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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 6, No 6, December 2016, pp 2688~2697 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v6i6.12040  2688 FPGA Hardware Realization: Addition of Two Digital Signals Based on Walsh Transforms Zulfikar1, Shuja A Abbasi2, Abdulrahman M Alamoud3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia 2,3 Department of Electrical Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: This paper presents hardware realization of an addition of two digital signals based on Walsh transforms and inverse Walsh transforms targeted to the Xilinx FPGA Spartan board The realization utilizes Walsh Transform to convert the input data to the frequency domain and the inverse Walsh transform to reconvert the data from the frequency domain The designed system is capable of performing addition, subtraction, multiplication and Arbitrary Waveform Generation (AWG) However, in the present work, the hardware realization of addition only has been demonstrated The Clock frequency for realization into the board is supplied by an external function generator Output results are captured using a logic analyzer Input data to the board (system) is passed manually through the available slide switches on-board Received Aug 2, 2016 Revised Sep 19, 2016 Accepted Oct 2, 2016 Keyword: Digital signal FPGA Hardware realization System-on-chip Walsh transforms Copyright © 2016 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science All rights reserved Corresponding Author: Zulfikar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Jl Syech Abdul Rauf No 7, Darussalam, Banda Aceh-23111, Indonesia Email: zulfikarsafrina@unsyiah.ac.id INTRODUCTION The simplicity operations of Walsh transforms attracted many scientists to develop, use, apply and even combine it with other transform’s models Historically, the fundamental theory of Walsh transforms has been proposed since long time ago [1-3] Several novel designs of how to realize Walsh transforms have been introduced in the last several decades In 1976, Fino and Algazi proposed how to achieve Walsh transform using addition and subtraction technique [4] The idea attracted many researchers for hardware realization of Walsh transforms However, the method required addition and subtraction of samples in word level Later, a method of the bit level systolic array is developed to increase the speed [5] Then, Nayak and Meher proposed a fully pipelined twodimensional (2D) bit-level systolic architecture to achieve a more efficient implementation [6] Amira et al proposed a new way of implementing Walsh transforms in years 2000 and 2001 based on Hadamard matrices called Fast Hadamard Transform (FHT) [7-9] A more intense research has been carried out during last decade For example, a method of how to generate Walsh functions in four different orderings has been introduced [10] Later, Chandrasekaran proposed power analysis of Walsh transforms [11] Then, a technique of efficient architecture of Walsh transforms was developed in 2008 [12] besides many other designs that has been published The concept of application of Walsh transforms for addition and multiplication of two digital signals was described earlier [13-14] A more intensive works on this also has been published Most of the researchers and scientists focus on developing Walsh transforms only However, even less, a technique of inverting Walsh transforms is also have been developed [15-16] Journal homepage: http://iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJECE IJECE  ISSN: 2088-8708 2689 The simplicity of Walsh transforms, combines with the powerfully of Fourier transforms result in a more efficient transform algorithm was available [17-19] A method of calculating both DFT and WHT is developed through the factorization of intermediate transform T by Bousasakta and Holt [17] An efficient algorithm which combines the calculation of DFT and WHT was also introduced The technique is based on the development of radix-4 fast Walsh Hadamard Transform (FWHT) [18] Another efficient method of calculating both DFT and WHT using radix-2 was published [19] The new idea that utilizes Rademacher functions for generating Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT) has been carried out [20-21] This works proved a strong link between DFT and WHT since both of them can be generated by applying the product of Rademacher functions In the present work, we use Walsh transforms for hardware realization of the addition of two digital signals targeted to Xilinx Spartan board The rest of the paper is organized as follows Section deals with the brief theory of Walsh ordering Section covers system design concept, Section deals with hardware realization Section presents significant conclusions WALSH ORDERING Walsh transforms is a unique transforms model; the coefficient may be ordered in different series There are about four well-known orderings which are sequency (Walsh), dyadic (Paley), natural (Hadamard) and logic [1] The original Walsh functions that are used to generate Walsh transforms are ordered in sequency Meanwhile, Hadamard ordering is often created based on Hadamard matrices Then, Paley ordering can be produced by applying bit reversal of the Hadamard ordering The last ordering model is more convenient when it is generated based on the component-wise product of Rademacher functions [22] Logic ordering model orders the coefficients in the increasing number of components of Rademacher functions Table shows four different Walsh ordering for m=3 Rademacher functions for a total w=2m=8 possible of discrete Walsh functions [1] Table Orderings of Walsh Functions Represented as Product of Rademacher Functions Ordering Paley R0 R1 R2 R2 R3 R3 w Walsh R0 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R3 Hadamard R0 R3 R2 R2 R3 R1 Logic R0 R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R1 R2 R3 R1 R3 R1 R3 R1 R3 R1 R3 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3 SYSTEM DESIGN (ADDITION) The design of an integrated system covering addition, subtraction, multiplication and AWG has been presented earlier [13-16] However, the design requires a very significant hardware and hence it needs quite expensive FPGAs Also, only addition of two digital signals is desired Thus the system is redesigned to offer hardware realization of addition only This design can easily be accommodated in the simplest and cheapest FPGA board – the Spartan board Thus a highly economical system is made available Figure views design of integrated system for transform lengths N=4 and input word lengths WI=4 Choice and Ordering are used to select the suitable processes and Walsh orderings respectively Signal Enter is used to pass the input signals X and G FPGA Hardware Realization: Addition of Two Digital Signals Based on Walsh Transforms (Zulfikar) 2690  ISSN: 2088-8708 Figure 1 Design of Inntegrated System for N = and WI = Signal Passs is used to co ontrol the outpput view, if Pass = 0, the reesulting signall will be available at the Outpuut Converselyy, when Pass = 1, the Wallsh coefficien nts of X, G an nd result signnals are availaable at the Outpuut Table shhows possiblee choice of DS SP processes for simplicity y realization iinto FPGA, meanwhile, m Tablee views all possible choicees of and Walssh ordering, except e for logiic ordering Table 22 List of DSP P Processes Choicce (1) Ch hoice (0) Additiion 0 Subtraaction Multip plication 1 AWG 0 Table Walsh Orderring Choices Ordering (1) Ord dering (0) Hadam mard 0 Paley ncy Sequen HARDWARE E REALIZATION H 4.1 Behavioral Simulation S Figures and show behavior b simuulation results of the design ned system Innitially, Reset goes high to clear all buffers in the system m Inputs X annd G are passeed into the system controlleed by Enter Entry E data X, G and output adddition result view v in Figurre 2, meanwhiile coefficientts of X, G andd output based d on Paley orderiing are shownn in Figure a WI = Figuree Entry andd Output Signaals for N = and IJECE E Vol 6, No 6, December 2016 : 2688 – 2697 IJECE E IISSN: 2088-87 708  2691 Figuure Walsh Coefficients C oof Entry and Output O Signals for N = andd WI = 4.2 Synthesis Reeport The next step is to ex xtract some im mportant info ormation throu ugh synthesiss report Thiss report is availaable after impllementation sttage Some off the importan nt data of the im mplemented ssystem are giv ven below It cann be seen that the selected device d is suitaable for carryiing out the design addition system It req quires 381 slices, 177 slice flipp-flops, 694 of o input LUT Ts, 26 I/Os (all of them are bonded), 12 m multipliers (18x18 bits) and Gclks Baseed on this req quirement, thhe design systtem can run up to maxim mum 31.753 MHz M The realization can captture input dataa with arrival time before 9.276 ns and th he output dataa will be available at the outpuut port after 6.2216 ns synthe esize Selected d Device : 3s200ft256-4 381 out of Numbe er of Slices: 1920 19% 177 out of 3840 4% Numbe er of Slice Fl lip Flops: Numbe er of input LUTs: 694 out of 3840 18% Numbe er of IOs: 26 Numbe er of bonded IOBs: I 26 out of 173 15% Numbe er of MULT18X1 18s: 12 out of 12 100% Numbe er of GCLKs: out of 25% Speed Grade: -5 nimum period: 31.493ns (Maximum Frequen ncy: 31.753MHz z) Min Min nimum input ar rrival time before clock: 9.276ns Max ximum output required r time after clock: 6.216ns Max ximum combinat tional path delay: No path h found d 4.3 Clock to Pad Another im mportant dataa after implem mentation step p is clock to pad p delays Thhis delay is vary v based upon location of eaach output paath inside the chip The dev viation of theese delays corrresponding to o different outpuuts should be as a small as po ossible to avooid glitches As A can be seen n below, the ddelays of diffe ferent pads vary ffrom 6.403 nss to 6.405 ns and a the deviattion is minusccule (maximum m 0.002 ns) T There is no cllock phase requirre for implemeenting the dessign system Clock Clock to Pad + + + + | clk (edge) ( | | Clock | nation | to PAD Destin |Internal Clock(s) | Phase | + + + + Output t | .404(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .405(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .404(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .405(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .404(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .404(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .403(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .404(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .404(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| Output t | .403(R)|Clock_BUFGP | 0.000| + + + + 4.4 Hardware Adjustments The synthhesis results viewed v in the previous section are based d on automattic selection of o I/Os by Xilinxx ISE softwarre In other words, w the inpput and outpu ut ports are seelected autom matically by so oftware to minim mize deviationn of clock to pad p delay or tiime It can be seen that the clock to pad ddelays of all outputs o are arounnd 6.4 ns Som me adjustmentss are required for matching the I/O availaability in Sparrtan board FPGA Harrdware Realiza ation: Additioon of Two Digital Signals Based on Walshh Transforms (Zulfikar) 2692  ISSN: 2088-8708 Table shhows all conffigurations foor input and output o This selection is baased on the availability a input and output off FPGA board Three push bbutton switchees are assigned for signals R Reset (L13/ pu ush button BTN22), Pass (M13/ Push Button n BTN0) and E Enter (M14/ Push P Button BTN1) B Whilee, input data X(J14, X J13, K13/SW7 to SW4)and K14, K S G (F F12, G12, H144, H13/SW3 to t SW0) requiire toggle swittches since they have to be available continnuously beforee signal Enterr goes high Eight E switchess are needed tto handle the input data becauuse each of theem is formatted in the form m of bit num mber In otherr to capture thhe Output (D5 5, C5, D6, C6, E E7, C7, D7, C8/Pin to 12 of Expansionn Connector A2), A an expansion cable is rrequired for connecting c outpuut results to loogic analyzer The output result is also o displayed in n on-board LE EDs for indiccation and manual verificationn Table Outtput and Somee Inputs Selecction for Hardw ware Realizattion Pin / Poosition on Board Input// Output Reset L13 / Pu Push button BTN2 Input Enter M13 / P Push button BTN N0 Input Pass X (1, 2, 3, 4) M14 / P Push button BTN N1 J14, J133, K14, K13 / SW W7 to SW4 Input Input G (1, 2, 3, 4) F12, G112, H14, H13 / SW W3 to SW0 Input Outputt (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10) D5, C5,, D6, C6, E7, C7,, D7, C8 / Pin to 12 of Expanssion Connector A2 Outpuut R 4.5 Hardware Results Hardware realization haas been done using Spartan n board Th he clock to thee system is su upplied by externnal function generator g at a frequency off 20 MHz In nput X and G are passed innto the board manually througgh slide swiitches as listed d in Table aand output is viewed using logic analyzeer TLA5000B B Figure viewss four values of o signal outpu ut H = {0, 4, 88, 2} as a resu ult of addition process at freequency 20 MH Hz Figure 4 Output Sign nal of Integratted System (A Addition Proceess) for N = and WI = Figure shows the Walsh W coefficieents of the in nput signals and a the outpuut signal Theere are 12 numbbers; the first four {2, -8, -18, 0} are cooefficients of signal X; nex xt four valuess {12, 10, 12 2, -10} are coeffiicients of signnal G and the last l four numbbers {14, 2, -6 6, -10} are coeefficients of thhe output signal A close exxamination is shown in Figgure The fig gure shows so ome glitches dduring transitiion from to -6 w which are thee second and the t third coeff fficients of sig gnal output Th hese glitches appear due to o variation in cloock to pads deelays As mark ked in Figure 6, the longestt clock to pad d delay is 14.114 ns, and thiss is longer compared to the syynthesis resultt which is arouund 6.4 ns The T increased delay due to hhardware adju ustment as listed in Table 4, caable delay and d delay of Loggic Analyzer IJECE E Vol 6, No 6, December 2016 : 2688 – 2697 IJECE E  IISSN: 2088-87 708 2693 Figure shows s how tw wo input signalls are passed into i the board d Four slide sw witches on the right are assignned for signaal input X = {6, 6, 5, -5} and otheer four switcches are assiigned for sig gnal input G = {-6, -2, 3, 7} The T details aree shown in Taable Figure Walsh Cooefficients of Signal X, G and Output Figure Close Examiination betweeen the Coefficcients and (a) (b) (c) (d) - (dec); Figurre Input Siggnals X and G of Integratedd System for N = and WI = 4; (a) “01100 1010” = “6 -6” (b) “0110 1110” = “6 -2”” (dec); (c) “01101 0011” = “5 “ 3” (dec); (d d) “1011 01111” = “-5 7” (deec) FPGA Harrdware Realiza ation: Additioon of Two Digital Signals Based on Walshh Transforms (Zulfikar) 2694  ISSN: 2088-8708 In order too see a more clear c hardwaree realization (human eyes viewed), v the ooutputs are passsed to the LEDss equipped on the board and d the frequenccy that has beeen reduced to o Hz Figurre views outtput signal H = {0, 4, 8, 2} whhen the system m is operated uunder addition n mode Figurees to 11 shoow coefficients of signal X = {2, -8, -18, 0},, G = {12, 10, 12, -10}, andd H = {14, 2, -6, - -10} respectively The L LEDs are disp playing the coeffiicients to the output o when push p button (aassigned for Paass) is pressed d (a) (b) (c) (d) Figgure Outputt Signal of Inteegrated System m (addition) for f N = and WI = 4; (a) “000000000” = (dec); (b) “00000100” = (dec); (c) ““00001000” = (dec); (d) “00000010” “ = (dec) (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure Coefficients off Input Signal X of Integrateed System (addition) for N = and WI = 4; (a) “000000010” = (dec); (b) “1 11111000” = (dec); (c) “11101110” “ = -18 (dec); (d)) “00000000” = (dec) (a) (b) (c) (d) F Figure 10 Coeefficients of In nput Signal G of Integrated d System (addiition) for N = and WI = 4; (a) “000001100” = 12 (dec); (b) “00 0001010” = 100 (dec); (c) “00001100” = 12 (dec); (d) “111110110” = -10 (dec) IJECE E Vol 6, No 6, December 2016 : 2688 – 2697 IJECE E  IISSN: 2088-87 708 (a) (b) (c) 2695 (d) Figure 11 Cooefficients of Output Signaal H of Integraated System (aaddition) for N = and WI = 4; (a) “000001110” = 14 (dec); (b) “00000010” “ = (dec); (c) “11111010” = -6 (dec); (d) ““11110110” = -10 (dec) C CONCLUSIO ON Hardware realization of o addition oof two signaals based on Walsh transsforms has been b done successfully The realization r has been targeteed to FPGA Spartan S boaard The clockk is generated d using an externnal function generator g Thee output is capptured using logic analyzer TLA5000B Because off hardware adjusttments, the tim me from clock k to pad increeases more than twice from m 6.403 ns to 14.14 ns Altthough the system m is designed to perform ad ddition, subtraaction and mu ultiplication processes, the hardware reallization of only aaddition is preesented due to hardware lim mitation of the Spartan boaard NOWLEDGE EMENTS ACKN This projject was fun nded by thee National Plan P for Scieence, Technoology and Innovation I (MAA ARIFAH), Kiing Abdul Azziz City for Science and Technology, Kingdom off Saudi Arabiia, Award Numbber (11_NAN N-2118-02) an nd Syiah Kuaala University y, Ministry off Research, T Technology an nd Higher Educaation, Indonessia under projeect Hibah Berrsaing, No 025/SP2H/LT/D DRPM /II/20166, Feb 17, 201 16 REFE ERENCES [1] M M.G Karpovskky, R.S Stanko ovic and J.T A Astola, Spectrall Logic and Itss Applications ffor The Design n of Digital D Devices, John Wiley W & Sons In nc Publicationn, New Jersey, 2008 [2] K K.G Beaucham mp, Applicatio ons of Walsh and Related Functions F with an Introductiion to Sequency Theory, A Academic Presss, 1984 [3] M M Maqusi, Appplied Walsh Analysis, 1st ed., H Heyden and So on Ltd, London,, 1981 [4] B B.J Fino, V.R Algazi, Unifieed Matrix Treattment of the Faast Walsh-Hadaamard Transforrm, IEEE Transsactions on C Computers, 19776; 42: 1142-11 146 [5] L L.W Chang, M.C M Wu, A bit level systoolic array for Walsh–Hadam mard transformss, Transaction on Signal P Processing, voll 31, no 3, pp 341–347, 19933 [6] S S.S 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Indonesia, the M Sc Degree in Electrical Engineering from King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 1999 and 2011, respectively He joined as teaching staff in the Department of Electronics at Politeknik Caltex Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia in 2003 He served as head of Industrial Control Laboratory, Politeknik Caltex Riau from 2003 to 2006 In 2006, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University He has been appointed as head of Digital Laboratory for two successive years His current research interests include VLSI design and System on Chips (SoC) Shuja A Abbasi, he was born at Amroha, India in 1950 He obtained the degrees of B.Sc Engineering and M.Sc Engineering in Electrical Engineering in 1970 and 1972 respectively from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India with the first position in the University He didPh.D from University of Southampton, England in 1980 in Microelectronics He joined as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India in 1971, was promoted to the positions of Associate Professor and Professor in 1982 and 1986 respectively He shifted to the newly created Department of Electronics Engineering at AMU as Professor in 1988 He served as Chairman, Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU from 1996 to 1999 He held many Academic/Administrative positions in the past at AMU and outside He joined as Professor of Electronics Engineering at College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1999 and is continuing there since then He has more than 100 research publications to his credit so far He has completed many client funded projects from various organizations His current interests include VLSI design and technology IJECE Vol 6, No 6, December 2016 : 2688 – 2697 IJECE ISSN: 2088-8708  2697 Abdulrahman A Alamoud, he was born in Onaizah, Saudi Arabia on Sept 21, 1946 He earned his B.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering (COE) from the University of Riyadh (renamed later as KSU) He earned his M.Sc., in Microelectronics, and Ph.D., in photovoltaic solar cells, from West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.V., USA in 1974 and 1984 respectively In June 1984, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, KSU and was promoted to the rank of Professor in 1999 In 1991 he took a one year leave of absence from KSU and joined the Advanced Electronics Company AEC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as the Special Projects Director In1992 he was appointed as Director, Research Center, COE, KSU for a two term period in June 1996 In the academic year June 1996- Sept 1997 he was a Visiting Research Associate Professor,National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA (July15-Dec.15, 97) where he worked on the development of thin films CdTe Solar Cells and characterization of materials (such as semiconductors thin films and Saudi white sand rocks) and a Visiting Research Associate Professor, VLSI Research Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada Worked on the design of VLSI circuits using Cadence (Mar.9-Aug.22, 97) He was chosen to be the Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs, COE, KSU during the period of June 1999- June 2005 His research interests are in both microelectronics, Solar Cells and Materials, and Photovoltaic Systems FPGA Hardware Realization: Addition of Two Digital Signals Based on Walsh Transforms (Zulfikar)

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 16:46


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