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FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Miami, Florida PROPOSAL FOR DISSERTATION DOCTOR OF EDUCATION IN CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE Josué N Urbina 2005 I propose to the Major Professor and to the Committee Members a study of the following topic to be conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction: FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT TEST SCORES AS PREDICTORS OF ACHIEVEMENT IN ADVANCED PLACEMENT SCIENCE COURSES IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS This study investigates the correlation between the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) scores and Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations scores in science courses Specifically, it seeks correlations between skills and thought processes as tested by FCAT math, reading and science scores and scores earned by students taking AP science courses throughout Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) According to the College Board, educational institutions that offer AP courses need to identify students who may be successful in these courses There have been various methods utilized by schools to identify and place students into these courses However, according to several of the College Board’s research reports, such procedures may not identify all students who can potentially be assisted from and be successful in advanced high school academic programs (Hagg, 1983; Camara and Millsap, 1997, 1998) Purpose The research investigates the strength of the correlation between the FCAT scores and AP Examinations achievement scores in science courses offered in MDCPS Its purpose is to evaluate FCAT scores as a possible criterion for the student selection process in the recruitment and enrollment of AP science students into these classes Rationale Science educators are challenged both to prepare future scientists and to promote science literacy for the general public Some of the obstacles include enhancing recruitment into the advanced sciences and to decrease attrition from these science courses (Smist, 1996) Literature suggests that women, minorities and students of low socio-economic status remain well underrepresented in advanced academic programs Several studies highlight the use of the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) and the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) scores in order to recognize additional AP students Recent studies of AP examination results have shown that student performance on these tests can be useful in identifying students (Wagner, 2001; Palin, 2001; Shepherd, 1997; Camara and Millsap, 1997, 1998; Hagg, 1983) However, these studies point out that in some schools and for certain subjects, PSAT/NMSQT scores may not be available in time to make decisions about entry into AP courses This is indeed the scenario where students complete the PSAT/NMSQT in October of their junior year The PSAT/NMSQT, which measures national comparisons of verbal and quantitative reasoning, as well as writing skills, is administered to nearly two million students, mainly sophomores and juniors In addition, scores obtained in 11th grade cannot be used if the math or foreign language sequence begins in the th or 9th grade and students have not taken the required pre-requisites Furthermore, the PSAT/NMSQT is not a required test for all high school students, therefore many students simply choose not to take it On the other hand, The Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires states to assess the performance of all students in all public schools on an annual basis (www.firn.edu.) The FCAT program includes assessment of similar cognitive skills addressed by the PSAT/NMSQT Therefore, the FCAT can potentially offer some of the benefits of the PSAT/NMSQT scores without the same limitations Significance of Study The study is significant because assists students, parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, coordinators and others involved in the decision making process It can be used as an additional tool to supplement existing procedures currently utilized by school personnel These tools include: a) identification of students that may not be traditionally considered b) identification of students in need of extra assistance c) advising students in college planning and high school course selection, and d) determining whether or not to offer additional AP courses Literature Review The AP program is seen as the best large scale option presently accessible to challenge academically prepared youth while they are still in high school (NRC, 2002; Bleske-Rechek & et Al, 2004)) Minority groups, however, are traditionally underrepresented in college and experience barriers to college education The AP Program offers the chance to some students to overcome these barriers (Burton & et Al, 2002) In addition, a notable racial disparity exists in the availability of honors and advanced courses and in students’ access to these courses even when they are available Moreover, within racially mixed schools, low-income students are systematically underrepresented (Lee, 2001) Furthermore, science in particular, is traditionally a white-male dominated field (Snyder, 2004) Research by Gandara (1999) proposes that the problem of attaining equality in higher education and of developing the leadership pool within these ranks has become more challenging while, “the necessity of doing so has become increasingly urgent.” (p.3) Several authors have quantitatively investigated criteria for success in various advanced placement programs Raymond J Palin (2001) evaluated classes of AP history in order to determine the extent to which standardized test scores (PSAT/NMSQT) and other academic factors project success on the AP exam In his research, Palin found a strong positive correlation between the AP exam scores of all subjects and standardized scores from the PSAT/NMSQT A positive correlation between student GPA and AP success seemed to also exist (Palin, 2001) Various other studies found a strong relationship between PSAT/NMSQT scores and all AP examination grades (Hagg, 1983; Camara and Millsap, 1997, 1998) Studies in recent dissertations have shown predictors for success in AP science courses to include PSAT scores, count of prior science courses, attendance, class rank, gender, grade level, grade point average, race and SAT scores (Wagner, 2001; Shepherd, 1997) Research Questions Question #1: What is the correlation between FCAT overall criteria based and norm-reference based scores in math, reading, writing and science and AP examination scores in chemistry, biology, environmental science and physics? Question #2: What is the correlation between FCAT reading skill scores (Words/Phrases, Main Idea/Purpose, Comparison/Reference) and AP science examination scores? Question #3: What is the correlation between FCAT math skill scores (Number Sense, Concepts and Operations, Measurement, Geometry and Spatial Sense, Algebraic Thinking) and AP science examination scores? Question #4: What is the correlation between FCAT science skill scores (Physical/Chemical, Earth and Space, Life/Environmental, Scientific Thinking) and AP science examination scores? Question #5: What is the correlation between FCAT overall scores in math, reading, writing and science and AP examination scores in chemistry, environmental science, biology, and physics within a gender, ethnic, and socioeconomic subgroups? Statement of the Hypothesis It is hypothesized that a strong positive correlation exists between various FCAT scores and achievement scores on the AP exams Strong correlations are also hypothesized to exist within the various ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic subgroups Methods Design and Instrumentation The research will use data gathered by both the Florida Department of Education (FCAT scores) and the AP science scores The FCAT scores examined will be those gathered in the th, 9th and 10th grade during the last three years Sample Size The sample size will include all available student data in MDCPS that have taken both the Florida Comprehensive Examination Test as well as at least one Advanced Placement Science Examination in the last three years The sample size will be approximately 5000 students Data Analysis A simple linear regression analysis will be conducted in order to measure the predictability of AP science scores in chemistry, biology, environmental science and physics based on FCAT scores in math, reading, writing, and science A multiple regression analysis will be conducted to establish the correlation between combinations of FCAT scores as predictors for AP Science scores Likewise, the data will be studied to examine correlations between AP science scores and the thought skills and processes studied in the FCAT exam Furthermore, data will be analyzed to establish correlations that may exist within particular subgroups to include gender, ethnicity, and socio economic status The data analysis for this research will be conducted using the computer package SPSS windows Contribution of the study to theory and/or to practice The study will contribute to practice by providing recommendations to educators and students in Miami Dade County Public Schools, as to whether or not FCAT scores can be considered as a criterion in the AP student selection process These recommendations can be utilized by appropriate institutions in order to decide whether or not expanding access to their AP curriculum is warranted Furthermore, individual teachers in each science subject can utilize scores in order to select the best possible candidates for their course In addition, students, whom traditionally are not considered to take an AP science course, may demonstrate through their FCAT score the potential to succeed References Bleske-Rechek, A., Lubinski, D & Benbow, C.P (2004) Meeting the educational needs of special populations: Advanced placement’s role in developing exceptional human capital American Psychological Society, 15 (4) 217 – 224 Borman, G D., Stringfield, S & Rachuba, L (2000) Advancing Minority High Achievement: National Trends and Promising Programs and Practices (College Board Report No 00-2) New York: College Board Camara, J W & Millsap R (1998) Using the PSAT/NMSQT and course grades in predicting success in the Advanced placement program (College Board Report No 98-4) New York: College Board Camara, J W & Millsap Roger (1997) The Relationship of PSAT/NMSQT scores and advanced placement examination grades (College Board Report No 97-4) New York: College Board Florida Department of Education Website: FCAT Briefing Book Retrieved October 1, 2004, from (http://firn.edu/doe/sas/fcat/pdf/fcataabb.pdf) Gandara, P & Maxwell-Jolly, J (1999) Priming the pump: Strategies for increasing the achievement of Underrepresented minority undergraduates (College Board Report No 99-12) New York: College Board Haag, C (1983) Using the PSAT/NMSQT to help identify advanced placement students Unpublished report New York: College Entrance Examination Board Retrieved October 1, 2004 from http://www.collegeboard.com Lee, R T (2001) Expanding access: Increasing enrollments in advanced placement courses in a racially diverse school Unpublished dissertation found at the University of California National Research Council (2002) Learning and understanding: Improving advanced study of math and science in U.S high schools Washington, D C.: National Academy Press Palin, Raymond J (2001) PSAT and AP success OAH Magazine of History (1), 55 – 58 Smist, J.M (1996) Science self-efficacy, attributions and attitudes toward science among high school students Unpublished dissertation found at the University of Connecticut Snyder, J.D (2004) Gender by ethnic equity issues as they pertain to success in science education Unpublished dissertation found at Arizona State University Wagner, Kurt C (2001) Development of multiple regression analysis instruments to predict success in advanced placement chemistry Unpublished dissertation found University of South Florida

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 21:54

