Casdlli, Siena Cinnici, Florence Galileo Galilei, Turin Galvani, Milan Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Loigna, Verona i il ll h The publisher and authors wouldlike to thankthe following for their kind perinission to use articles, extracts, or adaptations from copyright material Everv ellort has been made to trace the owners of copJhght material in this book, but we should be pleised to hear from any copyright owner whom we Lave been unable to contact in order to rectify any errors or omissions' Collins CDT GCSB:TechnologgbyMHorsley ISBN O 19 457392 @ Oxford France Ecole Nationale du Commerce' Paris Lyc6e Bouchardon, Chaumont Lyc6e Monge, Chambery Lyc6e du DauPhin6, Romans Lyc6e T6chnologique Indgstriel, Valence Fowler, Collins Educational, an imprint HarperCollins Publishers Limited Eraba Limited, Uvingston of and P - The following articles were all taken fromThe Education Gtnrilian @The Guardian: 'Electric motor'by Helen Davies, 20 April 1993 'Central heating' by J Harker, December 1992 'Fridge' by H Birch, 30 APril 1991 'Electronic scales'by H Birch, 10 December 1991 'Wave power'byH Davies,23 November 1993 'Road breaker' by t{ Birch, 24 September 9 'Disk brakes'by R leedham, 16 March 1993 'Magnetic levitation train' by t{ BLch' lttly 1992 'Air Film Material Handling Systems' ' Aerofilm Systems, The Netherlands 'Deiign tools for speed and quality' by John Fox' Prifessional Engineering, |urte I 99 The adaptation oft-his article ii reproduced by permission ofthe Council of the Institution of Mechanical Bngineers' london, UK 'Beating the fire risk with water-based hydraulics' by P Twiedale, Prole ssional Engineering, November '1993 The adaplation of rris article is reproduced by permission ofthe Council ofthe Institution of Mechanical Xngineers, London, LK 'On the make' by ludith Massey, Personal Computer Magazine, Atgttst1992 'Typeis ofcorrosion, how it occurs and what to look for', Design Engineering, lune L991 Working alight engineering plant (peop-le at-w-ork) by TMay, Wayland (Publishers) Limited 1982 The publishers would Iike to thank the following for perrnission to reproduce illustrations: Computer Shopper : Computervision: The Education Guaidian: Eng{neering News: Technolog\ Basic F acts by C Chapmm, M Homley, md E Small, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd: Volkswagen UK Ltd The publishers would like to thank the following for their permission to reproduce photographs: British Aerospace; Derek Cattani; DataTech Ltd; The Fngrneering eouncil; The Engineering Training eufrority; Graduates to Industry; Intelligence Systems; Marconi; Peugeot-Talbot; Lucy Porter; Rolls-Royce; Salter Houseware; The Science Photo Library; Sconish Power; Sport for TV; The Telegraph Colour Library; Volkswagen UK Ltd Typeset in Monotype Photina and Univers Printed in ItalY * Technical contents Page Unit Topic Technical syllabus 11 Engineering General t6 Courses General 22 Materials Engineering matarials 26 Mechanisms Mechanisms, Cams 31 Forces Statics andDgnamics 36 Electric motor Electrotechnology 42 Student Electrical 46 Central heating Automatic systems 50 Safety at work General 55 10 Youngengineer G ener al, 58 11 Washingmachine Auto matic s y s tems, 65 l2 Racing bicycle Mechanics, Gear sy stems 72 13 Lasers Mechanical technology 77 74 Technician Robotics, General 79 15 Refrigerator Fluid,mechanics 84 t6 Scales Automatic sy stems, Str ain g aug es 91 77 Portable generator Electrotechnology, Power generation 98 18 Road breaker Pneumatics 106 19 Disc brakes Hydraulics 712 20 Stallengineer G 116 27 Lawn-mower Engineering design t23 t28 t37 -22 Corrosion Me chanic 23 Maglev train Electrical machines, Motor selection 24 Computer Aided CAD Engine ering design Tr ansduc er s ener aI, P r o c es s c ontr oI al te chnolo g y, C o r r o s io n Design (CAD) 140 25 Supercar General r46 t52 26 Graphs General 27 Waste recycling Technicalplant 757 28 Robotics Robotics, Stepper motors 165 29 Careers General 769 30 Applying for a job G e ner al, C omp any str uc tur e *A l Gontents Page Unit 11 Engineering - what's it all about? 11 Tuning-in 12 Reading 13 Language study L4 Word study 14 Writing l5 Listening Unit Unit L6 Ghoosing with Word,stress 16 17 2l Tuning-in 2r Engineering materials Reading Having apurpose Writing Letter writing, 7: requesting information Scanning tables Making definitions Adding informationto atext 26 Mechanisms 26 Tuning-in 26 Reading 27 Writing 29' Languagestudy 29 Speakingpractice Unit ileals with /is concenrcd a course 22 Tuning-in 22 fts2ding 24 Language study 25 Writing Unit Introduction Scanning atext WaYsof knkingiileas, T Dealingwithtechnicalterms 31 Forces in engineering 31 funing-in 31 fts2ding 33 fts2ding 34 Languagestudy 34 Listening Predicting Grammar links intexts The present passive Listening to lectures Page Unit 36 The electric motor l6 Tuning-in 36 Reading 39 Language study 39 Writing 41 Word study Unit Listening Writing 1O 11 mp ar ing and c ontr asting Predicting Time clauses so Safety at work L|nderstanding the writer's purpose Making safety rules Ways of linking ideas, ss Young enginee r 55 Tuning-in 56 Listening 57 Writing 57 Speakingpractice Unit Co 46 Gentra! heating 50 Tuning-in 51 Readirig 53 Language study 53 Writing Unit Describing components Tuning-in 46 Tuning-in 46 Reading 48 Language study 49 Word study Unit Describing function 42 An engineering student 42 42 44 Unit Skimming Describing and explaining s8 Washing machine 58 Tuning-in 58 Reading Reading diagrams 62 Language study If lUnless sentences 61 Writing Explaining adiagram Page Unit Unit Unit Unit 12 13 14 15 6s Racing bicycle 65 Tuning-in 67 Reading Prelktion 68 Language study Dercrihing reasons 68 Writing Dercribing contrast 69 Word study P r opertie s 70 Speaking practice 70 Technical 72 Lasers 72 72 73 73 74 76 Tuning-in il t \ 16 Gear systems Reading Languagestudy useiltolfbr Word study Noun + nouncompounds Writing Describing aprocess, 7: sequence Technicalreading Laser cutting zT Automation technician 77 Tuning-in 77 Listening 78 Speaking practice 7s Refrigerator 79 Tuning-in 80 Reading Dealing withunfamiliar words, 81 Language study Pinciples anillaws 82 Word study Verbs anilrelatudnouns Writing Describing aprocess, 2: Iocation _82 Unit reading of matzrials 84 Scales 84 85 85 87 88 Tuning-in Reading I T alking about sp ecific Meaning{romcontcxt Reading Comparing sources Languagestudy Cause andeffect, T Technical reading Strain gauges ations Page Unit 17 st Portable generator 9l Tuning-in 91 Reading 93 Language study 94 Wordstudy 94 Writing Reading diagrams Cause and ffict, Verbswith-izel-ise Describing aprocess, j: sequence and location 96 Unit Technical reading 18 e8 Road breaker 98 Tuning-in 98 Reading 101 Language study 103 Writing 103 Technical reading 105 Speaking practice Unit 19 Unit 2O Unit Wave power 21 Allow and'preventlinks Explaining anoperation Air skates 106 Disc brakes 106 Tuning-in to7 Reading Combining skills 108 Language study Verbswithup andilown 108 Word study Verbs 109 Writing E xp 110 Technical reading W ater -b as ed hy dr aulic * -en laining an op er atio n s tt2 Staff engineer ll2 Tuning-in 1-14 Listening 115 Languagestudy Verbs withon andoff 116 Lawn-mower 116 Tuning-in 118 Reading 119 Reading Grammar links, 119 Language study Describing functions 1,20 Word study Noun + noun, 2: function 121 Writing Description and explanation t22 Speaking practice Explaining function Predicting Page Vnit22 Unit 23 123 Gorosion' 723 Tuning-in 124 Reading SirJLmmhry 125 Language study Cause aniteffect" 126 Speaking practice Exchanginginf ormation 126 Technical reading Corrosionof maturials t28 Maglev train t28 Tuning-in Unit Unit 24 25 129 Reading lnferring 130 Reading Dealing withunfamiliar words, 131 Language study Prediction 133 Writing Explanations 134 Technical 137 Gomputer Aided Design (CAD) 737 Tuning-in t37 Listening 138 Language 74o Sup'ercar L40 Tuning-in reading study Motor selection: operating environment Necessity: have to andneeil (to) Preilicting: using first sentences t42 Reading t44 Ianguagestudy Certuinty Unit 145 26 Writing Swnmaries t46 Graphs L46 Tuning-in L47 Languagestudy kscribinggrophs L49 Word 149 study Writing 151 Technical reading Commonverbsinengineering Describing agraph Properties anilqryilications of carbon steek Unit 27 ts? Waste recycling plant 1,52 Tuning-in L54 Reading 155 Language study 156 Writing T r ansfewing Po ssihility : ccl util I mal

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 08:08