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.Construct Game DevelopmentBeginner''''s GuideA guide to escalate beginners to intermediate game ppt

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Cấu trúc

  • Cover

  • Copyright

  • Credits

  • About the Author

  • About the Reviewer

  • www.PacktPub.com

  • Table of Contents

  • Preface

  • Chapter 1: Our First Look at Construct

    • The first step: downloading and installing Construct Classic

    • Time for action – getting Construct Classic up and running

    • Step two: creating a game project

    • Time for action – starting a game project

      • Creating the project

      • Changing the project details

      • Running the project

    • Step three: navigating the interface of Construct Classic

    • Time for action – clicking our way around Construct Classic

      • The layout editor

      • The properties box

      • The event editor

      • The animator box

      • The layers box

    • The final step: an introduction to objects

    • Time for action – creating some objects

      • Creating an object

      • Drawing the sprite

      • Changing the appearance of the sprite

    • Summary

  • Chapter 2: Hello World! Construct Style

    • Sprites revisited

    • Time for action – creating a player sprite

      • Creating new animations

      • Animation tags

      • Choosing the Collisions mode

    • Tiled backgrounds: defining the world

    • Time for action – make some tiled backgrounds

    • Attributes: telling Construct more about our objects

    • Time for action – adding attributes to our objects

    • Behaviors: teaching objects how to act

    • Time for action – getting our player moving

      • The behaviors

      • Setting controls

    • Variables: private and global

    • Time for action – giving our player a life

    • Textboxes: giving the player a heads-up

    • Time for action – showing our player their health and score

    • Events: setting the rules and goals of a game

    • Time for action – very eventful games

      • The sprites

      • Events

      • Conditions

      • Actions

    • Summary

  • Chapter 3: Adding the Challenge

    • Before we start

    • Reaching the goal

    • Time for action – making the game winnable

      • Overlapping versus collision

      • Set activated

      • Set animation

    • Avoid the hazards

    • Time for action – bestowing more challenges on a player

      • The death of a player

      • Resurrecting our player

      • Giving the player a game over

    • Putting some bad guys in

    • Time for action – adding an enemy and making him move

      • Direction of motion

      • Falling down

      • Turning around

      • Looking for a hit

    • Improving our interface

    • Time for action – creating a background for the GUI

    • Summary

  • Chapter 4: Making Noise

    • A game and its music

    • Time for action – add some music to our game

      • The start of layout condition

      • Playing the music file

      • Looping the music file

    • Modules of music

    • Time for action – play some mod music

      • The Is playing condition

      • Loading and playing the file

    • Sounds: describing the action

    • Time for action – adding sounds

    • Exporting our game

    • Time for action – exporting our game

    • A note on sharing our games

    • Summary

  • Chapter 5: Practical Physics

    • Creating physical objects

    • Time for action – creating our objects

      • The Global property

      • Aligning to a grid

      • Setting the Physics properties

      • The Timer behavior

      • Creating a custom physics collision mask

    • Event sheets and groups

    • Time for action – creating and using Event sheets and groups

    • Adding a physical force

    • Time for action – creating forces

    • Adding special pegs

    • Time for action – creating specialty pegs

      • The For loop

      • Set timescale

    • Portals: a way of getting from A to B

    • Time for action – teleporting the ball

    • Particle objects: creating a fireworks finale

    • Time for action – creating fireworks

    • Playing the sounds and music

    • Time for action – adding the sounds and music

    • Creating another level

    • Time for action – making another level

    • Meet the debugger

    • Time for action – looking through the debugger

    • Summary

  • Chapter 6: Custom Levels

    • The user friendly INI file

    • Time for action – create an INI file

      • INI groups

      • INI items

    • Loading levels

    • Time for action – load custom levels

      • Setting the INI file

      • Loading the level

      • Including the Game event sheet

      • The NextINI layout

    • The Game Over screen

    • Time for action – creating the Game Over layout

    • Making a level editor

    • Time for action – creating the objects

    • Time for action – loading and saving levels with events

    • Time for action – creating events for the interface

      • The edit region

      • The function object

      • Enabling and disabling groups

      • Writing to an INI file

      • Positioning the Cursor object to a grid

      • Placing portals

    • Summary

  • Chapter 7: Platformer Revisited, a 2D Shooter

    • Before we start

    • Multiplayer: getting your friends involved

    • Time for action – create the game assets and title screen

    • Time for action – design the level

    • Time for action – create player characters and conveyor belt objects

    • Time for action – create the HUD objects

    • Time for action – create the main game events

    • Time for action – create the "Game Over" layout

      • Families

      • Containers

      • Multiplayer

      • Static scrolling

    • Shooting bullets

    • Time for action – adding some guns

    • Parallax: giving the impression of depth

    • Time for action – creating parallax scrolling

    • Lights and Shadows: illuminating the darkness

    • Time for action – using lights and shadow casters

    • Enemies with guns: slightly more challenging

    • Time for action – making some enemies

      • Manual collision detection

      • Basic AI

      • Spawning a gun

    • Summary

  • Chapter 8: I'm Throwing a Grenade!

    • Grenades – bouncing, timed explosives

    • Time for action – throwing grenades

      • Throwing the grenade

      • Bouncing the grenades

    • Explosions – big bright lights

    • Time for action – explosion flashes

    • Effects – distortions and other nice things

    • Time for action – adding some distortion

      • Pixel shaders

      • The effects used

    • Objects – completely blown away

    • Time for action – blast the robots away

    • Summary

  • Chapter 9: Our Final Moments

    • What we've learned

      • Chapter 1, the basics of the Construct Classic editor

      • Chapter 2, our first game, MyPlatformer

      • Chapter 3, adding enemies and a lives system

      • Chapter 4, playing sounds and music

      • Chapter 5, a physics game

      • Chapter 6, custom levels and level editors

      • Chapter 7, A sidescrolling shooter

      • Chapter 8, effects and physics interactions

    • Extending our games

      • MyPlatformer

      • BounceBall

      • SideShooter

    • Tips and tricks

      • Custom collision masks

      • Adding custom plugins

      • Adding custom effects

      • Using the Canvas object

      • Using the Minimap object

      • Using the Plasma object

      • Make backups often; make saves even more

      • Finding help

    • A note on Construct 2

    • Summary

  • Appendix: Pop Quiz Answers

    • Chapter 3: Adding the Challenge

      • Recap

    • Chapter 4: Making Noise

      • Sound and music

    • Chapter 5: Practical Physics

      • Physical games

    • Chapter 6: Custom Levels

      • INI file re-cap

    • Chapter 7: Platformer Revisited, a 2D Shooter

      • A shot in the dark

    • Chapter 8: I’m Throwing a Grenade!

      • Looking back on timers and effects

  • Index

Nội dung

[...]... just going to change the Creator and the Name boxes Go ahead and type your name into the Creator box and My Game into the Name box [8] Chapter 1 4 Now, we're going to test if the project works Click on the Project ribbon button (shown in the following screenshot), and then click on the Run All button underneath it to start your game: 5 We now have the pop-up window, which looks similar to the following... project For now, all we needed to know was how to change the name and the creator of the game, but later on, we'll be revisiting many of the properties shown in that list Running the project In this final step, we learned how to start our game up This step is fairly straightforward, but it is worth noting that another way to click on Run All is to click the small monitor icon next to the save icon Have a... that we've learned how to create blank projects, try it again to see if you can remember how to do it [ 10 ] Chapter 1 Step three: navigating the interface of Construct Classic Now that we have Construct Classic and a game project set up, we can explore all the areas of the Construct editor that we need to learn, to make games For now, we are going to have a glance around the editor Time for action –... editor This is the area that is used to create and modify the objects that make our games Most changes made here are directly visible when the game is run The properties box This box is used to modify the settings and values for most selectable items in Construct Classic We will be using it frequently to make games throughout the book The event editor In this area, we can create the rules for our games... learning to use Construct Classic, a free open source 2D game creator However, before we start making games, we'll need to know how to use the tool itself In this chapter, we shall: ‹‹ Download and install the latest version of Construct Classic ‹‹ Create a new game project ‹‹ Learn to navigate around the interface of Construct Classic ‹‹ Learn to work with objects So let's get on with it The first step:... It is also possible to resize these panels by holding the cursor over the edges of the boxes and clicking to drag their width The following screenshot shows these buttons with arrows: [ 11 ] Our First Look at Construct 2 Now click on the Event Sheet Editor tab to reach the view shown in the following screenshot Notice that the ribbon bar automatically switches to the Events tab to provide some quick... (downloaded automatically) 7 The installation should now be complete, and Construct Classic is ready to load! [6] Chapter 1 Step two: creating a game project Now that Construct is installed, we will learn how to make a game (Direct-X) project after we first launch it Creating a project is the first step in making any game in Construct, but for now, we will create one to set us up for learning to navigate... layout to place the sprite object [ 17 ] Our First Look at Construct 4 We are then shown an image editor for our sprite For now, we will make a simple square graphic as shown in the following screenshot To do this, click the paint bucket, choose a color, and then click an empty space in the graphic space [ 18 ] Chapter 1 5 Now, click the x button to return to the layout editor Click on Yes when asked to. .. but this is the starting point we will use to find our way around the interface of Construct Classic Click the x button to close the window [9] Our First Look at Construct What just happened? We've just learned how to create a blank game project file in Construct, give it a name, and run our entire game These steps will be used again each time we start a blank game project Creating the project While we... Template/Example, is a collection of starter projects and tutorials that can make creating games of certain genres easier The most playable template included is the Ghost Shooter tutorial, which includes a fully-working top-down shooter to start with In our case, however, we will be creating all of our games from scratch, so we can make all kinds of games from the ground up Changing the project details Although

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2014, 21:20