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Angel Workbook Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus But when he saw how strong the wind was, he became frightened, and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand and caught Peter, and said to him, “O, you of little faith, why did you doubt?” …Mt 14 2012 Edition 2012 Edition TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE FUNCTION OF THE ANGEL RESPONSIBILITIES SUPPLIES TEAM FORMATION CHECKLISTS EARLY WEEKS OF FORMATION “ADVANCING” THE CLOSING FINAL PREPARATION PRE-WEEKEND CHECKLIST WEEKEND CHECKLIST 10 THURSDAY 10 FRIDAY 12 SATURDAY 13 SUNDAY 14 AFTER THE WEEKEND 15 APPENDIX 16 SUPPLY LETTER 17 SUPPLY LISTS 18 SECRETARIAT CONTACTS 21 SUGGESTIONS FOR GROUPREUNION……………………………………………………………………………….22 TEAM SIGNUP SHEET……………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 TALK PALANCA SIGNUP…………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 MISSIONHURST INFORMATION………………………………………………………………………………………25 SAN DAMIANO INFORMATION……………………………………………………………………………………….27 UPDATES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….31 2012 Edition Introduction …God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work …2 Corinthians 9:8 Blessings to you for your willingness to accept the invitation to be a servant in God’s vineyard! Serving as Angel is an exhilarating but exhausting experience It can and should be an experience filled with love – love of God, love of community, love of Christian service The secret to accomplishing everything that needs to be done with grace and a peaceful heart is prayer and delegation/sharing of tasks When you are on an airplane, you are taught to attach your own oxygen mask before doing so for a child In the same way, attend to your own prayer life before trying to serve others In this way, you will always be operating from a place of God’s grace and not simply out of your own resources Your duty is to serve as the master logistician and facilitator for the Weekend The Rector is the spiritual leader for the Weekend and the Angel is the facility coordinator for the Weekend That being said, the Rector will make the final determinations on questions about the Schedule, etc Whatever the personality and management style of your particular Rector, you must remember that you have been called to complement and support the Rector and to ensure that the Weekend flows smoothly Make it a point to meet with your Rector before Team formation to get an understanding of what gifts you each bring to the Weekend and how you will function together Your efforts to get the rest of the Team involved in the tasks that need to be done both during Team formation and during the Weekend can make a big difference in how long it takes to establish a sense of “belonging” on the Team Some select a “second in command” Angel/Warden but others simply involve the whole team in doing all the tasks It should be clarified from the start by the Rector that each and every task is part of the group’s role as a whole The emphasis of this workbook is practical It is intended to give you an overview of the tasks to be accomplished in a specific timeframe and how to facilitate the nitty-gritty housekeeping details of the Weekend Use the checklists as gentle reminders of all the small things that need to be accomplished, because Weekends don’t just happen – even with God in control As Mother Teresa said, “There are many people who can big things, but there are very few people who will the small things and it is in the small things that one finds God.” Thank you for saying yes! Please give the Weekend Committee your comments so that this workbook can continue to be improved for Angels who follow you We always can build upon what has been done in the past De Colores! The prayers of the entire community are with you! 2012 Edition The Function of the Angel A Martha, Not a Mary Luke’s Gospel, Chapter 10:38-41, describes an incident that is applicable to your role as Angel – the story of Martha and Mary On their journey Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed Him to her home She had a sister, Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and listened to His words But Martha was distracted with much serving and she went to Him and said: “Lord, you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; one thing only is required Mary has chosen the better portion, which shall not be taken away from her.” Like Martha, you will be busy with all the details of hospitality Your time to sit at the feet of the Lord will be limited Thus it is important for you to take time before and during formation to attend to your own spiritual needs, since there will be very little time for this on the Weekend Your role is that of the humble servant Taking time in advance of the Weekend to reflect on this role and its meaning to you and your relationship with God will give you inner peace and a calm demeanor on the Weekend itself While your fellow Team members will assist you in your duties, the responsibility you have accepted will absorb your time and efforts throughout the Weekend To paraphrase Paul in Corinthians 12, on each Weekend there are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served There are different abilities to use in service, but the same God gives ability to everyone for their particular service By saying “yes” to being Angel, and by faithfully discharging your responsibilities, you will help the Weekend flow smoothly and a large burden will be lifted from the Rector You are the wise and faithful servant whom the Master has chosen to run the household tasks on this Weekend Know that in your service to others on the Weekend, the greater glory of God is served Remember that each Cursillo location is different and has its own uniqueness At times, you may find that doing less or providing less is actually ‘more’ for some sites Although you want to show your candidates the love of Christ, you may need to balance this with what is practical and possible in the location where your Weekend takes place You can support your Rector in all that he/she desires, yet occasionally you may be called on to ground the Rector and be sure that what is being planned is pragmatic The only necessary thing is to Love the Lord 2012 Edition Responsibilities Trust in the Lord with all your heart Never rely on what you think you know Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you the right way Never let yourself think that you are wiser than you are; simply obey the Lord and refuse to wrong …Proverbs 3:5-7 It is important to begin with an overview of your role as Angel You have been selected to assist your Rector and the Team with the logistics and other duties necessary for a smooth-flowing Weekend In your capacity, you have the primary responsibility to see that nothing that should be done is forgotten or omitted And you are responsible for the supply boxes for the weekend (discussed in the next section) However, this does not mean that you have to all things The Rector has overall responsibility for the Weekend Your function is to share the logistical burdens by getting everyone on the Team involved in the areas needed to be done Plan to have a sign-up sheet available early in formation so Team members can commit to tasks that need to be done Remember, it is not important who does it – only that it gets done Because we believe that the responsibility for the assignment of tasks should remain with the Team, we have not designated in this workbook who should any specific thing Rather, we have presented tasks that should be done for and by each Team and the timeframe for accomplishing them The Rector’s Manual is provided to the Rector by the Lay Director The Angel Workbook, Cursillo Manuals, Team Formation Notebooks (or link to these documents online), Spiritual Director Guides, and Team evaluation forms are provided directly to the Rector/Angel by the Weekend Committee The Weekend supply boxes will be positioned at the facility by the Weekend Committee, usually just a week or two before the weekend All non-consumable materials provided to the Team must be returned to the members of the Weekend Committee no later than your Team’s evaluation meeting This will ensure that the next Team members in formation will have a full set of formation materials to guide them It is your job to make sure that everyone returns all materials to the Weekend Committee The balance of this workbook (along with the Team Formation notebook) will prepare you for your role by  Describing more details about the supply boxes  Walking you through Team formation and the Weekend itself, using checklists as the means of showing the many possible activities and items for which you may be asked to provide support  Describing particulars that are unique to your Cursillo venue We invite you to assist the Angels that come after you by carefully reviewing this 2012 Edition workbook after your weekend and giving us any updates and improvements to make the next Angel even more fruitful than you were Supplies The Angel has the primary responsibility for the supplies needed for the Weekend The Weekend Committee’s function is to position the supply boxes at the weekend facility and ensure you have what you will need for the weekend It is wise to contact them (the current coordinators of the Weekend Boxes are Tim and Cecelia Brady tbrady4502@aol.com) before Team formation begins There is an inventory list at the back of this document with the general contents of each of the large storage tubs If you are missing some crucial item on the weekend, there is a $50 budget for the Rector Be sure to coordinate any expenses with the Rector At the end of the weekend The Weekend Committee representatives will be responsible for inventorying all the boxes and ensuring they are replenished for the next weekend All contents are clearly itemized on each box The Weekend Committee is, however, counting on you to return the supplies in the same general organizational state in which you received them – i.e.,, the contents of each box will reflect what is listed on the outside inventory sheets All items that need cleaning must be returned clean Please not return any unclaimed coffee mugs, gifts or mementos with the supplies Make a list of supplies that were depleted on the Weekend or supplies that you believe should be provided in the boxes and provide that to the Weekend Committee so that they can be replaced or added to the boxes for future Weekends No food left over from the Weekend should be returned with supplies Offer all leftover perishable food and drinks, including unopened containers, to the retreat house or make other arrangements for its disposal Sometimes the cleanup crew, with prior agreement, will be agreeable to taking leftovers to a shelter or Christ House If you follow these simple procedures, you will greatly assist the Weekend Committee in supporting the Angel who follows you 2012 Edition Team Formation Checklists My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus …Philippians 4:19 Early Weeks of Formation  Meet with Rector to coordinate tasks  If requested by Rector, distribute list of Team addresses and phone numbers  Get everyone on the Team involved Every invitation to participate is facilitated by passing around a sign-up sheet of your own devising  Invite sign-up for snacks for Team meetings  Ask Team members to sign up for Liturgy Committee (must include Spiritual Directors and Musician)  Determine site for potluck (discuss with Rector first)  If Rector requests, arrange a place for talk day and quiet night  Coordinate with the Weekend Committee about what your responsibilities, if any, are for:  Sunday clean-up at Weekend site This is particularly important for Missionhurst  Closing ceremony, set-up and clean-up  Through your Team, seek volunteer persons/group reunions/Ultreyas to provide, make or do:  Food and beverages for Talk Day  Palanca bags  Name tags/buttons for Team and candidates (a button maker is one of the supplies for the weekend – this can be obtained through the Weekend Box coordinators)  Name signs for bedrooms  Team palanca chart for Weekend talks  Chains for crosses  Saturday night party  Any additional decorations  Thursday night Team dinner 2012 Edition  Thursday welcome and baggage handling  Palanca sorting  Closing program Final Weeks of Formation  Verify that earlier tasks have been accomplished  Check with Liturgy Committee to be sure that liturgies have been planned and Team members/Candidates who are Special Ministers of the Eucharist have been identified  Arrange for any special meals/needs with cook team/retreat facility  Arrange Team potluck  Coordinate with Rector on finalizing and printing the closing program  Prepare table and room assignments (coordinate with Rector)  Prepare the Weekend schedule, as directed by the Rector  Check with Weekend Committee about bus transport from Weekend site to Closing site Weekend Committee will schedule, but you will need to coordinate time This only applies for Missionhurst  Any extra supplies to be purchased (notify Weekend Committee if these will always be needed for the location of your Cursillo)  There is a Weekend Committee person on call throughout the Weekend to help with any emergencies during the Weekend You will get the name of that person prior to your Weekend by the Weekend Committee “Advancing” the Closing NOTE: Your Cursillo may be held at a venue where it is impossible to hold the Closing (Missionhurst) In such a case, you will have additional duties relating to the place where the Closing will be held  Rector, Angel and Musician visit the church where the Closing will be held  Determine where candidates will arrive, wait and sit in the church  Determine cross ceremony logistics  Coordinate with hosts for closing regarding these logistics (seating, microphone, etc.) 2012 Edition 10  Finalize closing ceremony printed program content and design  Double-check with Liturgy Committee, Musician(s) Reminder: Coordinate with Weekend Committee for…  Site for Closing  Bus rental if needed: give pick-up time for Sunday (not too early!) Final Preparation Pre-Weekend Checklist  Verify earlier tasks have been accomplished  Double check inventory boxes to familiarize yourself with their contents and their use  Copy all necessary paperwork for Weekend:  Song sheets  Candidates list  Team list  Review Fourth Day packets: These are supplied by the Weekend Committee with everything except the candidate and Team list Contents include Letter from the Lay Director, Upcoming events calendar flier, Fourth Day book, Pilgrim’s Guide book, copy of recent Our Banner, group reunion guidelines, list of local spiritual directors and a brochure on spiritual direction You must add the candidate list and Team list (addresses, phone numbers) to the Fourth Day packets on the Weekend after confirming final attendees  Any decorations for dining room (remember, less can be more!)  Arrangements for Thursday Team dinner  Get bus check from Treasurer, if needed, and reconfirm pickup time  Visit Weekend and Closing site again if necessary If appropriate, invite Weekend Committee member to accompany you so they can prepare final signage and understand any special needs you may have  Review the section of this book for your particular location and be sure you have arranged any necessary items unique to that location  Share the “what to bring” list (if there is such a list) for your Weekend location with the Pre-cursillo Committee to make sure candidates see it 2012 Edition 19 the Spiritual Director books must be itemized and returned 2012 Edition 20 Supplies This is a list of what is generally in the boxes – please check with the Weekend Committee box coordinators for more specific information Palanca Box (Purple) To be placed outside for palanca from community This is a large tub and often will have tissues or paper towels in it for use at your weekend Be sure to empty it before placing it outside for palanca Box - Pharmacy Antacids Aleve/Aspirin Allercare Dust Mite Spray Benadryl Body Lotion Chapstick Cold Cups Combs Cough drops CPR kit (mouth protector and gloves) Dental Floss Deodorant Denture Adhesive Ear Plugs Emery Board Insect Repellent Hand gloves Laxatives Lysol Disinfectant Spray Medicated Adhesive Pads Mouthwash Q-Tips/Cotton Balls Sewing Kit Rubbing Alcohol Shoe Laces Shampoo Shower cap Spot Remover Toothbrushes Toothpaste Tylenol Curling Iron Feminine Articles (Women’s Weekend Only) 2012 Edition 21 Box 2A - Food Table/ Paper Supplies Can Opener Chip Baskets/Bowls Clorox Disinfectant Wipes Corkscrews Dish Detergent and two sponges Juice container with knives in it Lighter for Candles Matches (optional – if we have any) Plastic Table Clothes Plastic knives, forks and spoons Serving utensils(pie and cake servers, ice cream scoops, knives) Sponges - Toothpicks for fruit and cheeses Large Trash Bags Ziploc Bags in various sizes Box 2B - Food Table/ Paper Supplies Aluminum Foil Bowls – small paper/plastic for individual snacks Coffee Pot Electric Timer Cups for Cold Drinks Napkins Paper Towels Plates – paper for food Saran Wrap Wax Paper Box – Beverages Coffee filters Coffee grounds ( regular and decaf) Coffee stirrers Cups for hot drinks Hot Cider and Cocoa packets in the cooler months only Coffeemate 2012 Edition 22 Sugar – (Pink, Blue and White packets) Tea bags (lots of Lipton’s) herbal teas – more for the women’s Weekends) Box - Table Supplies Chalk and erasers Cursillo Tripod Colored Ribbon Decorations (optional – depends on what is left from other Cursillos) Extension Cords - Kleenex Markers Masking Tape Notebooks Poster paper (too large for box) Pencil sharpener w/batteries Pens, pencils Roosters to hold name tags Scissors Scotch tape Table Name Holders (5) Cards for table names Tea Candles Thumbtacks - optional Box - Weekend Handouts Lovable Buttons Angle bells Whistle Fourth Day Packets Team Formation Supplies (Delivered separately, but to be returned by Angel) 12 Team Formation Notebooks (may be only a link to access this online through www.ArlingtonCursillo.org website.) 12 Leaders Manuals 12 Cursillo Manuals Spiritual Directors’ Manuals Crosses for Weekend Button Maker (Check with Weekend Committee to obtain) 2012 Edition 23 Secretariat Contacts For most current list, see www.arlingtoncursillo.org Lay Director Phil Kiko 703-919-3437 Kikofamily1@gmail.com Assistance with Team needs and troubleshooting problems that may arise that cannot be resolved internally Specific support to Rectors Pre-Cursillo Committee Paula Shipe 703-455-5401 arlingtonprecursillo@gmail.com Candidate coordinator; informs Team of candidates for Weekend and special needs Spiritual Director Fr Tuck Grinnell 703-527-5500 HGrinnell@StCharlesChurch.org Responsible for spiritual direction of the Secretariat and local Movement Weekend Committee Susan Trainor 703-476-2891 sbstrainor@cox.net Point of Contact for Rectors’ box, Angel supplies, coordination for Weekend, such as bus, problems with Weekend site, Team evaluations, closing sites School of Leaders Jean and Tom Noon 703-341-6644 Responsible for Schools in Arlington Diocese CursilloSchoolofLeaders@gmail.com Fourth Day Committee Carol Poplin 703-243-7621 Carol.Poplin2@verizon.net Arranges open group reunion and Diocesan Ultreya following Weekend Treasurer Felicia Rogers feliciauf@msn.com Writes checks for expenses and bus trip All contributions from the Weekend should be sent here Communications Mel Rigney 703-863-3940 Rector to provide with Team theme, talk assignments, meeting schedule for website editorforyou@earthlink.net Team Selection John and Toni Rausch Invites cursillistas to serve on Team 703-455-3260 rausch.j@att.net 2012 Edition 24 SUGGESTIONS FOR GROUP REUNION Where two or three meet in My name, I shall be there with them …Matt 18:20 Begin with prayer Quiet yourselves, becoming aware of God’s presence Use the Cursillo Group Reunion Guidelines, and share how God is working in your life Maintain confidentiality Group Reunion is a safe place to share deeply Everything said during Group Reunion remains among the group members Start and end on time If you must leave before Group Reunion ends, inform your brothers/sisters before grouping begins and leave quietly when you must If you arrive late, enter quietly and respectfully Meet with the primary intention of giving of yourself, that your sisters/brothers may continue to grow spiritually through your sharing Refrain from extraneous dialogue or side conversations, no matter how interesting Set aside time before or after grouping to visit with one another Guidelines for sharing at group:  Remain open to the Holy Spirit Even though you prepare your sharing, God will use you to touch one another in mysterious ways during Group Reunion  Be yourself Authentic relationships can only be built on a foundation of TRUTH Even though you may struggle from time to time in your journey, God loves you as you are, and so your sisters and brothers in Christ!  Be brief When you fail to get to the point, your brothers’/sisters’ attention may wander as they find it difficult to maintain their focus  Don’t monopolize Your brothers/sisters have much to share, just as you  Even as you share sorrowful parts of your journey, be careful not to allow sadness to take over Group Reunion is a joyful gathering of friends in the name of Christ Guidelines for listening to your brothers and sisters at group:  Listen attentively Maintain eye contact Display openness Listen without responding Remain quiet Send acknowledgements  Don’t interrupt It can disturb your brother’s/sister’s thoughts and cause them to lose focus  Don’t ask questions Your sister/brother may not want to elaborate  Don’t give advice If your sister/brother asks for advice, you can share your thoughts after group Group Reunion is not a counseling session Important characteristics of group reunion:  The ideal size for a group is 3-5 persons  The group meets in reunion weekly If your current Group Reunion does not work well for you, join another Time, personalities, and level of commitment vary greatly among groups 2012 Edition 25 Revised October 2001 TEAM SIGN-UP SHEET Many hands make light work! TASK Liturgy Committee TEAM MEMBER, REUNION OR ULTREYA Spiritual Director Spiritual Director Musician Others: Make cross chains Design and make name buttons Design and make bedroom signs Decorate palanca bags Coffee/Breakfast for Talk Day Lunch for Talk Day Home for Team Potluck Thursday Team Dinner Person to assign gracesayers at meals Altar decorations Luggage Carriers for Thurs Sort palanca Sat evening party Design for Closing program 2012 Edition DUE DATE 26 TALK PALANCA FOR WEEKEND TALK PRESENTER PRAY-ER IDEAL HABITUAL GRACE (SD) LAYPERSON IN THE CHURCH ACTUAL GRACE (SD) PIETY STUDY SACRAMENTS (SD) ACTION OBSTACLES TO THE LIFE OF GRACE (SD) LEADERS STUDY OF ENVIRONMENTS LIFE IN GRACE (SD) CHRISTIANITY IN ACTION CURSILLISTA AFTER THE CURSILLO TOTAL SECURITY Note: Usually this chart is made up into a poster that can be in the team room If a team member is giving one of the meditations, then that should be added to the proper chronological place on the list 2012 Edition 27 Missionhurst Missionhurst is located at 4651 North 25th Street, Arlington, VA 22207 The grounds are nestled at the end of the street, a few blocks south of Marymount University It is the provincial home of the C.I.C.M priests, who are residents of the facility The Mission Center, which is located at the right of the circular drive as you enter the grounds, is used for Cursillo Weekends The point of contact is Fr Joe Giordano at dirprom@missionhurst.org The phone number for Missionhurst from 8:30-4:00 weekdays is 703-528-3800 The team and candidates will have use of the 18 bedrooms with adjoining baths, two of which are the Poustinia rooms in the basement, as well as the community witness room, the Chapel, the dining room, the Shepherd's Door, and the grounds The two bedrooms located in the stairwells have private baths and generally are assigned to the Weekend Spiritual Directors All other areas, such as the kitchen (except for the cook team), and the residents' dining room and living room at the front of the Center, are off-limits during the Weekend Please use the community room as your entrance to Missionhurst Just follow the main sidewalk past the Chapel and down the steps There are two restrooms right off the community room As with all facilities, we are just guests, and a few simple rules should be followed:  Schedule a walk-through with the Rector/Rectora well before the weekend  Arrive no earlier than 2:00 p.m Thursday afternoon  Keys can be picked up from Fr Joe by prior arrangement  Provide a copy of the weekend schedule and a list of participants to the Chair of the Weekend Committee, the Lay Director, and your primary contact at Missionhurst in case of emergencies  All meals will be prepared and served by a Cursillo cook team Meal times and preferences should be made known to the cook team lead, Peter Hadinger ( hadinger@cox.net), as early in the planning stages as possible The cook team is recruited and organized by Peter There are no restrictions on when meals may be scheduled  Singing to and from meals is permitted  Smoking is allowed outside the facility only Please use the provided containers for smoking trash  Cooked or prepared food outside of regularly scheduled meals needs to be coordinated with the cook team There is a microwave oven in the Shepherd’s Door for special needs  Weekend parking is not permitted on the upper parking lot levels, including around the circle; the lower level parking is available, but limited Please consider carpooling among team members, and consider how everyone is to get to the Closing site when arranging carpools Cars may be temporarily parked on the circle for unloading and loading  The Shepherd's Door may be used for storage, as a team room, and as an alternate chapel during the weekend There is a small refrigerator located there, but no ice You may get ice from the kitchen  Do not use lighted candles in the Community Room, and not leave lit candles unattended in the Shepherd's Door or in the chapel  The cook crew will provide the coffee – but you need to coordinate with the cook crew as to what time it should be provided 2012 Edition 28      The Palanca box should be left outside the main entrance to the Center, near the circle, for late palanca and it should be checked regularly all weekend The round tables are stored in the closet under the stairs at the end of the hall It may be good to have two male volunteers for set up and take-down since the tables are oversized and heavy The Community Room must be restored to its original condition at the close of the weekend Everything you bring in must be removed when you leave There is a vacuum cleaner in the closet at the end of the hall under the stairs It’s a good idea to vacuum every evening before bed in order to protect the carpeting from ground-in snacks and dirt This will make the work of the clean-up crew that much easier and help us maintain good relations with our hosts The Weekend Committee will provide a crew of 2-3 people who will clean up the area after you leave for closing; but they should not be responsible for cleaning up the weekend items All food stuffs in the Shepherd’s Door should be taken to closing by the team Areas at Missionhurst that have been used for reconciliation have been the Shepherd's Door, Spiritual Directors’ rooms, and the sacristy The choir loft is not acceptable because the confessions are not private If the sacristy is used, be sure to have background music playing in the Chapel so the confessions are not overheard CHAPEL  The Chapel is not available at 7:30 a.m on weekdays, at 9:00 a.m on weekends, noon during Lent, and from 5:30-5:45 p.m daily A sign will be given for you to post when the Chapel is in use by the Weekend community  Missionhurst provides bread and wine for Mass and vestments as needed  There are no music stands, but there are music books (Glory and Praise) available  There is also a public address system in the Chapel, plus a tape deck – but it is not always reliable BEDROOMS  There is no air conditioning in the bedrooms  Towels and linens are provided for each room  Beds must be remade at the end of the weekend, and dirty linens stuffed into pillowcases and left outside each bedroom  Bedroom trashcans not have to be emptied  All lights must be off and windows closed at the end of the weekend  There is a master key for the bedrooms hanging inside the Dining Room door  Bring extra towels and a flashlight for those team members sleeping in the Poustinia (basement) rooms Remember not to lock these team members out of the community room at night! These rooms can be mildewy, so it is good to consider allergies when making Team room assignments 2012 Edition 29 SAN DAMIANO SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER San Damiano is located at 125 Old Kitchen Rd., White Post, VA 22663 Rev Samuel Vaccarella, T.O.R oversees the operation of the entire facility The point of contact is either John Campbell (Executive Director) J.campbell@arlingtondiocese.org or Donna Eppard (Hospitality Coordinator) D.Eppard@arlingtondiocese.org Their phone number is 540-868-9220 The map of the facility is attached reflecting the number of rooms available The team and candidates will have use of the entire two levels of this beautiful facility, including the rooms (most double occupancy) with adjoining baths, as well as the Meeting Room, the Mt Assisi Lounge, the Dining Room, the Seton Parlor, the Reception and Library and conference room, if necessary, the entire lower level and the entire beautiful grounds There is a newly built Way of the Cross with Stations and meditation area near the Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, suitable for group rosary, if desired The kitchen (except for the cook team) and the offices are off-limits during the Weekend All rooms are handicapped accessible but rooms 18 and 30 are ADA compliant completely accessible Rooms and and Rooms and share bathrooms It has been customary (but not required) to put the team in rooms 30 through 43 and to use the Seton Parlor as a team room It is far from the candidate rooms and allows for a certain amount of privacy for the team We have also put the Spiritual Directors in Rooms 23 and 25 because they are close to the Meeting Room The Reception and Library have been used as Spiritual Director meeting spots Rooms in the lower level are also particularly suited for Spiritual Director meetings As with all facilities, we are just guests, and a few simple rules should be followed:  Schedule a walk-through with the Rector/Rectora well before the weekend  Arrive no earlier than 2:00 p.m Thursday afternoon  To gain access to the building after hours, you must get the keypad code which randomly changes In addition, you need to get the password for the internet There is internet available but spotty reception based on where you are in the building Do not depend on internet access; consider backup alternatives  Provide a copy of the weekend schedule and a list of participants to Donna Eppard as soon as possible prior to the weekend  All meals will be prepared and served by a Cursillo cook team Meal times and preferences should be made known to the head of the cook team, Peter Hadinger ( hadinger@cox.net), as early in the planning stages as possible The cook team is recruited and organized by Peter – there is a place on our website where people can sign up to assist the cook team There are no restrictions on when meals may be scheduled but any and all allergies should be relayed to the cook team as soon as known  Singing to and from meals is permitted  Smoking is allowed outside the facility only  Snacks and beverages may be stored in the Seton Parlor – there is a microwave and refrigerator in that kitchen Food can also be set up at a snack table in the witness room  You may get ice from the cook crew – but be mindful that ONLY the cook crew is to be in the kitchen, for food license reasons 2012 Edition 30         New carpet in the facility requires that ANY drinks that leave the Dining Room are LIDDED They provide lidded coffee cups that can be used in the Meeting Room NO candles or food are allowed in the personal rooms The food will attract vermin into the room This is a HARD and FAST rule You may use candles in the Meeting Room or Chapel but they may not be left unattended anywhere The cook crew will have coffee ready for you each morning – but coordinate with Peter as to the time it should be ready The Palanca box should be left near the front of the facility during the weekend and should be periodically checked Note that the distance to the facility requires more pre-planning on the part of team members and sponsors to get the Palanca to the facility by Thursday night Please tell Donna how you want the Meeting Room set up The typical way is or round tables with rectangular tables on one wall for snacks and a rectangular table where the Rector and Spiritual Directors can sit There is also a podium at one end of the room, along with an easel for the poster pad The Mount Assisi Lounge has been used as a place where the Team Member doing palanca can meditate/pray for the Team Member giving the talk This makes it closer than trekking all the way to the chapel between talks At the end of the weekend, leave the room clean of all trash and material No cleaning is necessary, but everything you bring must be removed when you leave The facility does have a hand cart for porting materials from the front door to the Meeting Room and it does have a CD player CHAPEL  The Chapel is available at any time during the weekend  Missionhurst provides bread and wine for Mass and vestments as needed  There are music books (Glory and Praise) available, but they are previous year editions BEDROOMS  There is either air conditioning or heat in the bedrooms Once the boiler is turned on for heat, the facility can only produce heat  Towels and linens are provided for each room – but toiletries are not provided There are no hair dryers provided  The steps needed to check out of the rooms are posted in the rooms Remind attendees to follow those directions  Be mindful to turn off lights when not in the room  Tell attendees NOT to lock their door when they leave their room They can lock their door when they are IN their room but the door must remain unlocked when leaving the room There are no keys to the room We not have a master key – Father Sam would have to help you out if there is a problem  Bring your own pillow if you prefer and a flashlight for being outside at night 2012 Edition 31 Retreat Rooms Room # Guest #1 Guest #2 Rooms and share a bath _ shared bath with room # 8 shared bath with room # 10 _ 11 12 13 14 15 17 _ 18 Handicap accessible 19 20 21 22 23 25 30 32 34 _ 36 37 38 _ _ Extended stay room 39 40 41 2012 Edition 32 42 43 2012 Edition 33 Changes and updates to this workbook Revision Date Changes Made Person making changes July 30, 2007 Updated Supply lists and box numbers; started sections for Mt Zion and St Joseph Center; added table of contents and automatic page numbering Kathy Adams August 13, 2007 Added appendices for Mt Zion and Josephite Centers Kathy Adams December 2007 Brought into conformity with the Rector’s Manual, other editing Trudy Dervan January 1, 2008 Minor editing Kathy Adams April 14, 2008 Updating and editing Trudy Dervan June 2008 Update for Missionhurst Trudy Dervan July 2008 Addition of Signup Sheets `Trudy Dervan December 2010 Updated Secretariat Lists Duffy Kiko November 2012 Updated and edited entire document; added San Damiano information Duffy Kiko 2012 Edition Comments Per emails from various Angels Per emails from various Angels

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 19:39

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