DISSERTATION DEFENSE APPROVAL FORM School of Public Administration Dorothy F Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Florida Atlantic University After careful consideration of the dissertation of _, the members of the Doctoral Dissertation Committee attest by their signatures below their decision on the defense of this dissertation _ This dissertation has been successfully defended by the candidate and is accepted without changes (or with minor changes) as satisfying the dissertation requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the School of Public Administration _ This dissertation has been successfully defended by the candidate and, with modest revisions approved by the Chair of the Committee, shall satisfy the dissertation requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the School of Public Administration _ This dissertation has been adequately defended by the candidate but major revisions are required Upon approval of these revisions by each member of the Dissertation Committee, the dissertation shall be accepted as satisfying the dissertation requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the School of Public Administration _ This dissertation has been inadequately defended by the candidate and contains major, but correctable, deficiencies which must be addressed in the revised version, and a re-defense is required before the committee only Following the re-defense of the dissertation, the Dissertation Committee shall determine its acceptance as satisfying the dissertation requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the School of Public Administration _ This dissertation has been unsuccessfully defended and is deemed by the Dissertation Committee to be unacceptable as a work of a doctoral candidate Its deficiencies are of such magnitude that the candidate fails the defense and is provided no opportunity for re-defense _ Dissertation Committee, Member _ Dissertation Committee, Member _ Dissertation Committee, Member _ Dissertation Committee, Member Date