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yjẸi PREHNTERMEDỈATE ơ) o m ơ) ro o o 7s o d ó o ịc/i giới thiệu: H Ồ N G ĐỨC N H À X U Ấ T BẢ N V Ă N H Ó A T H Ô N G T I N Contents U n it Getting started G m m a r V o c a b u la r y Questions p6 Introduction Routỉnes CoUocations pio R e a d in g p7 p6 The present simple tense Everyday life p8 N atu re’s children Languagc íocus: shouỉd/shouỉdn 't p io H i’ ® A p p e a n c e s People-vvatching Physìcal appearance The present continuous tense (v present simplc) p l8 Lonely hearts Vocabulary tìlo: Describing peopỉe Languagc íocus; p l6 have/have got p l9 Gretna scene Lite stories The past simple tense: reguỉar and irregular Money p26 The íuture Street Language íotus; endings p24 The VVitch of Wali so th a t p26 A night out in London Country adjectives wi//; p34 first conditional The end of the melting pot? p34 p32 General knowledge quiz C o m p a r is o n s Comparatives and superlatives p40 People and places p An embarrassing Incident Places and buildings p52 The past continuous tense (v pasi simple) p48 Have you e v e r ? In y o u r life Clothes Ị,anguagf fonis: Clothes with plural names p44 The present períea tense (V past simple) p56 Homophones and homonyms p58 Eye to eye Language ídcus: a s p42 as The roof of the world Vocabulary file: Descriptive adjeaives and adverbs p50 Where are they now? Language íocus: The present períect with fo r /s in c e p58 ĩ Contents L is te n in g a n d S p e a k in g P ro n u n c ia tio n Telling the time pl Tht,- IPA pl3 Making arrangem ents LangiiaịỊe focus: timc preposiiions; present coniinuous (íuture) Conversdtion pieces: Making arrangements p20 Voiced and voiceless consonants Question inionation p2 ỉ Telling your life story Conversation pieccs: Life evenis p28 - e d ending VVord siress with iwo syllables p29 Messages Conversation pieces: Leaving messages Language lociis: W ỉll for sponianeous decisions p36 /I/, /i:/ Senience stress p37 In a clothes shop Lanị»uage ÍOCIIS: to o /e n o u g h /D /, / d :/ Reduced vovvels p46 Coiivcrsalion pieces: Shoppỉng p45 Asking th e way Language focus: Giving directlons P52 Meeting visitors p60 -a - Word stress wiih three syllables p53 / 0/, /õ/ Auxiliary verbs: strong and weak forms p6 ì E x te n io n Rcaditig and lisiening: Facts of life pl4 Listening and speaking: Talking about your íamily Vocabuỉary nie; Pamilies p22 VVriting (V V orkbook) Linking vvords (1); a n d b u t, o r WB pio Personal letters WB pl5 Reading and lisiening; Linking words (2): Shark Attack! Language tocus: Adverbs and adjectives p30 b e c a u se so, a h h o u ỹ h Reading and listening: Messages WB p26 South for the winter Vocabulary file: Transpon p38 Lisiening and speaking: YouVe got what it takes (song) p46 Readlng and lisiening: It was a normal day Language íociis: Participles as adjectỉvt’S p54 Reading and lisiening: Two brothers p62 WB p21 Reíerence (1): pronouns and possessìve adjeaỉves WB p31 Narratives WB p37 Pormal ietters WB p42 Contents U n it F o o d a n d h e a lth p64 (Ô ) G m m a r Vocabulari R e a d in g The pyramid Food and drink p65 The Big Man Countables and uncoumables; s o m e and any V ocabiiỉary íiỉe: Quantities Language íocus: p64 p66 How honest are you? P o ssib ilitie s w o u ỉẩ ; second conditional Crime Wouid you get p74 involved? p72 u s e d to p74 i The New Y ear's Resolution A ctivities g o i n g to (v Gerunds; activities p82 The £ housew ife The media p90 Fỉona’s new look w iỉỉ) V ocabulary fiie: VVork p82 p80 "í Image h a v e to /c a n : 1r h e m e d i a p8 past and future p88 Language focus: want s o m e o n e t o p90 “í The natural world Comet! p98 p98 The ío rg o tten years Time expressions Body clock The past perfea tense pl06 The rubbish dump in the sky P la n e t E a rth ^ The passive p96 p 96 í T im e p l04 pl06 13 W o rk ì4 Language focus: Nouns used as adjectives M anaging your tim e Adjeaives and nouns Tense revision p ll pU2 Heroic, brave or just crazy? p ll p1 Reũecting on Learning Grammar Reíerence p l20 pl22 Tapescripts pl32 Contents L is te n in g a n d S p e a k in g P ro n u n c ia tio n fn a re s ta u n t Siỉent letters Sentence stress p69 ('.onversation picces: Ordering a meal p68 Checking into a hotel C onversation pieces: Poỉite requests p76 E x te n io n V V riting ( V V o rk b o o k ) Reading and listening: How long could you !ive? Reĩerence (2 ); th is , t h e s e , it t h e y p47 p70 -o u - Reading and listening: Emphatic stress p77 Sm art sh o pping Pìlling in a form WB p53 p78 Making suggestions /tf/ /J/ C onv crsatio n pieces: Expressions vvilh -Í/15 íorms p84 M aking suggestions p85 Listening and speaking: The pleasure princỉple Postcards WB p58 p 86 Getting th rough Ị C o n v ersatio n pieccs: Telephone expressions p92 Oh, really? pioo Consonant clusters List imonation p93 Reading and listening: G iadiators! p94 /3/ Word linking {1) p io i Reading and listening: Going for gold p ]02 -u - Reading and lìstening: C o n v e rsa tio n pieces: Arranging a time p l0 Word linking (2) p l09 The strange story of Smalt talk Revision p l l7 A rranging a tim e Ị C o n v ersalio n pieces: Small talk p ll6 W ord lisi p l4 Describing and explainỉng WB p63 Pormaỉ and iníormal letters WB p69 Text linkers WB p74 Martin G uerre pl 10 Reading and lisiening; Sum m ertim e Blues (song) pH Irregular verb lisi/IPA chart (inside back cover) Revision: A nevvsletter WB p79 Gettinq startec Grammar Questions R ead a b o u t G ỉanni L o o k a t th e letters o f th e a lp h ab et a Work with a partner W hat iníormation you think is missing írom the text? a Practise sayiní? the alphabet ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY7 b B I H i M y name's G i a n n i \'m f r o m and Vm You w iil h e a r a co n v ersatio n a Look Ihe io r m and answer these questions W ho you think is speaking? vvhat is the conversation about? W hat questions you expect? years o ld 1'm st udy in g E n g li s h because I need i t _ I 0.2 Usten, check and repeat w o r k _ t l e a r n t E n g li sh at Car Insurance and at M r / Mrs / Miss / Ms , to o B u t l've ío r g o t t e n a lo t o f ( d e le te as a p p r o p r ia t e ) í t I t h i n k t h a t my b ig g e s t prob le m w it h Eng li sh For a iree quotatìon, phone is _ P eople speaií very _ Name: and I c a n ' t t h e m u t I li k e E n g lis h I can t a l k to pe op le , and I can un ders tan d th e I Surname First name{s) I ~ m ale O fe m ale ũ Address: o f _ , too Num ber L U Street b ỉ Listen to the conversation and check I Town/city your ideas lZ Compỉete ứie text I -Postcode LZ C a n y o u r e m e m b e r M a r y 's q u e s t io n s ? Tel no: a Wrile ứie quesiions Area co d eC I c b O.I County Lìsten and check Num ber r c Think of two more questỉons that Mary could ask F in d o u t a b o u t s o m e o n e in t h e c la s s a Ask and ansvver the questions from with your partner Occupation [ Age last birthdayC Preephone 0800 444777 b Work in a group of four Inưoduce your partner to the group, telling them what you íound out VVrite a paragraph to in tro d u c e yourself, using > G ỉan n i's te x t in ỉ as a m o d el A dd e x tra in ío rm a tío n if you w a n t See R eA ecting o n L earn in g 1: Your aims pl20 idea(n ) rem em ber(v) inĩormation (n) reílect (v) deletc(v) expect (v) /ai’dio/ ý k iế n /ri'membo/ n h ,n h ỉạ i /,infỡ'mei/n/ t h ô n g t i n /ri'flelct/ p h ả n n h , p h /di'ĩi;t/ g c h đ i /iks'pekt/ m o n g chờ ả n hồi b Vehicle: M ake/M odel [ B I Listen and check your ideas c B I Listen again and complete the form Intervievv y o u r p a rtn e r a n d c o m p le te th e fo rm vvith y o u r p a r tn e r's in ío rm a tio n appropriate (ađj) /ỡ'proupriiư male (n) /meiỉ/ female (n) /Tiimeil/ /■poustkoud/ postcode (n) /’eỡriỡ,koud/ arca code (n) th íc h hỢ p n a m g iớ i n ữ g iớ i m ã th tín m ã đ iệ n th o i v ù n g Getting started Vocabulry Introduction M atch th e s e q u e stio n s an d p o ssible replies S om e hav e m o rc th a n o n e ansvver W hat does ỉ o o k u p mean? How you say a r m a r i o in English? W hat's this called in English? Hovv you spell m a r r i e ẩ ? Can you repeal that, please? How you pronounce this word? L ook a t th e p ic tu re a Label as m any things as possỉble It's called a p e n c i l s h a r p e n e r It means f i n d t h e w o r ả i n a d i c t ì o n a r y We say c u p b o a r d I'm sorry I don't know It's spelt M-A-double R-I-E-D Yes, of course M-A-double R-I-E-D b Work in groups Compare your ideas, using the expressions ỉn Can you now labei any more things? T esi y o u r m em o ry a close your book b BB O A Listen and answer ứie questions >■ See R eílectin g o n L carning 2; Recording vocabulaiy pl20 look up (v) rcpeat(v) pronounce(v) /luk Ap/ /ri'pi:t/ /pro'nauns/ tím k iế m n h ắ c lạ i p h t â m pencil shaqDener (n) /’pensl,/a:penỡ/ comparc (v) /kôm'peo/ cxprcssion (n) /ik;s’pre/n/ g ọ t b ú t ch i so sá n h từ n g ữ iveryday life Grammar The present simple tense Grammar in use R ead th e te x t a n d ansvver th e s e q u e stio n s VVhy we have routines? vvho descrìbes her routine? Are routines good or bad? VVork vvith a p a rtn e r D iscuss th e s e q u e stio n s How is your moming routine different from Jo's? What other routines you have in your life? Rules Think about your daily Iỉfe Do you fo llo w the same route to w ork every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? W hen you get dressed, you alvvays put the same leg or arm In first? You probably do, because w e all have routines in our lives Look a t th e tablc a Complete the second column, using She She í I alvvays exactly the same things I wake up at seven o'clock I don't get up tiU quarter past seven I svvitch on ứie rađio I listen to the news I go to ứie loo I bm sh my leeth I have a shower I dry my hair I choose my clothes I get dressed I don't have any breakỉast Routines save tim e and energy because you them vvithout thinking That's why they are so im portant in the morning w hen your brain isn't very active Here's Jo talking about her morning routine 'O h y e s , I a l w a y s d o e x a c t l y S h e a l w a y s t h e s a m e th in g s i w a k e u p a t s e v e n o 'c lo c k e v e r y b m o r n ìn g , b u t I d o n 't g e t u p till q u a r t e r p a s t s e v e n I W Ìtc h o n t h e r a d io a n d lis te n to th e n e w s T h e n I Lỉsten and check Look a t yo u r tab le fro m a VVhat normally happens to the verb in the third person singular? b W hat happens • w hen the verb ends in ’Se, 'Sh, -ch, e.g brush? How we pronounce these words? • w hen ứie verb ends in -ỡ, e.g g o ? • w hen the verb ends in consonant + y , e.g d r y ? • vvith the verb h a v e ? g o to th e lo o a n d I b r u s h m y te e th I h a v e a sh o w e r ỉ-ỉ a n d d r y m y h a ir T h e n I c h o o s e m y c lo ĩh e s a n d I g e t d re sse d I d o n 'ĩ e a ĩ a n y th in g fo r b r e a k ta s t I ju s t h a v e a c u p o f c o ffe e T h e n I g o to w o r k Y es, i t's a/vvays t h e sam e/ Routines are very usetui, but they also m ake ỵou uncreative So sometimes it's a good idea to break your routlnes Get out of bed on th e opposite side Listen to a d ifferen t radio station Take a different route to work Eat something different for breaktast Change your routìne You never know, it CQuid change your lifeỉ^ daily life (phr) routine (n) describe(v) folIow (v) /'deili laif/ /ru:’ti:n/ /dis'kraib/ /Tdỉou/ c u ộ c s ô h g th n g n g y c ô n g v iệ c h ằ n g n g y m iê u tả th e o , th e o đ u ổ i H o w d o w e m a k e n e g a t i v e s a n d q u e s t i o n s in th e p re s e n t sim p le te n s e • for the third person singular? • for all other subjects? energy (n) brain (n) switch on (v) loo (n) uncreativc (adj) /’enDd3i/ /brein/ /swiƯ n/ /lu;/ /'Ankri:eitiv/ s ứ c lự c tri óc m , b ậ t (đ i) n h vệ s ín h th iế u s n g tạ o ... arrangements p20 Voiced and voiceless consonants Question inionation p2 ỉ Telling your life story Conversation pieccs: Life evenis p28 - e d ending VVord siress with iwo syllables p29 Messages Conversation... something different for breaktast Change your routìne You never know, it CQuid change your life? ??^ daily life (phr) routine (n) describe(v) folIow (v) /'deili laif/ /ru:’ti:n/ /dis'kraib/ /Tdỉou/... Questions p6 Introduction Routỉnes CoUocations pio R e a d in g p7 p6 The present simple tense Everyday life p8 N atu re’s children Languagc íocus: shouỉd/shouỉdn 't p io H i’ ® A p p e a n c e s People-vvatching

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 18:32


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