12 Resources, Energy and Island Sustainability: A STEM Teaching and Research Symposium October 7-9, 2010 Tamarind Room, Ohelo Building Kapi'olani Community College Thursday, Oct 5:00 pm Van pickup at Ohana Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel Participant parking in non-staff stalls 5:30 pm Registration 6:00 pm Reception evening in Tamarind Room, Ohelo Building, Kapiolani CC - Welcoming Chants by Jordan Asing and Kahai Parker, Malama Hawaii Students, Kapiolani Community College - Welcome by Dr Leon Richards, Chancellor - Welcome by Dr Amy Shachter, Associate Provost for Research Initiatives Co-Director, NSF Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) West Regional Center Santa Clara University - Welcome by Dr Steve Bachofer, Co-Director, NSF Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) West, St Mary’s College of California 8:00 pm Adjourn Van transport to hotel Friday, Oct 7:45 am 8:30 am Van pickup at hotel Participant parking in non-staff stalls Registration in Tamarind Room, Ohelo Building, Kapiolani CC Breakfast 9:00 am Welcome – Bob Franco - Introduction of Ramsay Taum Ramsay Taum “Water: Hawaiian and Pacific Island Perspectives” 10:00 am Session I- Introduction to Program Sponsors NSF SENCER West – Amy Shachter Hawaii-Pacific Islands Campus Compact – Atina Pascua Service-Learning and Leadership in an Oceanic EcosySTEM Maps are provided by the UHM Center for Pacific Islands Studies, a US Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center focusing on the Pacific region of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia For more information, see www.hawaii.edu/cpis Kapiolani Community College - NSF STEM – John Rand NSF Innovation Through Institutional Integration – Judith Kirkpatrick Break 10:40 am 10:55 am Session II - SENCER WEST - Wetland Restoration as Critical Civic Engagement Issue – Steve Bachofer - Preparing Urban Undergraduates to Meet Water Scarcity Challenges in the Arid West: Integrated Strategies, Best Practices and Lessons Learned – Hadley Arnold - Using Data-Mining of Environmental Regulatory Databases to Uncover New Science – Garon Smith Campus Walk and Visit to KCC STEM Center – Nari Okui 11:55 am Doxology "Ka Hele Ho'omaika'i" – Melisa Orozco Vargas 12:25 pm Lunch 12:30 pm 1:30 pm Session III Community College – Research University Collaborations - Civic Engagement and STEM at Harold Washington Community College: Great Lakes Innovative Stewardship, Dennis Lehman - Hawaii’s Pre-engineering Education Collaborative (PEEC) – Louise Pagotto, John Rand, Joshua Kaakua 2:20 pm Break 2:35 pm Session IV - Renewable Energy and Island Sustainability – Tony Kuh, Mehrdad Nejhad, Reza Ghorbani, David Garmire, Samir Khanal, Dora Nakafuji - Current Water Issues and Research in Hawaii, UH Water Resource Research Center – Chittaranjan Ray, Roger Fujioka, Victor Moreland, Philip Moravcik 4:30 pm Van Leaves for Hilton Waikiki Prince Kuhio Hotel 5:00 pm Reception and Poster Session jointly with Hawaii EPSCoR Hilton Waikiki Prince Kuhio Hotel 7:30 pm Van Leaves for Ohana Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel Participants can walk to their hotels (1520 minutes) Maps are provided by the UHM Center for Pacific Islands Studies, a US Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center focusing on the Pacific region of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia For more information, see www.hawaii.edu/cpis Saturday, Oct 7:45 am 8:30 am 9:00 am Van pick up at hotel Participant parking in non-staff stalls beyond Ohelo Building Experience KCC Farmer’s Market Registration in Tamarind Room, Ohelo Building, Kapiolani CC Breakfast Youth Perspective on Science and Sustainability; "Kupu's Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps- Hands on Environmental Education and Stewardship." – Matt Bauer, Missy Valdez, Mike Izon, Kala Lindsey-Asing The Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps is a state wide program that provides a variety of environmental conservation internships Youth participating in the HYCC program come from diverse cultural backgrounds and are driven by a wide range of motivations 9:30 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 12:00 pm 12:50 pm Plenary Keynote: “To Roosevelt Island (and Back): Matching Our Curriculum to Our Planet” – Cathy Middlecamp Facilitated Discussion – Amy Shachter Break Session V – Assessing Student Learning in SENCER Courses Implementing SENCER’s “Student Assessment of Learning Gains” (SALG) on your Campus – Stephen Carroll Lunch Session VI – Service-Learning and Sustainability Service-Learning Pathways at Kapiolani – Francisco Acoba, Melisa Orozco Vargas "The Ahupua`a, A Lesson in Sustainability for the Future" – Nelda Quensell, Ulla Hasager, Wendy Kuntz Student Leaders: Kawehi Ka'awa, (KCC-UHM), Alex Lum (KCC), Jacob Wong (KCC/NSF LSAMP) and Kanoelani Steward (KCC/NSF LSAMP) This presentation features a 13-year-collaboration between faculty members in the natural and social sciences, engaging students and faculty in interdisciplinary community research and service learning to create environmental responsibility and cultural, social, and scientific skills to develop sustainable future uses of island resources Student and faculty leaders will explain and illustrate the implementation of the Malama I Na Ahupuaa service-learning program Because our island environment is threatened by misuse and exploitation for economic gain and political self-advancement, it is urgent to educate the people of Hawaii and to take responsibility and action to preserve our natural resources Sustainability Across the Curriculum 1: Trans-disciplinary integration – John Sweeny, Jamie Nakama EXPLORATIONS is a trans-disciplinary curriculum project of the KCC Sustainability Committee, designed to create dialogue and inspire cooperative development of a Sustainability curriculum inside existing gen ed courses Each fall, faculty are presented with three themes organized around a specific body of content, and invited to engage students with these themes in the Fall and Spring semesters The themes are broad, quirky, and designed to appeal across disciplinary divisions They are also open ended in terms of outcomes The goal of the project is to encourage debate, discussion and awareness In Spring 2010, student work from Explorations will be published on KCC's social networking site, Imiloa, in order to connect the Maps are provided by the UHM Center for Pacific Islands Studies, a US Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center focusing on the Pacific region of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia For more information, see www.hawaii.edu/cpis academic curriculum with broader campus conversations Sustainability Across the Curriculum 2: Defining curricular pathways with an “S” Designation – Shanah Trevenna Shanah Trevenna, working as an educational consultant for Johnson Controls, will share a proposed framework for establishing criteria and creating sustainability pathways by identifying existing courses that can be modified to include sustainability content and carry an “S” designation This curricular framework builds on the AASHE Stars protocol for implementing sustainability curricula Sustainability Education and Public Diplomacy – John Cusick, Christina Monroe The East-West Center hosted 40 undergraduate and graduate students from Southeast Asia on two six-week programs in May– June 2009 and 2010 to gain an understanding of the environmental movement in the US Participants considered advocacy, market, policy, cultural, and scientific perspectives to environmental issues and how these approaches are intertwined in the quest for developing sustainable pathways to environmental stewardship 2:30 pm Break 2:45 pm Session VII Sustainability in Critical Sectors of Hawaii’s Economy and Environment - Sustainable Agriculture, Seafood and Food Service Initiatives – Ron Takahashi - Sustainable Principles in Hospitality and Tourism Education – Dave Evans - A LEED Platinum Campus with a Green Restaurant Designation – James Lightner 3:45 pm Session VIII Hawaii EPSCoR “Pacific High Island Evolutionary Biogeography: Impacts of Invasive Species, Anthropogenic Activity and Climatic change on Hawaiian Focal Species” - Environmental Dynamics and Ecosystem Response – Kevin Kelly, Jason Adolf - Ecological Genomics and Metabolomics – Jo-Ann Leong - Cyberinfrastructure – Donna Delparte - Diversity, Education, and Workforce – Kalei Lum-Ho Noguchi, Nari Okui 4:45 pm SCI-West Research Project and Future Events (30 minutes; Amy, Steve and Bob) Mahalo to Kapiolani Culinary Program, CELTT Staff, and Auxiliary Services 5:00 pm Adjourn Van transport back to Hotel Van transportation between hotel and Kapiolani Community College only: OHANA Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel located at 2300 Kalakaua Avenue, next to Duke's Lane Van Driver Denise Pierson, 808-542-2140 Maps are provided by the UHM Center for Pacific Islands Studies, a US Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center focusing on the Pacific region of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia For more information, see www.hawaii.edu/cpis