Software Engineering Principles and Practice Hans van Vliet (c) Wiley, 2007 Contents 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1 1 What is Software Engineering? 5 1 2 Phases in the Development of Soft.
Software Engineering: Principles and Practice Hans van Vliet (c) Wiley, 2007 Contents Introduction Chapter Introduction 1.1 What is Software Engineering? 1.2 Phases in the Development of Software 1.3 Maintenance or Evolution 1.4 From the Trenches 1.4.1 Ariane 5, Flight 501 1.4.2 Therac-25 1.4.3 The London Ambulance Service 1.4.4 Who Counts the Votes? 1.5 Software Engineering Ethics 1.6 Quo Vadis? 1.7 Summary 1.8 Further Reading Exercises 10 16 17 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 29 30 I Software Management 33 Introduction to Software Engineering Management 34 Chapter Introduction to Software Engineering Management 2.1 Planning a Software Development Project 2.2 Controlling a Software Development Project 2.3 Summary Exercises The Software Life Cycle Revisited 34 37 40 42 43 45 Chapter The Software Life Cycle Revisited 45 3.1 The Waterfall Model 48 3.2 Agile Methods 50 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.2.1 Prototyping 3.2.2 Incremental Development 3.2.3 Rapid Application Development and DSDM 3.2.4 Extreme Programming The Rational Unified Process (RUP) Intermezzo: Maintenance or Evolution Software Product Lines Process Modeling Summary Further Reading Exercises Configuration Management Chapter Configuration Management 4.1 Tasks and Responsibilities 4.2 Configuration Management Plan 4.3 Summary 4.4 Further Reading Exercises 78 People Management and Team Organization Chapter People Management and Team Organization 5.1 People Management 5.1.1 Coordination Mechanisms 5.1.2 Management Styles 5.2 Team Organization 5.2.1 Hierarchical Organization 5.2.2 Matrix Organization 5.2.3 Chief Programmer Team 5.2.4 SWAT Team 5.2.5 Agile Team 5.2.6 Open Source Software Development 5.2.7 General Principles for Organizing a Team 5.3 Summary 5.4 Further Reading Exercises On Managing Software Quality 51 56 57 61 64 66 70 71 75 75 76 78 80 85 86 88 88 89 89 91 93 94 96 96 98 99 100 100 101 103 104 105 105 107 Chapter On Managing Software Quality 107 6.1 On Measures and Numbers 110 6.2 A Taxonomy of Quality Attributes 116 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 Perspectives on Quality The Quality System Software Quality Assurance The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Some Critical Notes Getting Started Summary Further Reading Exercises Cost Estimation Chapter Cost Estimation 7.1 Algorithmic Models 7.1.1 Walston Felix 7.1.2 COCOMO 7.1.3 Putnam 7.1.4 Function Point Analysis 7.1.5 COCOMO 2: Variations on a Theme 7.2 Guidelines for Estimating Cost 7.3 Distribution of Manpower over Time 7.4 Summary 7.5 Further Reading Exercises 144 Project Planning and Control Chapter Project Planning and Control 8.1 A Systems View of Project Control 8.2 A Taxonomy of Software Development Projects 8.3 Risk Management 8.4 Techniques for Project Planning and Control 8.5 Summary 8.6 Further Reading Exercises II The Software Life Cycle Requirements Engineering 123 127 128 130 136 137 140 140 141 144 148 151 153 155 156 159 166 169 171 174 174 176 176 177 179 184 189 194 194 195 197 199 Chapter Requirements Engineering 199 9.1 Requirements Elicitation 205 9.1.1 Requirements Engineering Paradigms 210 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.1.2 Requirements Elicitation Techniques 9.1.3 Goals and Viewpoints 9.1.4 Prioritizing Requirements 9.1.5 COTS selection Requirements Documentation and Management 9.2.1 Requirements Management Requirements Specification Techniques 9.3.1 Specifying Non-Functional Requirements Verification and Validation Summary Further Reading Exercises 10 Modeling Chapter 10Modeling 10.1 Classic Modeling Techniques 10.1.1 Entity Relationship Modeling 10.1.2 Finite State Machines 10.1.3 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) 10.1.4 CRC Cards 10.2 On Objects and Related Stuff 10.3 The Unified Modeling Language 10.3.1 The Class Diagram 10.3.2 The State Machine Diagram 10.3.3 The Sequence Diagram 10.3.4 The Communication Diagram 10.3.5 The Component Diagram 10.3.6 The Use Case 10.4 Summary 10.5 Further Reading Exercises 212 220 223 224 227 234 236 238 239 240 242 243 246 11 Software Architecture Chapter 11Software Architecture 11.1 Software Architecture and the Software Life Cycle 11.2 Architecture design 11.2.1 Architecture as a set of design decisions 11.3 Architectural views 11.4 Architectural Styles 11.5 Software Architecture Assessment 11.6 Summary 11.7 Further Reading 246 248 248 250 252 252 254 260 260 265 268 271 272 273 274 274 274 276 276 280 281 284 285 291 306 309 310 Exercises 311 12 Software Design Chapter 12Software Design 12.1 Design Considerations 12.1.1 Abstraction 12.1.2 Modularity 12.1.3 Information Hiding 12.1.4 Complexity 12.1.5 System Structure 12.1.6 Object-Oriented Metrics 12.2 Classical Design Methods 12.2.1 Functional Decomposition 12.2.2 Data Flow Design (SA/SD) 12.2.3 Design based on Data Structures 12.3 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methods 12.3.1 The Booch Method 12.3.2 Fusion 12.3.3 RUP Revisited 12.4 How to Select a Design Method 12.4.1 Object Orientation: Hype or the Answer? 12.5 Design Patterns 12.6 Design Documentation 12.7 Verification and Validation 12.8 Summary 12.9 Further Reading Exercises 313 13 Software Testing Chapter 13Software Testing 13.1 Test Objectives 13.1.1 Test Adequacy Criteria 13.1.2 Fault Detection Versus Confidence Building 13.1.3 From Fault Detection to Fault Prevention 13.2 Testing and the Software Life Cycle 13.2.1 Requirements Engineering 13.2.2 Design 13.2.3 Implementation 13.2.4 Maintenance 13.2.5 Test-Driven Development (TDD) 13.3 Verification and Validation Planning and Documentation 13.4 Manual Test Techniques 313 317 318 321 325 325 333 337 340 342 346 351 359 366 367 369 370 373 375 380 383 384 388 389 394 394 398 401 402 403 406 407 408 409 409 410 411 413 13.4.1 Reading 13.4.2 Walkthroughs and Inspections 13.4.3 Correctness Proofs 13.4.4 Stepwise Abstraction 13.5 Coverage-Based Test Techniques 13.5.1 Control-Flow Coverage 13.5.2 Dataflow Coverage 13.5.3 Coverage-Based Testing of Requirements Specifications 13.6 Fault-Based Test Techniques 13.6.1 Error Seeding 13.6.2 Mutation Testing 13.7 Error-Based Test Techniques 13.8 Comparison of Test Techniques 13.8.1 Comparison of Test Adequacy Criteria 13.8.2 Properties of Test Adequacy Criteria 13.8.3 Experimental Results 13.9 Different Test Stages 13.10Estimating Software Reliability 13.11Summary 13.12Further Reading Exercises 14 Software Maintenance Chapter 14Software Maintenance 14.1 Maintenance Categories Revisited 14.2 Major Causes of Maintenance Problems 14.3 Reverse Engineering and Refactoring 14.3.1 Refactoring 14.3.2 Inherent Limitations 14.3.3 Tools 14.4 Software Evolution Revisited 14.5 Organizational and Managerial Issues 14.5.1 Organization of Maintenance Activities 14.5.2 Software Maintenance from a Service Perspective 14.5.3 Control of Maintenance Tasks 14.5.4 Quality Issues 14.6 Summary 14.7 Further Reading Exercises 414 415 417 418 419 420 423 424 425 425 428 429 431 432 434 436 438 439 447 448 449 453 453 456 459 463 466 469 473 474 476 477 480 486 489 490 491 492 15 Software Tools 494 Chapter 15Software Tools 494 15.1 Toolkits 15.2 Language-Centered Environments 15.3 Integrated Environments and Workbenches 15.3.1 Analyst WorkBenches 15.3.2 Programmer Workbenches 15.3.3 Management WorkBenches 15.3.4 Integrated Project Support Environments 15.4 Process-Centered Environments 15.5 Summary 15.6 Further Reading Exercises Bibliography 499 500 501 501 503 507 508 508 510 511 512 514 Introduction LEARNING OBJECTIVES ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ To understand the notion of software engineering and why it is important To appreciate the technical (engineering), managerial, and psychological aspects of software engineering To understand the similarities and differences between software engineering and other engineering disciplines To know the major phases in a software development project To appreciate ethical dimensions in software engineering To be aware of the time frame and extent to which new developments impact software engineering practice INTRODUCTION Software engineering concerns methods and techniques to develop large software systems The engineering metaphor is used to emphasize a systematic approach to develop systems that satisfy organizational requirements and constraints This chapter gives a brief overview of the field and points at emerging trends that influence the way software is developed Computer science is still a young field The first computers were built in the mid 1940s, since when the field has developed tremendously Applications from the early years of computerization can be characterized as follows: the programs were quite small, certainly when compared to those that are currently being constructed; they were written by one person; they were written and used by experts in the application area concerned The problems to be solved were mostly of a technical nature, and the emphasis was on expressing known algorithms efficiently in some programming language Input typically consisted of numerical data, read from such media as punched tape or punched cards The output, also numeric, was printed on paper Programs were run off-line If the program contained errors, the programmer studied an octal or hexadecimal dump of memory Sometimes, the execution of the program would be followed by binary reading machine registers at the console Independent software development companies hardly existed in those days Software was mostly developed by hardware vendors and given away for free These vendors sometimes set up user groups to discuss requirements, and next incorporated them into their software This software development support was seen as a service to their customers Present-day applications are rather different in many respects Present-day programs are often very large and are being developed by teams that collaborate over periods spanning several years These teams may be scattered across the globe The programmers are not the future users of the system they develop and they have no expert knowledge of the application area in question The problems that are being tackled increasingly concern everyday life: automatic bank tellers, airline reservation, salary administration, electronic commerce, automotive systems, etc Putting a man on the moon was not conceivable without computers In the 1960s, people started to realize that programming techniques had lagged behind the developments in software both in size and complexity To many people, programming was still an art and had never become a craft An additional problem was that many programmers had not been formally educated in the field They had learned by doing On the organizational side, attempted solutions to problems often involved adding more and more programmers to the project, the so-called ‘million-monkey’ approach As a result, software was often delivered too late, programs did not behave as the user expected, programs were rarely adaptable to changed circumstances, and many errors were detected only after the software had been delivered to the customer This 538 BIBLIOGRAPHY Kruchten, P (1995) The 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