Enhancingjobp e r f o r m a n c e isani m p o r t a n t i s s u e ins u r v i v a l andd e v e l o p m e n t ofc o m p a n i e s (Lai &
Chen,2012).Recruitinga n d retainingexceptionalhumantalentcanp r o v i d e v a l u e of“human c a p i t a l advantage”(Wang,C h i a n g & T u n g , 2012).Otherwise,failureintheserolescanlea dextremelyseriousconsequencesforbothcompanyande c o n o m i c s Karatepe(2013)indic atedthatemployeeswithfullofstresscouldcausenegativeeffectontheirjobperformance.
Findingsolutionstoreduceemployees’burnoutandimproveemployees’performanceisneverane asyanswerandcouldcostmuchtimeandmoneyfromn o t onlyorganizationsbutalsosociety.
Ontheotherhand,globalizationr e a c h e d itsp e a k attheb e g i n n i n g ofthet w e n t i e t h cen tury,whichhadheatedupthemarket,especiallythegrowing onesoftheThirdWorld.Ino r d e r totakemorea d v a n t a g e s inahighlyc o m p e t i t i v e m a r k e t , thedemandtod e v e l o p k n o w l e d g e , skillsandaglobalmindsetforeachindividual infirmsissupposedtoincreases i g n i f i c a n t l y (Dobre,2012).
Inliteratures,manystudieshavebeencarriedouttoinvestigatethefactorsaffectingjobperfo rmance(Springer,2011;Ahmad&Omar,2012;Ram,2013;Fu&Deshpande,2014)a n d jobburnout( Bakker,Demerouti&Verbeke,2004;Beheshtifar&Omidvar,2013;Lieta l , 2015).Academi cburnout,whichisconsideredasanothertypeofjobburnoutapplyinginl e a r n i n g , hasreceivedm uchmoreconcernofmanagementsectorinrecentdecades(Galbraith
&Merrill,2012;Harris,Gallagher&Rossi,2013;Hainesetal.,2014;Anuradha&Jha,2014;Lianetal.,2 014;Hojatetal.,2015).Amongthesefactors,coreself- evaluationhasbecomeah o t issueinpsychologicalresearchesduetoitsrelevancetojobburnoutandj obperformancen o t onlyina medical sectorbutalsoineconomics(e.g.Li,G u a n , Ch an g & Zhan g,2014;J a v e d , Abrar,Haq&Shabir,2014).
AccordingtoHaines etal.,(2013),individualwhohashighcoreself- evaluationhaslessconflictsbetweenworkandfamilyrelatedactivities.Theseconflictscauseunbal anceini n d i v i d u a l ’ s lifeandd e c r e a s e t h e i r qualityoflife( M d -
Thus,theyarerecognizedthemainreasonsforindividualsstress inmodern lifewithin their impactona ca de mi c burnoutandjobp e r f o r m a n c e (Ahmad&Omar,2012;K a r a t e p e , 2013).
Inthe ageofglobalization,theneedstoretainandmanagetalentedemployees,whoh a v e deeppracticalknowledge&highdegree,isextremelyessentialinordertoincreasethec o m p e t i t i v e advantagesofthefirm(Kapoor,2011).
Vietnam, as a developing country, is poised to encounter numerous opportunities and risks with its integration into the Asian Economic Community (AEC) by the end of 2015 Many Vietnamese entrepreneurs remain inadequately informed about the AEC, which hampers their ability to formulate effective strategies, potentially allowing foreign companies to dominate the Vietnamese market in the coming years Additionally, the issue of human resources has become a pressing concern for Vietnamese firms As Vietnam fully joins the AEC, qualified workers will find increased opportunities in multinational companies, while local large firms will have better access to recruit skilled managers However, this shift poses challenges for unqualified Vietnamese workers and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Employees must confront the necessity of enhancing their skills and qualifications or risk being let go, while HR departments must devise strategies to develop and retain their current talent to prevent brain drain Consequently, it is crucial to investigate the factors influencing academic burnout and job performance for future research.
Althoughmenusedtobeknownasthemajorityoflabor,incurrent,the demographicc o m p o s i t i o n hasbeenchangeddramatically.AccordingtoVietnamese Go vernmentstatisticin2014,womenhavemorethan45millionpeople,accountingforover50%ofth enationalpopulationandover 47%ofsocialwo r k e r s (Bhxhlamdong,2014) M o r e andm ore womenh a v e beenworkingintheareasthathaspreviouslybeenthestrengthofmenlikeelectri city- electronics,informationtechnology,andm e c h a n i c a l engineer.Moreover,womena r e i n c r e a s i n g l y holdingimportantrolesingovernmentorganizations,NGOsandfirms.
In 2015, the International Labor Organization ranked Vietnam 76th out of 108 countries in female participation in management, with only 23% of women in leadership roles (ILO, 2015) The research revealed that women comprised 29.5% of employers in small and medium enterprises, highlighting their significant contribution to the nation's development Women play a crucial role in international education resources, representing a substantial portion of talent The study also indicated a positive correlation between women's leadership and business efficiency, as they often manage household budgets and possess increasing purchasing power, making them vital consumers Therefore, it is essential to include both women and men in decision-making processes within enterprises Ultimately, the findings suggest that supporting women's career development and increasing their representation in top leadership positions can enhance productivity and competency in businesses and contribute positively to the economy and society as a whole.
Since the early 21st century, prominent female politicians like Hillary Clinton (USA), Yingluck Shinawatra (Thailand), and Angela Merkel (Germany) have emerged alongside successful female CEOs such as Indra Nooyi (PepsiCo), Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook), and Susan Wojcicki (YouTube) On October 12, 2014, Vietnam celebrated a day dedicated to honoring women entrepreneurs, showcasing leaders like Ms Mai Kieu Lien (CEO of Vietnam Milk), Ms Thai Huong (CEO of TH True Milk), and Ms Pham Thi Viet Nga (CEO of DHG Pharma) These influential figures have inspired Vietnamese women to pursue continuous development and education, enhancing their lives and earning societal respect.
Despite some progress in gender equality, many Asian countries, including South Korea, China, and Vietnam, still undervalue the role of women in both work and life Traditional expectations often confine women to their duties as wives and mothers, requiring them to manage household chores alongside their careers Married women face the dual burden of professional responsibilities and family care, including obligations to their own and in-laws' parents This relentless pressure can lead to burnout, especially as they seek to enhance their skills through additional training Addressing the burnout issue among married women is crucial for human resources departments to develop effective plans and policies that support the advancement of female employees in the workplace.
Intheliterature,manyworld-widescholarshaveresearchedtheinfluenceofcoreself- e v a l u a t i o n onjobp e r f o r m a n c e (Karatepe,2011;Ahmad& Omar, 2 0 1 2 ; Tang,T a n g
& Li,2 0 1 3 ) , t h e influenceofcoreself- evaluationona c a d e m i c b u r n o u t (Kao,2 0 0 9 ; Lianetal.,2 0 1 4 ) , ortherelationshipbetwee nwork-family(andfamily- work)conflictandjobburnoutaswellasjobperformance(Wang,Chang,Fu&Wang,2012;Karat epe,2013),butveryfewsamestudieswereexaminedtheinfluenceofcoreself- evaluationonacademicburnoutandjobp e r f o r m a n c e mediating bywork- family (andfamily- work)conflictandstudiedt o w a r d womeninV i e t n a m , e s p e c i a l l y marriedworkingwomen.
A l t h o u g h womeningeneralmayh a v e thesamepressurefromwork,family andstudying,ma rriedworking womenseemstosuffermuchmorestressfulduetotheirresponsibilityofwork,t heroleofwifeandmother,a n d studyings i m u l t a n e o u s l y (Noor,2 0 0 4 ; Koyuncu,B u r k e & W o l p i n , 2012;Lianetal.,2 0 1 4 ) M o r e o v e r , i t isnotdeniedthattheyarea c t u a l l y imp ortantinlaborf o r c e whoh a v e c o n t r i b u t e d s i g n i f i c a n t l y onfirms’stabilityandsuccess.Thus,thisstudyexaminestheroleofcoreself- evaluationtoa c a d e m i c b u r n o u t andjobp e r f o r m a n c e , m e d i a t i n g byw o r k - f a m i l y ( a n d family-work)conflictamongmarriedworkingwomeninVietnam.
Theoverallo b j e c t i v e s ofthisresearcha r e toe x a m i n e t h e effectofcores e l f - e v a l u a t i o n toa c a d e m i c burnoutandjobperformancethroughtheinfluenceofwork- familyandfamilywork conflictofmarriedw o r k i n g womeninVietnam.Specifically,a m o d e l wasd e v e l o p e d toe x p l a i n :
- TheindividualeffectofVietnamesemarriedworkingwomen’scoreself- evaluationona c a d e m i c burnoutandjobperformancethroughwork-familyandfamily- workconflictasthetwomediators.
ThequestionnairewastranslatedintoVietnameseandappliedwidelyafterrefiningbyface-to- faceindepthinterviewingwith6marriedfemalestudentsfromeveningandweekendclassesandthes upervisor.
Thisstudyusedconveniencesamplewithface-to- faceinterviewmethod.Thesamplesizewasexpectedaround350,thus,
DatawasanalyzedbySPSS20andAMOS20.Theauthoru s e d EFAtot e s t themea surem e nt modelandCFAforreliabilityandvalidity.SEMwasusedtotestthestructuralm o d e l
Intermsofpractice,theresearchresultswillhelpmarriedfemaleemployeesbecomemoreaw areoftheimportanceofself- evaluation,enhancingtheircapabilitiesaswellascreatea balancebetweenworkandfamilyinordert oincreasetheefficiencyoflearningaswellasjobperformance.
Besides,theproject alsohelpsthehumanr e s o u r c e managementunderstandmarrie dfemaleemployeeswhohavebothtoworkandlearninghigher,therebyofferingsolutionstos u p p o r t andencouragethemsoastonotonlyhelpemployeesbutalsoincreasingthefirm’si m p o r t a n t asset-humanresource.
Thetraininginstitutionscouldutilizetheresultofthisresearchtounderstandmarriedfema lecustomers,andbasingont h e customerinsight,theyc o u l d findmoresolutionstos u p p o r t them andbuilditso w n s t r a t e g y toattractmorefemalelearnerssuchascreatingflexiblet i m e t a b l e s , e- learningform,submissionv i a onlinesystemtor e d u c e unnecessaryactivitiestohelpwomensave timeandhealthtoboosttheirpersonalaccomplishment.
Thestudya l s o couldhelpfamiliesandsocietyhaveanopenmindforwomenresponsibility,e rasingtheout-of- datethinkingthatwomenshouldfocusonlyonthekitchena n d h o u s e w o r k Withinperceptio nofwomenneeds,familiesands o c i e t y cans u p p o r t t h e marriedfemaleemployeesinsharingta skssuchashomescare,childrencare,e n c o u r a g i n g themtononstopimprovingthemselves.
Thischapterpresentstheresearchbackground,researchproblem,researchobjectives a n d researchq u e s t i o n s , researchmethodology,t h e significanceoft h e study,a n d researchstr ucture.
Thisc h a p t e r introducesthefundamentaltheoriesa n d definitionofe a c h concepts,t h e o r e t i c a l modeling,hypothesesandtheconceptualmodelofthisstudy.
Theresearchwasdevelopedbasedontheconservationofresourcetheorywhichwasimplem entedbyHobfollin1989(Heinzetal.,2013).Hobfoll(citedinKaram,2011)indicatesthattheresources whichincludeobjects (e.g.possessinganapartment,acar), conditions(e.g.b e i n g employed,beingpartofagroup),personalresources(e.g.havingnecessaryk nowledge,skillsandabilities),andenergyr e s o u r c e s (e.g.levelorengagement)arelimited,thus employeestrytogain,p r e s e r v e andassurethem.Whentheconflictsh a p p e n , individualse n c o u n t e r boththreatofresourcelossandactuallossofresources.
Pheko(2013)supposesthatconservationofresourcetheoryisusedasanappropriatef o u n d a t i o n tocomprehendthetwointerfaces(i.e w o r k andfamily).Themodelcouldalsoexplain stressissuefromintra-roleandinter- roleconflict,offeringastableconceptualf r a m e w o r k Lotsofresearchershaveappliedittostron glydeterminetherelationshipbetweenthesetwodomainsandillustratehowtheseconflictsaffectth efirmperformance.
(2013)applytohumanresourcesm a n a g e m e n t toinvestigatetheeffectofwork- family(andfamily-work)conflictstoburnouta n d drawthemodelofCoreself-evaluations,work- familyconflict,andburnoutasbelow:
Core self-evaluations significantly influence individual burnout, with work-family and family-work conflict acting as mediators in this relationship While Haines and colleagues examined the moderating effects of core self-evaluations on work-family conflict, this study focuses on the negative correlation between core self-evaluations and work-family conflict, as well as the positive link between such conflicts and burnout However, the findings primarily address general stress and strain without delving into specific areas like academic, job, or health burnout.
Anothernoticeablelimitationisthatt h e respondentsofthisresearchfocusonpoliceofficersandcivi lianstaffsinQuebec( C a n a d a ) , thustheaccuracyofitsfindingswhengeneralizing toempl oyeesinotherw o r k p l a c e s isnotassure.
Lian and colleagues (2014) explored the role of core self-evaluations as a predictor of academic burnout among university students, building on previous findings that identified self-efficacy, locus of control, and self-esteem as key individual factors influencing burnout Their research suggests that core self-evaluations can predict negative academic burnout, aligning with studies that show a negative relationship between job burnout dimensions and overall satisfaction (Dyrbye et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014; Khamisa et al., 2015) Furthermore, Judge et al (2003) demonstrated that core self-evaluations significantly predict levels of satisfaction Consequently, they proposed that core self-evaluations influence academic burnout by mediating life satisfaction The results of their study support both hypotheses, highlighting core self-evaluation as a crucial predictor of burnout, and indicating that students with a positive self-view tend to experience greater life satisfaction, which in turn reduces their awareness of and pressure related to learning.
Asm e n t i o n e d above,c o r e self- evaluationshaver e c e i v e d muchmorei n t e r e s t fromscholarsallovertheworld,thustherearema nydefinitionofit.Judgeetal.definedthistermas“anindividual'smostfundamentalevaluationofhiso wnability andvalue”(Zhouetal.,2 0 1 4 ) Theinterpretationofcoreself- evaluationsisalsounderstoodthattheinternalp e r s o n a l i t y factorsreflectingthebeliefofone s’capability,controlandcompetency(Lietal.,
Core self-evaluations are a latent construct encompassing four key personality traits: self-esteem, which reflects an individual's evaluation of self-worth; locus of control, indicating one's perceived control over their environment; self-efficacy, representing the assessment of one's capabilities and competence for success; and emotional stability, which relates to emotional adjustment These traits collectively influence an individual's ability to assess their own competencies and overall self-perception (Judge et al., 2003).
Workandf a m i l y aret h e inseparabletwosidesofadults’lives(Olorunfemi,2009)butthesetw odomainsarediscoveredtoconflicteachotherbecauseofsimultaneous demandsoft h e rolebetweenhis/herworkandfamily(Mihelic&Tekavcic,2014).Work- familyconflictisconsideredavitalfactorcauseworkstress
(Demeroutietal.,2001;Wallace,2005;Radzali,Ahmad& Omar,2013).Thismaybebecausethepr essurethatemployeeshavewhen theycouldnotbalancetheirwork- lifeleadsthemnottoconcentrateonwork- relatedactivities,thusworkstresshappens.Ingeneral,work- familyconflictoccurswhenindividualcouldnotplaya goodroleinfamilysincehefocusesmuchm oreon hisjob.
Ontheotherhand,family– workconflicta p p e a r s w h e n manspendstoom u c h t i m e w o r r y i n g hisfamilythanwork(Bo yaretal.,2008;Mihelic&Tekavcic,2014).Forexample,a womanhavetor e q u e s t workingdays- offtolookafterhers i c k sonb e c a u s e shehasnos u p p o r t fromherfamily.Inthiscase,thisfemal eemployeescarifiesherjobforherfamily.
Theword“burnout”u s e d tomentionwork- relatedstressinstudyingthefactorsaffectingemployees’outcomes(e.g.Rosenberg&Pace,2006; Kim,Ji&Kao,2011;Cooke,D o u s t & Steele,2 0 1 3 ) Nowadays,accordingtoLianetal.
( 2 0 1 4 ) , a c a d e m i c burnoutisk n o w n asa spreadofj ob burnoutineducationenvironmentbec
11 ausestudentsalsoh a v e toperformmanyactivitieswhicharet h e s a m e asw o r k , suchasresponsi bilitytoc o m p l e t e a s s i g n e d w o r k ingiventime,cooperationamongcolleagues,p r e s e n t a t i o n , u p d a t i n g newinformation.Anuradha&Jha(2014)definethatstudentacademicbur noutisthestresswhich reacheditspeaklevel,affectingstudent’sacademicperformance.Theysupposethatitappearswhenstud entshavenointerestinstudying,annoyedwithlecturers’expectations,andaretiredofstudying.B e i n g burnoutnotonlya f f e c t students’educationandtheirresultsbutalsothreateno t h e r w o r k e r s d uetot h e i r u n d e r p e r f o r m a n c e (Kizilci,Erdogan& S ử z e n , 2 0 1 2 ) T h u s , itbecomesa nimportantproblemandisexaminedbymanymodernscholars.
Asj o b p e r f o r m a n c e isa vitalfactorinb o t h o r g a n i z a t i o n p s y c h o l o g y an dh u m a n r e s o u r c e management(Campell,1990,ascitedinGary,2011),therearemanyde finitionsofjobp e r f o r m a n c e W h i l e C a m p e l l etal.
(1993,ascitedinP a r k e r , 2007)statedthatjobp e r f o r m a n c e coveredallbehaviorsthatwere controlledbyemployeesthemselvestoachievec o m p a n y g o a l s , Silvester,Patterson&Ferguson(2003)concludedmorespecificallyinsalesareasthatsa lesperformancecompriseddailyeffortsofsalesmantoattractcustomers,servec u s t o m e r s erviceandachievesalestarget.Thus,itcouldbesaidthatdependingonthecontext,jobperformanceisco mprehendeddifferently.However,ingeneralitcouldbeconcludedthatjobperformanceaggregatedd ailyworkactivitiesofemployeesineachdepartmentofthefirma n d theywereassessedp e r i o d i c a l l y b a s e d onthel e v e l thatindividualsachievedt h e firmo b j e c t i v e bypeoplewhohaveupper levelpositioncomparedtothem.
Manyr e c e n t d o c u m e n t s havesupposedthatp o s i t i v e coreself- evaluationsleadstolessenw o r k - f a m i l y (andfamily- work)conflict(Hainesetal.,2013;Lianetal.,2014).Thisr e s u l t maybeduetothereasonthatan individualwhohashighcoreself- evaluationsmeansheisoptimismandthushecouldeasilyovercometroublesinhislifeandworkto upturnhisq u a l i t y oflife(Jiangetal.,2014).Inotherwords,whensomeone perceivestheircompetencyincontrollingtheirlife,theyhaveapowerfulmotivationtocomplet ebothworkandfamilyrelatedactivitiesperfectlybymanydifferentways.
Thereared i f f e r e n c e s inp h i l o s o p h y b e t w e e n WesternandEasternwomen.W h i l e Westernwomenwithfreedommindsetcouldnotaccepttobetiedinmarriagelife,Eastern onesc o n s i d e r housechoresa r e t h o s e thingsthattheyh a v e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y andmandator yo b l i g a t i o n todo.Ritualandbehaviorculture inVietnamese societyhaveingrainedi ntothem i n d s ofyounggirls,continuedtofollowthemw h e n t h e y growupa n d getmarried.Asa r e s u l t ofthisisthatVietnamesewomenconsiderthejoyoftakingcareoftheirhusbandandchildre nispriorityinlife.
AlthoughVietnamsocietypublicizegenderequalityandencouragewomentoimmerseinw o r k life,payattentiontofostert h e abilitytod e v e l o p theiro w n career.However,t h e conflictbetw eenthetraditionalhousewifedutiesandtheattractivenessfromknowledgeandskillsinvestmenta swellasstablecareersometimescausesthemstressfulandexhausted.Asitwasstatedinconservation ofresourcetheory,duetolimitedhumanresource, ifone focusesononeobject,theperformanceofothertaskswillbereduced.
Therefore,t o w o r k i n g womenwhog o t m a r r i e d , o p t i m i s t i c self- viewcouldbet h e s o l u t i o n tob r i n g themmorec o n f i d e n t inbalancing t h e i r life.P o s i t i v e thinkinga b o u t theiro w n capacitycouldhelpthemcalmlyhandleconflictsbetweentheirworka ndf a m i l y life.T h i s leadstothefirstandsecondhypotheses:
H1:Thereisanegativerelationshipbetweencoreself-evaluationandwork- familyconflictH2:Thereisanegativerelationshipbetweencoreself-evaluationandfamily- workconflict
Familyandw o r k a r e twoi n s e p a r a b l e aspectsofthem o d e r n womenlife,b u t withli mitedresources,marriedw o r k i n g womencannotmanage wellboththetwow o r k simultaneousl y.Conflicts betweenfamily andworkisalwaysatopicattractedmanyresearchersinthefieldofh umanresources.
Work-family conflict arises when women prioritize their careers while also feeling responsible for family obligations Many husbands with conservative beliefs assume that household duties, such as cooking, laundry, and childcare, are simple tasks that a good wife should manage However, they often overlook the significant time and effort these responsibilities require For married working women focused on their careers, balancing these demands can be exhausting After long hours at the office, often involving overtime and handling numerous projects, they return home too fatigued to fulfill their family care obligations.
Ontheotherhand,family- workconflicthappenswhenwomenoverweighttheirp r i v a t e f a m i l y lifeandnotfocusont h e i r job.Todaytheyworryaboutthehealthoftheir h u s b a n d andchildren,tomorrowtheyaresadbe causeoftheirfamily.Theyuseworkingtimetosearchcheapg o o d s orcookingrecipes.T h e y notr e a l l y focusonwork,s o t h e y meeta v a r i e t y oferrorsandfailures.
Conflicts between work and family roles create significant stress and depression for married working women, who strive to excel in both areas Achieving work-family balance is crucial, as highlighted by Grzywacz and Carlson (2007), and is central to human resource development Numerous studies emphasize the detrimental effects of stress and conflict on employee burnout, indicating that an inability to balance personal and professional responsibilities leads to serious consequences, including heightened stress levels (Shree, 2012) When individuals fail to resolve work-family conflicts, they struggle to focus on fulfilling both their family and work obligations, resulting in persistent worry and anxiety.
Women aspiring for career promotions often enroll in skill training courses or higher education programs after work However, due to limited personal resources and energy, they struggle to find sufficient time for their studies Married female students, in particular, may feel dissatisfied with their work-life balance, impacting their ability to concentrate on learning For instance, when children fall ill or work demands increase, they may miss classes and fall behind, leading to a gradual loss of knowledge and skills This situation can result in feelings of pressure and disappointment as they realize their capabilities do not meet their expectations Consequently, when faced with homework deadlines or exams, it is common for them to experience fear and exhaustion related to their studies.
Asmentionedabove,thelevelofwork- lifebalancehasrepresentedemployees’a t t i t u d e , b eh av io r andoutcomes.Ebyetal.
(ascitedinBaral& Bhargava,2010)saidthati n c o m p a t i b i l i t y betweenw o r k a n d f a m i l y causenotonlyemployees’health b u t alsoo r g a n i z a t i o n a l performances.Thisviewpoint iscontinuedtobed e m o n s t r a t e d inrecentresearcherssuchasLim,Song&Choi(2012),Goya l,Jain&Jain(2013).Itissaidthattheharmonyinlifew h i c h impliest h e b a l a n c e betweenworkpla ceroleandtheroleoffamilywouldbringbenefitstoemployeesandorganization;otherwise,themissi ngofthis consensusc a u s e s e x t r e m e l y w o r s e troublestoemployeesandl e a d s top o o r j o b p e r f o r m a n c e (Kim,2 0 1 4 )
Vietnamese women are educated from a young age to take responsibility for their family's future While new cultural influences encourage women to pursue dynamic careers outside the home, many still view household duties as a primary obligation This dual expectation leads married female employees to strive for a balance between work and family life However, those who prioritize work over family often face significant stress due to neglecting household responsibilities, which can adversely affect their job performance The negative relationship between family-work conflict and job performance is evident, as employees who frequently take absences to address family issues tend to make more mistakes and receive lower performance evaluations Therefore, two hypotheses are proposed.
FollowedtheideaofKammeyer-Muelleretal.(2009), positivecoreself- evaluationsisexpectedtoreducestressorswhichdeclinestheextremepsychologicalstrain.Itmeans cores e l f - e v a l u a t i o n s andburnouthaveanegativerelationship.Lietal.
Research by Lian et al (2014) highlights the significant relationship between core self-evaluations and burnout among nurses, indicating that those with higher self-evaluation traits experience less emotional exhaustion and cynicism, alongside greater professional efficacy Additionally, Karatepe (2011) supports the notion that exhaustion negatively impacts job performance, suggesting that core self-evaluations are positively correlated with job performance while inversely related to burnout Furthermore, core self-evaluations, which encompass self-esteem, self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability, have been shown to influence academic burnout In the context of married working women, high core self-evaluations enable them to effectively manage stress stemming from their jobs or studies Consequently, the proposed hypotheses emphasize the importance of core self-evaluations in mitigating burnout and enhancing performance.
H1 Thereisanegativerelationshipbetweencoreself-evaluationandwork-familyconflict H2 Thereisanegativerelationshipbetweencoreself-evaluationandfamily-workconflict H3 Thereisapositiverelationshipbetweenwork-familyconflictandacademicburnout
Insummary,thischaptermentionsprevioustheory andconceptsrelatingtocoreself- evaluation,work-family(andfamily- work)conflict,academicburnoutandjobperformance.Asa r e s u l t oft h i s , t h e researchm o d e l withe i g h t h y p o t h e s e s isestablishedtoillustrater e l a t i o n s h i p s amongthesefivef actorsasfigure2.3above.
Afterresearchp r o b l e m s w e r e identified,literaturereviewwasexecutedtofindo u t p r e v i o u s theories,conceptual models,constructsdefinitionsrelatedtostudyfactorsaffecting academicburnoutandjobperformance.Then,measurementscaleswereselectedfrompriorr e s e a r c h e s Adraftquestionnaire wasbuiltbasedont h e s e measurementandtranslatedinto Vietnamese.T h e studyincludedtwop h a s e s , p r e l i m i n a r y researcha n d mainresearch,andi mplementedinHoChiMinhCity.
Thep r e l i m i n a r y researchwasconductedbya qualitatives t u d y whichisin- depthi n t e r v i e w i n g with6marriedworkingfemale studentsandthesupervisortomodifyandrefinet h e scaleitemsfromtranslatedscales.Thein- depthinterviewh e l p e d toc h o o s e andadjustwhichitemswereappropriatewithmarriedworkin gfemalestudentsinVietnamesecontext.I n t e r v i e w e e s ’ feedbackhelpedtoadjuststatemen tsclearerandmoreunderstandable.
Aquantitativemainresearchwasexecutedwithaconveniencesampleof343marriedw o r k i n g femalestudentsbyface-to-faceinterviewwithastructuralquestionnaire.
Themethodsofdataanalysisincludedt e s t i n g Cronbach’salpha,Exploratory FactorA nalysis(EFA)usingSPSSversion20,ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis(CFA),andStructuralE q u a t i o n Modeling(SEM)testusingAMOSsoftwareversion20.
( 2 0 0 3 ) , including12itemswhichwererangedonthe5- pointLikertfrom1(stronglydisagree)to5( s t r o n g l y agree).Averages c o r e s of12itemsweresumm edtorepresentthecoreself-e v a l u a t i o n scale.
Work-family(andfamily- work)conflict:BasedonNetemeyer,BolesandM c M u r r i a n (1996),therewere5itemsusingtoa ssesswork-familyconflictand5itemsusingtomeasure family- workconflict.Theseitemswerealsoratedonthe5- pointLikertfrom1( s t r o n g l y disagree)to5(stronglyagree).Thescoreofwork- family(andfamily-work)conflictwasasumof4relevantitems.
(2002),u s i n g MaslachB u r n o u t I n v e n t o r y S t u d e n t s Survey( i n c l u d i n g 15itemsd i v i d e d into3factors:Exhaustion,Cynicism,and
Efficacy).Theitemsw e r e scoredont h e 5 - p o i n t Likertfrom1 ( s t r o n g l y d i s a g r e e ) to5 ( s t r o n g l y agree).
( 1 9 9 6 ) , including6itemswhichweremarkedonthe5- pointLikertfrom1(stronglydisagree)to5(stronglyagree).
3 ThingsI wantt o doa t workdon'tgetd o n e becauseo f thed e m a n d s ofm y f a m i l y o r spouse/partner.
Althoughthemeasurementscalesofthispaperwereappliedinmanyresearches,butd u e t othedifferencesbetweenVietnamandothercountries,thescalesneededtobemodifiedb e f o r e la unchinginVietnamcontext.
Theoriginalm e a s u r e m e n t scaleofAcademicburnoutincludedthreed i m e n s i o n s : e x h a u s t i o n , cynicism,andprofessionalefficacy.A c c o r d i n g toSchaufelietal.
Burnout among students is characterized by feelings of exhaustion due to academic demands, a cynical attitude toward their studies, and a sense of incompetence Research indicates that high levels of exhaustion and cynicism, coupled with low professional efficacy, contribute to student burnout In this study focused on married working female students, the author aimed to identify factors related to burnout to develop potential solutions After conducting in-depth interviews with six participants and their supervisor, the study eliminated professional efficacy items and consolidated all questions into one main factor: academic burnout A 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), was used in the questionnaire to gauge responses.
Besidesthat,sixreverse-scoreitemsincoreself-evaluationandonereverse- scoreiteminjobperformancewereeliminatedtoavoidmisunderstandableandinaccuratedata.
AllthequestionsofthedraftquestionnaireweretranslatedintoVietnamesetoassureall itemswereobviousandeasytounderstandbymostofinterviewees.Theintervieweeswere marriedworkingfemalestudentswhichwerechosenfromeveningandweekendclasses.Listofsixpar ticipantswasreportedinAppendixA.Allcommentsandsuggestionsweree x p r e s s e d intheA ppendixB.TheVietnameseofficialquestionnairesurveyswereshowninA p p e n d i x Cand AppendixDforEnglishversion.
( 2 0 0 3 ) Scalesofwork-familyconflictandfamily- conflictincluded10items,whichadoptedfromNetemeyer,BolesandMcMurrian(1996).Scaleofa cademicburnoutincluded7itemsbasedonscaleofSchaufelietal.
Size:Aftermodifyingscales,thetotalitemsofthisstudywere27,whilethenecessarytoensuret hetestandstatisticswastoh a v e atleastfiveo bs e r v a t i o n s peritem(Hairetal.,2 0 0 9 ) Thusthe minimumsampleofthisstudyweren'*55observations.Withexpectationtoobtainasamplesi zeofabout 350,about700questionnairesweredeliveredtoi n t e r v i e w e e s
Sincetheresearchobjectsfocusedonwhite- collarmarriedfemaleworkerswhoneededtostudyhighertrainingprogramstoimprovetheirknowl edgeandskillsforthedemandsofb u s i n e s s d e v e l o p m e n t , theresearchintervieweeswerec h o s e n fromw o r k - s t u d y p r o g r a m s , p a t h w a y programs,postgraduateprogramsandsoft- skillstrainingshortcoursesatfives c h o o l s inHoChiMinhcity:U n i v e r s i t y ofE c o n o m i c sHoChiMinhCity,U n i v e r s i t y ofS o c i a l SciencesandHumanities,UniversityofTechnology,I nternationalEducationInstitutea n d TheCentreofEconomicsDevelopment.
Cronbach’salphaanalysiswasusedtotestcorrelationamongitemsofaquestionnairetomeas ureinternalconsistency.ThescalewasacceptedwhenCronbach’salphacoefficientwas0.7anda bove(Hairetal.,2009).
ExploratoryFactorAnalysis(EFA)wasusedtotestthevalidityofscalesandmodifyt h e rese archmodelbyexploringhowthevariablesrelateandgroupbasedoninter- variable correlations.Thevariableswereonlyacceptedwhenthefactorloadingsweregreaterthan0.5, t h e correlationcoefficientwasgreaterthan0.4(Pallant,2011),Bartlett’stestofsphericitywass ig ni f ic an t (p