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Tiêu đề Equity Audits Assessing Equity Across Education
Tác giả Cristóbal Rodríguez, Ph.D., Dr. Fernando Valle, Ed.D., Ms. Leah Walker, Morgan Craven, J.D., Paula Johnson, Ph.D., Michelle Martínez Vega
Trường học Howard University
Chuyên ngành Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Thể loại webinar
Năm xuất bản 2019
Thành phố Washington, D.C.
Định dạng
Số trang 54
Dung lượng 6,42 MB

Nội dung

Equity Audits Assessing Equity Across Education August 7, 2019 9:30-11:00A (CST) IDRA EAC – South​ Visiting Scholar Webinar Series​ The Intercultural Development Research Association’s equity assistance center for the southern federal region, IDRA EAC-South, hosts a visiting scholar webinar series on important topics related to equity in schools Today’s webinar will focus on discussing ways to ensure college readiness and preparation for underserved students of color IDRA EAC-South provides technical assistance and training to build the capacity of state and local education agencies to serve their diverse student populations The IDRA EAC-South is one of four regional equity assistance centers and serves Region II, which covers Washington, D.C., and 11 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia Webinar Presenters FEATURED SCHOLAR Cristóbal Rodríguez, Ph.D.​ Director of Graduate Studies Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies School of Education Howard University FEATURED PANELIST Dr Fernando Valle, Ed.D Associate Professor of Educational Leadership Texas Tech University Webinar Presenters FEATURED PANELIST Ms Leah Walker Virginia Department of Education Division of Quality, Equity, and Instruction Director, Office of Equity and Community Engagement FEATURED PANELIST Morgan Craven, J.D IDRA National Director of Policy Webinar Facilitators​ Paula Johnson, Ph.D Director, IDRA EAC-South and Chief Science Officer Regional Lead Michelle Martínez Vega ​ IDRA Technology Coordinator​ Agenda / Topics • Welcome and introduction of panelists (host) • Cristóbal Rodríguez, Ph.D., IDRA José A Cárdenas School Finance Fellow and Visiting Scholar • How we assess equity across education? • Dr Fernando Valle, Ed.D • How are you utilizing equity audits in the development of principal leadership and evaluation? • Ms Leah Walker • How state departments of education assess equity in education? • Morgan Craven, J.D • How might schools examine equity from a policy perspective? Webinar Etiquette​ • Use the Q&A box if you have any questions If you do, please include the name of the presenter(s) your question is directed to ​ • Use the chat box to share your comments or to engage other participants during the webinar.​ • Complete a brief survey after the webinar How we assess equity across education? Cristóbal Rodríguez, Ph.D., IDRA José A Cárdenas School Finance Fellow and Visiting Scholar Howard University Cristóbal Rodríguez, Ph.D Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies​ Director of Graduate Studies​ School of Education​, Howard University​ ​ As more education policy is being developed with consideration to the P-20 education pipeline, the work in preparing school leaders in navigating policy becomes even more critical in improving access for diverse populations throughout the pipeline ​ ​Dr Rodríguez' research focus centers around concentrated diverse demographics and explores the variation of policy development, implementation, and results and their influence on access throughout the educational pipeline.​ Dr Rodríguez received his Ph.D from The University of Texas at Austin in Educational Policy & Planning Equity Audits: Assessing Equity Across Education Cristóbal Rodríguez, Ph.D Howard University IDRA EAC-South August 7, 2019 #EdEquityVA: The Work Ahead  Measure Outcomes – Develop and Deploy Equity Dashboard  Establish Equity Goals  Disseminate Best Practice  Facilitate Equity Dialogue  Deploy Resources - James Baldwin English Passing Rates Note: Reading pass rates are calculated as the number of students passing the assessment divided by the number of students tested Source: VDOE Staff Analysis Advancing Equity For Virginia’s Students #EdEquityVA  VBOE established equity priorities in its Annual Report & Comprehensive Plan – Focused on Resource Equity  Convening EDEquityVA Community of Practice  Statewide & Regional Structure  VDOE launching monthly EDEquityVA Webinar Series in partnership with IDRA-EAC (monthly – August 13th) Advancing Equity For Virginia’s Students #EdEquityVA Webinar Series Date August 13, 2019 September 10, 2019 October 8, 2019 Hispanic Heritage Month November 5, 2019 Family Engagement Month December 10, 2019 Topic Presenter Applying an Equity Lens to Data you Already Collect” (DIY Equity Dashboard) Dr Jennifer Piver-Renna, VDOE Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy TBD, IDRA-Equity Assistance Center Strategies to support LatinX and Dual Language Learners Dr Ingrid Colón, New America Communication is not Engagement: Advancing Equity Through Family Efficacy Dr Steve Constantino, Author, National Expert Equity in STEM Education Dr Paula Johnson, IDRAEquity Assistance Center All webinars will take place from 3:00-4:30 PM Connect with Us! www.VirginiaIsForLearners.virginia.gov Leah.Walker@doe.virginia.gov Follow Me on Twitter: @LeDWalk Follow VDOE on Twitter: @VDOE_News #VAis4Learners #EdEquityVA 45 How can we use policy to assess and address equity in schools? Morgan Craven, J.D National Director Of Policy Intercultural Development Research Association Morgan Craven Morgan Craven, J.D., is IDRA’s National Director of Policy She supports the integration and coordination of national and state policy reform efforts impacting the education of all students, with special emphasis on minority, low-income, English learner and recent immigrant populations At the state level, she spearheads IDRA’s critical work in education policy, including school finance, accountability, testing, private vouchers, teacher quality, and EL matters Ms Craven received a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Stanford University and a law degree from Harvard Law School Previously, Ms Craven directed Texas Appleseed’s School-to-Prison Pipeline Project In that role, she led and supported local- and statewide campaigns to address the practices and systems that push children out of school and into the justice system She has presented research and data to policymakers, collaborated with community-based, state, and national advocacy organizations, and developed policies related to school discipline, school policing, and school climate Policy Levels and Levers for Change    Federal  Every Student Succeeds Act  Funding (Title I, Title III, etc.)  The Census State  School Funding Formulas  Safety, Discipline, and Policing  Data Collection and Publication  Testing and Accountability Systems Local  Taxing Decisions  Campus Funding Variations  Campus Boundaries Making Policies Work to Advance Equity: Questions to Ask  What are the data now? How will they likely change? How will those changes be tracked and made available to the public? Are data useful and actionable?  Example: The Every Student Succeeds Act requires data reporting through a report card system designed by each state (Federal)  Type of data reported  Meaningful disaggregations  Clear and useful presentation of data  Definitions, assumptions, explanations Making Policies Work to Advance Equity: Questions to Ask  How will people avoid compliance? What are the unintended consequences?  Example: Eliminating a law that criminalizes truancy, increases ticketing for juvenile curfew violations  Tackling a problem without providing a workable solution  (Lack of) Articulation of the root cause of a problem  Stretching of resources Making Policies Work to Advance Equity: Questions to Ask  What are the real-world implications of a seemingly-neutral policy? How will individual biases and institutional deficiencies be triggered?  Example: School Dress Code Policies (Local)  Gender  Race  Poverty  Homelessness We are all policy and equity advocates! Questions ? Intercultural Development Research Association Dr María “Cuca” Robledo Montecel, President & CEO 5815 Callaghan Road, Suite 101 San Antonio, Texas 78228 210-444-1710 • contact@idra.org www.idra.org www.facebook.com/IDRAed Text to join our email list! Text JOINIDRAEMAIL To 22828 to get started Subscribe to our email newsletter: https://idra.news/Subscribe Achieving equal educational opportunity for every child through strong public schools that prepare all students to access and succeed in college

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 17:35
