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MFTH 501-Adv Supervision in MFT Fall 2015

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LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY Department of Counseling and Family Sciences Marital and Family Therapy Doctoral Program SPRING QUARTER 2015 COURSE: UNITS: DATE/TIME:  PLACE: INSTRUCTOR: COURSE DESCRIPTION: MFTH 501 ­ Advanced Supervision in MFT  Tuesdays, 3:00 – 5:50 p.m BHI Ian P. Chand, Ph.D (909) 558­4547 ext. 47005 Cell:  (951)751­4051 This course is the first of two quarters on supervision to prepare students for the  designation of AAMFT Approved Supervisor.  It contains didactic and interactional  components, following the 12 supervisory competencies found in the AAMFT  Supervision Handbook.  Focus will be upon the relational complexities of individual  supervisory processes, the pragmatics of supervision, and the basics of stuck case  consultations conducted by advanced clinicians COURSE COMPETENCIES: Students will be familiar with BBS laws, AAMFT ethical guidelines, and  CAMFT pertaining to supervision Students will know the requirements for becoming a CAMFT and AAMFT  Approved Supervisor Students will be aware of the context of supervision Students will know the process of supervision Students will know how to address issues of culture, gender, STS, and sexual  orientation Students will know how to use a genogram in supervision Students will conceptualize and apply Family Systems approach to the  supervision process Students will develop their own Philosophy of Supervision REQUIRED TEXTS: AAMFT (2014).  AAMFT approved supervisor’s handbook. Washington,  D.C. AAMFT Lee, Robert E., & Everett, Craig, A. (2004).  The integrative family therapy  supervisor. New York: Brunner­Routledge RECOMMENDED TEXTS: Todd, T., & Storm, C.L. (2014).  The complete systemic supervisor: Context,  philosophy and pragmatics.  New York: Authors Choice Press Storm, Cheryl L. & Todd, T. (2003). The reasonably complete systemic     supervisor resource guide. New York: Authors Choice Press:  COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Attendance and participation in class is required. Two or more unexcused absences from  class may result in a lower grade  Students are expected to attend class and participate in discussion  Students are expected to read the assigned reading each week and be    prepared to participate in discussion in class   3.     Students are expected to present a presentation on area selected using a      supervisory approach.    Students are expected to submit a final paper discussing their Philosophy of  Supervision      The final grade will be derived from the combined performance of each of these  requirements COURSE EVALUATION:    Class Participation & Attendance  Supervision Presentation Philosophy of Supervision Paper TOTAL ­ ­ ­ Points   20  100 100 ­ 220  Supervision Presentation (100 points)­ Presenters will use a supervisory approach to  articulate the subject area selected. Presenters will incorporate tips from assigned  readings and class discussions to create a power point presentation that will demonstrate  their scholarly skills in the subject matter. Presenters will engage the class using a  collaborative approach to share results. The entire presentation should be no longer than  30­40 minutes Philosophy of Supervision Paper (100 points) The length of the Philosophy of Supervision paper is generally three single-spaced, typewritten pages The Philosophy of Supervision paper should reflect the candidate’s incorporation of the learning objectives listed below (See Approved Supervisor Handbook) Learning Objectives: Approved Supervisors must: Be familiar with the major models of MFT and supervision, in terms of their philosophical assumptions and pragmatic implications Articulate a personal model of supervision, drawn from existing models of supervision and from preferred styles of therapy Facilitate the co-evolving therapist-client and supervisor-therapist-client relationships Evaluate and identify problems in therapist-client and supervisor-therapist-client relationships Structure supervision, solve problems, and implement supervisory interventions within a range of supervisory modalities Address distinctive issues that arise in supervision mentoring Be sensitive to contextual variables such as culture, gender, ethnicity, and economics Be knowledgeable of ethical and legal issues of supervision Be aware of the requirements and procedures for supervising trainees for AAMFT Clinical Membership The Philosophy of Supervision paper should demonstrate a connection between theory and practice The supervisor candidate’s philosophical and theoretical assumptions about supervision should be related to her/his practice of supervision There should also be evidence that the supervisor candidate conceptualizes treatment and supervision within a systematic orientation In the paper, the supervisor candidate should describe his/her assumptions and guiding theoretical principles by specifically demonstrating: • that he/she thinks about treatment and supervision in relational terms (for example, in terms of patterns, sequence, context) • that he/she is are aware of patterns and sequences of replication at various systems levels (for example, interconnection and interrelationships of the individual, family, therapist, supervisor, and context of training) • that he/she understands MFT supervision literature by citing recent articles, chapters, and/or books, and how his/her supervision philosophy and methods of supervision relate to the current MFT supervision literature • his/her theoretical orientation by articulating philosophies of therapy and supervision as well as the connection between them • that he/she is sensitive to the multilevel implications of developmental, biological, socio-cultural, gender, and family-of-origin issues • ways in which personal values, beliefs, life experiences, and theoretical assumptions impact upon his/her philosophy and practice of supervision • his/her theoretical consistency, whether from one prominent model or from an integrative perspective If the latter, demonstrate a logical integration of models • his/her rationale for the choice of supervisory methods and how the methods facilitate achievement of supervision goals COURSE SCHEDULE: DATE March 31 April April 14 April 21 April 28 May ASSIGNMENTS Syllabus, expectations, assignment of readings Current BBS Laws Regarding Licensure and Supervision; Differences in Supervisor Qualification Between Marriage and Family Therapist; Clinical Social Workers, and Clinical Psychologists, Requirements for CAMFT and AAMFT Approved Supervisor Status Introduction to Ideas About Supervision Historical Influences on the Past and Present of Supervision.– Framework for Integrative SupervisionApproved Supervisor’s Handbook Readings: Lee & Everett: pp 1-28 Intergenerational Supervision Structure – Developmental Aspects of Supervision – Major Theoretical Resources for Supervision- Formats of Supervision Effective Practices in Supervision – Issues That Interfere with Supervision Hand-Out Family Systems Concepts Readings: Lee & Everett: pp 29-66 Lee & Everett: pp 67-90; Todd & Storm: pp 17-147; Lee & Everett: pp 99-120; Cultural and Contexual Issues in Supervision – Multiple Relationships in Supervision – Supervision Contract Contextual Factors in Clinical Supervision: Type of Agency, Age, Generational Factors, Developmental Factors, Disabilities, Religion and Spiritual Orientation, Ethnicity, Culture, Socioeconomic Status, Sexual Orientation, Indigenous Heritage, National Origin, Gender Readings: Lee & Everett: pp 91-98; Todd & Storm: pp 17-147 Supervisory Responsibilities and Administrative Tools Developmental issues in Supervisory Process – Tasks of the Supervisor and Trainee at Each State Articulating Your Model for Supervision – Supervision Structures and Integrative Supervision in Action Readings: Lee & Everett: pp 121-173; Todd & Storm: pp 295-334 Traditional/Modern Modalities: Presentations: Contextual Therapy - Lauren Foster Family Systems Therapy - Elsie Lobo Discussion: Strategic Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy May 12 May 19 May 26 June Readings: Todd and Storm: 149-254 Post-Modern Modalities  Collaborative Therapy  Presentations: Solution Focused Therapy - Jason Richards  Narrative Therapy - Amber Hearn  Discussion: Spirituality and Supervision  Readings: Todd and Storm: 255-334 Presentations: Emotion Focused Therapy - Bryson Greaves Medical Family Therapy - Griselda Lloyd Discussion: Application to the Supervision Process Presentations: Discussion: Discussion: Discussion: Readings: Liberation Theory - Abel Whittemore Application to the Supervision Process Assessment in Supervision Pragmatics Practices Methods Gatekeeping Todd and Storm: 335-396 Discussion: Training Supervisors Readings: Todd and Storm: 397-416 SUPERVISION PHILOSOPHY PAPER DUE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) POLICY:  If you are an  individual with a certifiable disability and need to make a request for reasonable  accommodation to fully participate in this class, please visit the Dean’s Office of your  school.  To view the Disability Accommodation Policy please go to:   http://www.llu.edu/llu/handbook/6e.htm ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY:  [Sample; pending approval of a university­wide  policy] Acts of dishonesty including theft, plagiarism, giving or obtaining information in  examinations or other academic exercises, or knowingly giving false information are  unacceptable.  Substantiated violations are to be brought before the dean for disciplinary  action.  Such action may include, but is not limited to, academic probation or dismissal  from the program. To view the Standards of Academic Conduct Policy please visit:   http://www.llu.edu//llu/handbook/6r.htm PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION:  The purpose of the Protected Health  Information (PHI) policy is to provide guidance and establish clear expectations for  students regarding the appropriate access to and use of PHI during course studies and  related program activities.  Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability  Act (HIPAA), patient health information is protected.  Please go to:   http://www.llu.edu/llu/students/documents/phi­guidelines.pdf LIFELONG LEARNING:  To promote lifelong learning please list select professional  organizations, journals, and web sites appropriate to this course EDUCATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS:  List major indicators of educational success 03/30/2015 ... ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY:  [Sample; pending approval of a university­wide  policy] Acts of dishonesty including theft, plagiarism, giving or obtaining information? ?in? ? examinations or other academic exercises, or knowingly giving false information are ... – Tasks of the Supervisor and Trainee at Each State Articulating Your Model for Supervision – Supervision Structures and Integrative Supervision in Action Readings: Lee & Everett: pp 121-173;... Intergenerational Supervision Structure – Developmental Aspects of Supervision – Major Theoretical Resources for Supervision- Formats of Supervision Effective Practices in Supervision – Issues That Interfere

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 22:00

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