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Millennials turnover retention of commercial function in nielsen vietnam

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business - Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh MILLENNIALS TURNOVER & RETENTION OF COMMERCIAL FUNCTION IN NIELSEN VIETNAM MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) Ho Chi Minh City – 2016 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business - Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh MILLENNIALS TURNOVER & RETENTION OF COMMERCIAL FUNCTION IN NIELSEN VIETNAM ID: 22140002 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUPERVISOR: Nguyen Thi Mai Trang Ho Chi Minh City – 2016 Executive Summary Employee’s turnover & retention has been a big concern for employer, which may impact very much on the business performance time by time While employer continues their search for good talents in Generation X to fill the job openings that Baby Boomers leave vacant when retiring from the workforce, it is the time for Millennials to enter the workforce, which value different things from other generations Therefore, this is the required action for employers to understand and appreciate the qualities and values of this cohort in order to for them to be loyalty with the company and for employee to retain them This is also the biggest concern of Nielsen Vietnam in general and Human Resources department of Nielsen Vietnam in specific, when the Young Millennials is the big focus, the big investment in Nielsen – the leading market research company in Vietnam This research will identify and outline the reasons why Millennials in Commercial Function of Nielsen Vietnam decided to leave the company and what are the considerable reasons that they decided to stay Also, some of the proposed solutions and strategies have been build and developed in order to retain Generation Y The methodology used in the thesis is the qualitative research design, which we use in depth interview with respondents from main groups Moreover, The secondary data of leavers, Millennials turnover analysis and insights about the reasons of Millennials leaving, which were implemented by Human Resources in Nielsen Vietnam will help to provide the overall picture of Millennials turnover commercial function in Nielsen Vietnam and the solutions to solve the issue Acknowledgments Without the encouragement, guidance and support of Professor Nguyen Thi Mai Trang and Professor Nguyen Dinh Tho, the entire master-level project would not be possible I would like to send my appreciation to my advisors It has been a pleasure working with you on this project I would like to thank my friends and family for greatly supporting me while I was working on my research Your patience, understanding and respect were greatly appreciated TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Acknowledgments LIST OF TABLES INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Nielsen Company and Nielsen Vietnam 1.2 Nielsen Vietnam structure 2 PROBLEM CONTEXT 2.1 The Millennials status in the workforce 2.2 The Millennials turnover status in the market research service industry 2.3 The Millennials status of the Commercial function in Nielsen Vietnam PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION 19 Factor of Work-life balance 23 Factor of Compensation & Benefits 26 Factor of Engagement 27 Factor of Reaching career goal quickly 29 Factor of Leadership style 29 Cause-and-effect tree 31 CAUSES OF THE PROBLEM 35 ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS 36 5.1 The first alternative solution: Human Resources team to speed up the current recruitment process 37 5.2 The second alternative solution: The line managers assign or allocate the appropriate workload to members in the team 40 5.3 The third alternative solution: Improve the Onboarding Program 42 5.4 The fourth alternative solution: Reorganize the time & task management training sessions 46 ORGANIZATION OF ACTIONS AND SUCCESS MEASUREMENT 50 6.1 Actions from the organization: 50 6.2 Success measurement after taking actions 54 CONCLUSION 55 SUPPORTING INFORMATION 56 REFERENCE 86 LIST OF TABLES Table Talent Acquisition Report updated in June 2016 10 Table Recruitment - Referral from Existing employees & universities 11 Table Analytics of Commercial function’s turnover rate 15 Table Analytics of tenure of existing millennials 16 Table Analytics of tenure of Millennials leavers 17 Table Exit Survey Report in 2015 – Commercial team 22 Table Exit Survey Report in 2015 – Commercial team 22 Table Recruitment Tracking Report 38 Table Recruitment cost per new hire 40 Table 10 Training cost for line manager on obtaining the negotiation & allocation skills 42 Table 11 Tenure of existing millennials 43 Table 12 Tenure of Millennials leavers 44 Table 13 Training cost per new hire 45 Table 14 Training Participation rate report 46 Table 15 Training cost for time & task management per Commercial associate .48 Table 16 Action Plan 52 Table 17 Recruitment Expectation and Operation in Nielsen Vietnam 54 LIST OF FIRGURES Figure Nielsen Vietnam structure Figure The U.S Labor Force by generation from 1995 to 2015 Figure Millennials Believe in life at work Figure What Work-Life Balance means to Millennials Figure Nielsen Vietnam workforce by age & generation 13 Figure Nielsen Vietnam workforce by age & generation – Commercial Function 14 Figure Exit Interview Report in 2015 – Commercial Function .20 Figure Exit Interview Report in Q1&Q2, 2016 – Commercial Function 21 Figure 9: Cause and effect Tree 31 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Nielsen Company and Nielsen Vietnam The Nielsen Company, operates as a market research agency, has more than 41,000 associates and operates in more than 100 countries spread across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America and Russia It is known as 93 years of non-stop innovation company, with the first marketing research and performance survey was produced in 1923 to the leading market research company in the world was announced nowadays In particular, Nielsen is the world’s leading provider of marketing information, audience measurement and business media products and services, named number of top 50 largest market research films in the world.1 Nielsen’s passion and the very heart of the business are once clients are eyeing in the next town or across countries; they understands the importance of knowing what consumer watch and buy, in order to deliver critical media and marketing information, analytics and industry expertise to clients From that, they help clients maintain and strengthen their market positions and identify opportunities for profitable growth The mission of Nielsen are to provide clients with the most complete understanding of consumers and markets worldwide, never stops developing better solutions to help clients meet the need of today’s consumers and find out where they are headed next Nielsen people lives for the values of the company, including: Open, Simple and Integrated In details, be open, in term of speaking candidly and authentically, sharing information freely, being receptive to change and easily adapt, accepting and acting upon feedback without being defensive Be simple, in term of removing obstacles to complex problems, communicating in plain and simple to understand language, resisting over analyzing information, simplifying and taking work out of processes Be Integrated, in term of building collaborative relationships within own team and across businesses or geographies, challenging operating in a “siloed” or insular manner and willingly developing, promoting, “export and import” talent from other parts of Nielsen Established in 1993, Nielsen Vietnam has become the country’s leading provider of marketing and consumer information, offering strong capabilities and local knowledge across qualitative, quantitative, media and retail measurement led by teams covering Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Consumer Products, Automotive, Finance, Pharmaceuticals, Real Estate and Tourism, Telecommunications, Industry and Manufacturing Nielsen Vietnam has over 2,400 employees and contractors in all 64 provinces; Ho Chi Minh City is the place where headquarter located Moreover, Nielsen Vietnam has other representative offices, such as: Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Can Tho Nielsen Vietnam has the in-house operations with around 1000 employees that help to deliver the operation excellence for the company’s business People at Nielsen Vietnam mentioned a lot about the Nielsen experience, including: “I can be myself”, “I can make differences” and “I can grow with Nielsen”, which encourage them to work and continue contributing to the company 1.2 Nielsen Vietnam structure Figure Nielsen Vietnam structure (Source: Nielsen Vietnam Human Resources) In Nielsen Vietnam, there are main functions, such as: Commercial, Operations and Core Functions In Core Functions, there are some different teams like: Finance, Information technology, Human Resources and Marketing & Communication, which indirectly support for the demand of the business Each department goes with different operation methods, but aligns with the main objectives and strategies of the company In Commercial and Operations, the structure is divided based on the services that Nielsen is offering, including: Retail Measurement Service and Consumer Insights And the Operation team (Production) supports for Commercial team (Sales) to bring the valuable contracts to the company This thesis focuses on the research of the Commercial function, which has the responsibility to bring the revenue directly to the company In the Commercial role at Nielsen Vietnam, they are the ones who make the selling, marketing, researching and consulting job when working with clients Therefore, it is easy to say that they are valuable assets and play key roles in the company and their contributions are extremely important in Nielsen business’ growth So what is the meaning behind their work to make them so valuable and important to the company? The consumer’s world today is vast and interconnected Every time consumers glance at the TV, computer, mobile phone or tablet, every time they enter stores, they are generating thousands of data points Over time, these data points tell a story, which is about what influences consumers to make a purchase or consume content, and it is enough to create a market of potentially loyal consumers of the products or content And Nielsen people’s main role is to make something of that data, such as to organize it in a way that is usable, practical and meaningful for our clients And information is the number one input to decision making and it is the fuel for growth, the leading ingredient needed to uncover unmet need and deliver against it Therefore, those who are able to pass the recruitment round and join in Commercial team of Nielsen Vietnam need to have some specific skillsets and requirements, which are so rare in the market, in order to deliver the best insightful information to the clients They influence the marketing and sales decision of the clients, they are involved in planning period, launching period, and execution period of the clients to make sure that the provided information or consulting works well and bring the revenue back to the clients Moreover, the market research major is not popular in Vietnam and this subject is not well educated in Universities Vietnam, so it is very hard to recruit the right people to Nielsen in general, to the Commercial team in particular Therefore, it is even harder to retain them in Nielsen as they understand clearly and get into the business of the clients, they have the unique knowledge about the Vietnamese market, and they own the awesome skillset that not many people in Vietnam workforce luckily have, that’s why Nielsen Vietnam needs to focus on people retention strategy in order to keep the talents staying and developing at Nielsen Vietnam They are such incredible assets of Nielsen in general and Nielsen Vietnam in specific PROBLEM CONTEXT 2.1 The Millennials status in the workforce The Millennials generally refers to the generation of people born during 1980s to arowund 2000; they are also known as the generation Y, as they come after the Generation X (born from the early 1960s to mid 1970).2 Millennials have been entering the employment in vast numbers and have become the key group of employee in the workplace The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that Millennials will be the largest generation in the workforce by the end of 2015.3 In particular, when the clock clicks 2015, three of four workers across the globe will be from the generation Y.4 Moreover, the Pew Research Center3 showed the U.S Labor Force by generation from 1995 to 2015 in the below chart, which provides the strong evident that Millennials have now surpassed Generation X to become the largest generation in the workforce and really matters to the workforce nowadays Figure The U.S Labor Force by generation from 1995 to 2015 (Source: Pew Research Data) deeper in the numbers, market share, and market trend However, when they just joined the team, they need to learn first to pass the probation before taking the real job At that time, the manager cannot assign them big tasks from the big clients Then they felt disappointed, compared with their initial expectation - Compensation: Their demand for the millennial is diversity and no limitation is clearly set For those who get married, they have plan in life and finance, but it is so different for young generation They have expected to get higher and higher benefit in short term, however, the company just reviews their benefits in the specific period and they are not patient enough, then they have trend to move to another company One of their thoughts is that whenever they jump into another job, the benefits will get much higher, but the reality is not that high - Career development: Young generation thinks that they have an advantage is that they can challenge themselves in many fields They thought that If I am not successful in this job, I will move to another to experience themselves They will focus more on experience, and lack of the career orientation in the long run - People Engagement: When they come to the team, each people with different characteristics, with different backgrounds, so it is very hard for them to engage From that, they build a wall to other members Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: So, in summary, having factors impact to the turnover rate, including: Job Satisfaction, Compensation, Career Development, People Engagement Do we have any action taken to avoid this issue? Nguyen Huu Thi: There are many reasons leading to the issue that people leave the company, but above reasons are the key reasons from my perspective Moreover, leadership style is one the important factor, It may come from lack of recognition, treat unfair or overload specific employee It should be a journey to improve and make a change Along the way, we have some solutions, but one of the solution that I can propose now is that employee should have a mentor The mentor helps to show the career orientation, the skill set that they need to get, in order to ensure the satisfaction about the job, see the meaningfulness of the job they are currently taking Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Thank you for joining me in the in depth interview with the topic of millennial turnover today It means a lot to our research RESPONDENT  Moderator: Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh  Respondent: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan  Title: Commercial function Senior Executive  Age: 28  Marriage status: Married  Working Experience Period: around years  Status: Stop working for Nielsen Vietnam Part 1:  Timing: 11:00 AM on 23 July 2016 Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Good morning Ms Lan Thanks for accepting to join the in-depth interview with me today Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yes, It is my pleasure Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Could you please introduce a little bit about yourself? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yes, sure My name is Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, currently working in Business Development Department at VP Bank in around months Before joining VP bank, I worked for Nielsen Vietnam in around years in the role of Senior Executive in Retail Measurement Service team, which belong to commercial team Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Yah, I see So how is your job at VP going? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yes, It is running well, Even that the job is quite challenging, but I can, at the same time, work and arrange time for my family, my friendship I am happy with my current role Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: It sounds great The target that I would like to invite you to join the in depth interview with me today is that I would like to explore more about the reasons why l millennial working in the Commercial team leaves the company Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yes, I see It should be the big concern for many companies for recent years Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Could you please share me the reasons why you decided to leave Nielsen months ago? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Actually, I could not arrange my time for both works and personal life I feel so stressful at that time, I need to work until midnight to deliver the requests to the clients man times per week I could not arrange my time for family and friends Gradually, I cannot maintain my valuable relationships They were not patient enough to wait for me many times At first, I spent most of my time on working as it is my career orientation, my passion in the long run However, Once I spent much time on it, I could not find the relax time for myself, 16 hours per days for working made me so stress At that time, I needed to look back what is my life target and I realized that I lost so many important relationships as I could not spend my time on time My family and my friend relationships mean a lot to me That’s why I decided to quit the job and move to another company, which made me less stress and enjoy my life more Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Oh, I see Everyone has their own target when working And worklife balance should be one of your important target, right? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yes, That’s right Currently, I am working in the role, nearly the same as that in Nielsen Moreover, I can spend my time on my beloved ones I feel my life really balance, most of the time Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Besides that important reason that you mentioned above, any other reasons leading to the decision? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Actually, the mentioned reasons is the biggest one However, from my observation, some of the reasons that people decided to leave Nielsen were: Compensation and the Leadership skill from the managers Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Could you please share me the details? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yes, they felt like they are not paid fairly They contributed a lot, spent much time on working and delivering to clients But the compensation they received was not equal, they decided to leave for companies which were willing to pay them higher, with lower workload Especially, they left for clients as clients pay them double or even triple The reasons why clients pay them like that as they would like to get the professional researchers to their company And Nielsen gave the awesome training and coaching to employees, so they can get the talents in their company Especially, the workload in the corporate or companies are not high as that in the agencies Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Oh, I see Thanks for sharing me the insights Is there anything else? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yah, I think they are the key reasons from my perspective and observation Hoping they help Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Yes, It helps a lot to our research Thank you very much for joining me and hoping we could have chance to talk more in the future Part 2:  Timing: 19:00 PM on 27 July 2016 Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Thank you very much for accepting my invitation to join the indepth interview today, after the previous in-depth interview Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yes, sure This is my pleasure Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Continue with the previous discussion, you mentioned that Compensation and the Leadership skill from the managers are big key reasons lead to the Millennials turnover in Nielsen Vietnam Could you please share with me which is the biggest reason lead to the issue from your perspective? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: As shared before, the biggest reason impact to this was the work-life balance, I could not arrange our time for working & personal at the same time Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Oh, I see As you are in that situation before, could you please propose the best solution from your perspective, so that we can improve? Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: I think the manager can manage the workload for the team, can deal with the client so that they can give us some more time to complete It is better for manager to join the training so that they may know how to manage the clients, manage the workload for coaching for team They are all valuable and it is urgent to have them done now Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Oh, I see Thank you very much for your suggestion Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan: Yes, sure! RESPONDENT  Moderator: Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh  Respondent: Tran Thanh Tung  Title: Commercial function Executive  Age: 26  Marriage status: Single  Working Experience Period: around years  Status: Stop working for Nielsen Vietnam Part 1:  Timing: 9:30 AM on 26 July 2016 Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Good morning Mr Tung Thanks for accepting to join the in-depth interview with me today Could you please a little bit about yourself first? Tran Thanh Tung: Yes My name is Tung, as you may know I am currently in charge of the role of Market Analytics for Supermarket system in Ho Chi Minh City I left Nielsen – a market research agency year ago, after years working there Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Oh I see So how is your job going in the Supermarket system in Ho Chi Minh City? Tran Thanh Tung: My job there is running normally, but it is not quite good as the management system does not meet my expectation I did love the people, the management system and the working environment in Nielsen before It satisfied me a lot Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: So why you decided to leave Nielsen Vietnam? Tran Thanh Tung: Actually, the biggest reason I decided to leave after years working for Nielsen was the Compensation and Work-life balance I would like to find a job which meets my expectation about the salary so that I can cover for my life and I felt that I needed to work so hard but the salary was not fair As you may know when you work for the agency, you have to work so hard for the clients, even on weekend Yes, I accepted to so, but the salary that I received should be fair enough to my effort Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Did you share the problem to the line manager? Tran Thanh Tung: I shared, but he just came up to solve the problem of work-life balance, but not yet for the compensation as it is out of his control He informed HR team, but we have some periods to review the salary Then I decided to leave to apply for jobs for higher salary and jobs that I can balance my work and life I really could not handle my job at that time Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Oh, I see Thank you very much for sharing us the insights of this problem that you faced It is much appreciated Tran Thanh Tung: Yes, It is my honor Part 2:  Timing: 10:15 AM on 01 Aug 2016 Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Continue with the 1st sharing from you You have mentioned that Compensation is one of the most key part impact to your decision However, if at that time, how can Nielsen to keep you in the team? Tran Thanh Tung: Actually, it caused by the my financial status so if the company can adjust my salary sooner than the plan It would be better I fully understand the situation, however if the company can be more supportive, It would be great Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Given the fact that we cannot change it so quick as it is impacted by the regional team & global team Tran Thanh Tung: Yes, I know! That’s the reason why I said that this issue takes time to solve and work on the strategic plan then Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Yes, thank you very much for your proposed solution on this RESPONDENT  Moderator: Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh  Respondent: Nguyen The Vinh  Title: Commercial function Senior Executive  Age: 28  Marriage status: Single  Working Experience Period: around years  Status: Return to work for Nielsen Vietnam Part 1:  Timing: 8:00 AM on 01 Aug 2016 Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: I would like to ask you about yourself first, so that we can discuss in more details Nguyen The Vinh: As you may know, my name is Nguyen The Vinh In total, I have been working for Nielsen in more than years and a half I just got promotion to the Senior Executive last month Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Wow! It is such great news! Congratulations on your promotions So I would like to invite you to join me in the in depth interview today with the topic of millennial turnover in Commercial Department in Nielsen Vietnam? Nguyen The Vinh: Yes, Sure I surely support you with the mentioned topic Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Thank you very much I heard that you decided to leave Nielsen in 2013, and then decided to return to Nielsen after year and a half working in the retail banking? Could you please share me more details? Nguyen The Vinh: Yes, Actually, at that time, the biggest reason I left Nielsen was I would like to reach the career goal quickly They offered me the level of manager, but then after year and a half, I realized that it was not the manager, it was just the individual contribution manager, it means that I didn’t have chance to manage team, just the title to work with client easily Then I decided to apply back to Nielsen as my passion is here, I love the Nielsen working environment, Nielsen culture and love the job nature here as well As I am so young at that time, when another company offered me with a great title like that, I immediately decided to move without considering other factors Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: How about your current job at Nielsen? Nguyen The Vinh: It is great Making the decision of returning to Nielsen is the best decision in my life Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: So, from your observation, is there any reasons behind which made the millennial decided to leave the company? Nguyen The Vinh: Yes, of course From my observation, in my team, many people cannot balance their work and life, they cannot manage their task and time, so they decided to leave for another company, which support that target Moreover, compensation is one of the biggest reasons which push them to make the decision Many clients offered them with very high salary, and then they decided to leave I think these reasons should be considered to analyze and take action to prevent the same issues Hoping they help Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Yes, of course Thank you very much for joining me in the in-depth interview with me today Also, Thank you very much for sharing us the insights of this problem that you faced It is much appreciated Nguyen The Vinh: Yes, It is my honor Part 2:  Timing: 2:30 PM on 08 Aug 2016 Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Thank you very much for accepting my invitation to join the indepth interview today, after the previous in-depth interview Nguyen The Vinh: Yes! Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: You shared that one of the reasons that people are leaving was because of the work-life balance Could you please advise if we can something to improve it? Nguyen The Vinh: I think we should send them to the training or sharing session about time & task management so that they can be confident in those skills From that, they can perform better Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Thank you very much for your advice We will take it consideration RESPONDENT  Moderator: Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh  Respondent: Nguyen Tan Tai  Title: Commercial function Senior Executive  Age: 28  Marriage status: Single  Working Experience Period: around years  Status: Intended to leave Nielsen, then stay and continue to work for Nielsen Vietnam Part 1:  Timing: 3:15 PM on 01 Aug 2016 Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Could you please a little bit about your background please? Nguyen Tan Tai: Yes, sure I am Tan Tai, currently working as an Executive in Commercial team I used to work in the team as a trainee in months, and then get converted into Full time employee after putting the hard try Until now, I have been working for Nielsen nearly years Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Oh, It is great It means that you joined Nielsen as your first job after graduating from your university? Nguyen Tan Tai: Yes, that’s right Nielsen is the first place and until, I am proud of my choice Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Why you are proud of your choice to become a Nielsener? Nguyen Tan Tai: I love the working environment here; I love my job, tasks; responsibility that I am currently taking I enjoyed my works everyday Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: It sounds good However, I heard that you intended to leave the company some months ago? Could you please share me why? Nguyen Tan Tai: Actually, the biggest reason I intended to leave Nielsen Vietnam at that time was the workload and the work pressure, I could not manage my time well, so that I did not have time for the personal life, even I love the job so much One of target to work is to balance the professional life and the personal life to make sure that I will treat well to “me” My manager could not realize my mood was down at that time as I was hiding my emotions, so that my manager was so surprised when I informed him that I would leave Immediately, the manager booked me for a catch up, explored the reasons that I wanna leave, she knew the story behind She gave me advices about my career development and at the same time, she immediately asked Human Resources to recruit a full-time 6-month trainee to support me along the way That’s why I am still here until now, and I appreciated what my manager was doing to solve my issue Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: It is getting better now, right? Nguyen Tan Tai: Yes, that’s right One trainee comes and support me some tasks and at the same time, I can improve my leadership skill to the trainee, which motivate me a lot Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Wow! It is awesome to hear so So which factors impact to the stay or leaving of the employee? Nguyen Tan Tai: From my perspective, work-life balance and the leadership from the manager play the key role in the issues Once the employee is taken care, they will contribute much more than normal Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh: Yes, I see Thank you very much for joining me in the interview today It means a lot for our research Hoping to have chance to talk to you in the future Nguyen Tan Tai: Sure, Thanks! THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH INTERVIEW REPORT Interviewer: Tran Ngoc Quynh Anh Interviewees: people from different groups as below Group 1: Manager/ Senior Executive/ Employees who are currently working for Vina One (1A) - Mrs Vo Thi Thu Nguyet - Manager, Human Resources, Nielsen Vietnam (1B) – Ms Dinh Thi Ngoc Quyen - Senior Executive, Human Resources, Nielsen Vietnam – Compensation & Benefits function (1C) – Ms Pham Hoai Nga - Commercial function Executive (1D) – Mr Nguyen Huu Thi - Commercial function Manager Group 2: Millennials in Commercial function who already left Nielsen Vietnam six months ago and one years ago (2A) - Mrs Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan - Commercial function Senior Executive (2B) - Mr Tran Thanh Tung - Commercial function Executive Group 3: Millennials in Commercial function, who returned to work for Nielsen Vietnam, after leaving for around one year and a half (3A) - Mr Nguyen The Vinh - Commercial function Senior Executive Group 4: Millennials in Commercial function, who intended to leave Nielsen Vietnam, but then decided to stay (4A) - Mr Nguyen Tan Tai - Commercial function Senior Executive 85 Data collected after the interview: # Question Finding 1A What are the reasons why many Millennials of Commercial team in Nielsen Vietnam decided to leave the company so soon? - Engagement - Career development - Job motivation - Caring from the line manager - High work load - Work-Life Balance What is the key main reason lead to the issue? - Work-Life Balance What is the solution which works the best and should be taken first? 1B 1C 1D - Compensation - Work-life - Job & Benefits balance Satisfaction- Work-life - Reaching the Compensation balance - Career career goal - Reaching career Development quickly goal - People - Peer - Individual Engagement relationship Emotional - Compensation - Conduct Compensation - Promote strongly & Benefit for the flexibility Training to policy people managers - Work-life balance 2A - Workload - Compensation - Leadership - Leadership style - Work-life & Career balance Development 2B 3A 4A - Compensation - Work-life balance - Compensation - Work-life balance - Reaching the career goal quickly - Work-life balance - Leadership style - Compensation - Work-life balance - Work-life balance - Conduct time & task management training - Recruit trainees for the team to balance the workload - Conduct training for manager so that - Manager - Each employee they may know - Flexibility in allocates the should have a how to manage increasing workload mentor to share the clients, salary ( aware appropriate and get the of the struggle) manage the to team coaching from workload for members coaching for team 86 REFERENCE (1) Jack Honomichl The 2011 Honomichl Top 50 report [document on the Internet] Marketing News; 2011 [cited 2016 June 30] Available from: https://www.ama.org/Documents/Hono.pdf (2) Main D Who are the millennials [document on the Internet] Live science; 2013[cited 2016 July 01] Available from: http://www.livescience.com/38061-millennials-generation- y.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Livescien cecom+%28LiveScience.com+Science+Headline+Feed%29 (3) Fry R Millennials surpass Gen Xers as the largest generation in US labor force [document on the Internet] Pew Research Center; 2015[cited 2016 July 01] Available from: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/05/11/millennials-surpass-gen-xers-as-thelargest-generation-in-u-s-labor-force (4) Espinoza C, Ukleja M Managing the Millennials: Discover the core competencies for managing today's workforce Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons; 2016 (5) Myers KK, Sadaghiani K Millennials in the workplace: A communication perspective on millennials’ organizational relationships and performance Journal of Business And Psychology 2010;25(2);225-38 (6) Burstein DD Fast future: How the millennial generation is shaping our world Boston: Beacon Press; 2013 (7) Gravett L, Throckmorton R Bridging the generation gap: How to get radio babies, boomers, Gen Xers, and Gen Yers to work together and achieve more Franklin Lakes, New Jersey: Career Press; 2007 (8) Bartley SJ, Ladd PG, Morris ML Managing the multigenerational workplace: answers for managers and trainers CUPA-HR Journal 2007;58(1);28-34 (9) Sujansky J, Ferri-Reed J Keeping the Millennials: Why companies are losing billions in turnover to this generation-and what to about it Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons; 2009 (10) Rikleen LS You raised us, now work with us: millennials, career success, and building strong workplace teams Chicago, Illinois: American Bar Association; 2014 (11) Bresman H What millennials want from work, charted across the world [document on the Internet] Harvard Business Review; 2015[cited 2016 July 01] Available from: https://hbr.org/2015/02/what-millennials-want-from-work-charted-across-the-world (12) De Hauw S, De Vos A Millennials’ career perspective and psychological contract expectations: Does the recession lead to lowered expectations? 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Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 21:18

Xem thêm:

Mục lục

    1.1. The Nielsen Company and Nielsen Vietnam

    2.1. The Millennials status in the workforce

    2.2. The Millennials turnover status in the market research service industry

    2.3. The Millennials status of the Commercial function in Nielsen Vietnam

    Factor of Work-life balance:

    Factor of Compensation & Benefits:

    Factor of Reaching career goal quickly:

    Factor of Leadership style:


    5.2. The second alternative solution: The line managers assign or allocate the appropriate workload to members in the team


